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Charles M. Kozierok May 11th 04 08:51 PM

Everyone else having a nice weather day?
It started off dull and rainy here in southwestern VT but the clouds
broke up around 9 am... turned out to be about 75F with a mix of sun and
clouds in Bennington... a little humid but this isn't as bothersome in May
as it is in August. ;) All the trees are leafing out and flowering
here... ah, late spring in New England.


Charles M. Kozierok )
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Steve Okonski May 11th 04 09:11 PM

Everyone else having a nice weather day?
Charles M. Kozierok wrote:

It started off dull and rainy here in southwestern VT but the clouds
broke up around 9 am... turned out to be about 75F with a mix of sun and
clouds in Bennington... a little humid but this isn't as bothersome in May
as it is in August. ;) All the trees are leafing out and flowering
here... ah, late spring in New England.

Pushing 90 in central MD, which should encourage the big brood X
17-year cicadas to emerge soon.

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JCMumsie May 11th 04 09:30 PM

Everyone else having a nice weather day?
Simply lovely here in Central CT - warm - 80 degrees - and sunny and trees and
flowers blooming. I love spring.

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Scott L Hadley May 12th 04 12:03 AM

Everyone else having a nice weather day?
FINALLY! An above 70 day for my part of Maine, I think likely it made it up
to 74 after the fropa, and since the wind was offshore the marine effect was
shut out. Remarkable also was the lack of clouds, once things cleared off.
(This Never Happens, This Never Happens----)

Into daffodil time now, still too early for tulips. First mowing today. The
forsythias are blooming all they're going to after that kind of cold. Still
two weeks minimum for lilacs. Trees still bare, but of course in the local
warm spot (Bar Harbor, on the lee of the Mt. Desert Range) birch and
poplars out about an inch. They get a normal 10 day head start over the rest
of the region. The difference between Bar Harbor and everywhere else always
amazes us, especially a plant person like me.

Shad (service berry, sugar pear, Amananchier) just starting to bloom, the
truest sign we've made it. So this is a good time.

Personal site with eastern Maine and Yellowstone 2000 photos; new Lamoine
web cam:
Albums of Winter 2004 ice, winter work, and Yellowstone 2002:

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Joseph Bartlo May 12th 04 05:55 AM

Everyone else having a nice weather day?
Warm in Mount Pocono, PA at nearly midnight standard time - about 65° with
some sort of nocturnal breeze preventing much cooling. Probably be quite warm
tomorrow with afternoon thundershowers. If we get a southerly breeze here,
moisture often keeps the temperature down - SW-W breezes can be hot this time
of year. Leaves are about 1/2 as big as they'll be now & much more other
vegetation than even a week ago.

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