Summary: Rather Mild or Mild. Rainfall just above average. Average
snowfall in north due to a few temporary cold snaps. Below average in
the south due to a scarcity of cold easterlies.
"Wisest are they that know they do not know." Socrates
Site 25 miles on a bearing 240deg from the Wash.
Height 390FT amsl. 52.80'N 00.75'W. Central England forecasts, right hand side weather at the bottom includes 9 day
forecasts. Paul Bartlett (01572 812243)
No offense... but wasnt all this wrong last winter, and why below average in
due to scarcity of cold easterlies, ever heard of northerlies or north
and low pressures hitting cold air?
The snow in jan was due to a northerly and slight northeasterly!
Dont rely just on easterlies to give good snow fall