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Mr. Man-wai Chang November 6th 17 05:38 PM

[BBC] 2017 'very likely' in top three warmest years on record
The year 2017 is "very likely" to be in the top three warmest years on
record, according to provisional figures from the World Meteorological

Full story:

The WMO says it will likely be the hottest year in the absence of the El
Niño phenomenon.

The scientists argue that the long-term trend of warming driven by human
activities continues unabated.

They say many of the "extraordinary" weather events seen this year bear
the hallmarks of climate change.

On the opening day of this year's key UN climate talks, researchers from
the WMO have presented their annual State of the Global Climate report.

It follows hot on the heels of their greenhouse gases study from last
week which found that concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere were the
highest on record.

While the new study only covers January to September, the WMO says the
average global temperature was 1.1C above the pre-industrial figure.

This is getting dangerously close to the 1.5 degrees threshold that many
island states feel temperatures must be kept under to ensure their survival.

The analysis suggests that 2017 is likely to come in 0.47C warmer than
the 1981-2010 average.

This is slightly down on 2016 when the El Niño weather phenomenon saw
temperatures that were 0.56C above the average.

According to the WMO, this year vies with 2015 to be the second or third
warmest mark yet recorded.

..... more .....

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