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Raymond C Martin Jr May 28th 04 03:51 AM

Hottest weather you've ever experienced (T and HI)?
For me the two hottest days were July 15th, 1995, and July 5th, 1999 at TTN.

On July 15th, 1999 (translated to METAR):
KTTN 151950Z 27008KT 4SM HZ 38/23 A2986

City: Trenton, NJ
Time: 2:50PM EDT
Wind: West 9 mph
Visibility: 4 statute miles
Sky condition: Haze
Temperatu 100F
Dewpoint: 73F
Altimeter: 29.86in

Heat Index: 111F

On July 5th, 1999 (raw METAR)
KTTN 051753Z 30013KT 10SM CLR 38/21 A2992 RMK AO2 SLP123 T03830211 10389 20294 58016

City: Trenton, NJ
Time: 1:53PM EDT
Wind: West-northwest 15 mph
Visibility: 10 statute miles
Sky condition: Clear below 12,000 feet
Temperatu 101F
Dewpoint: 70F
Altimeter: 29.92in

Heat Index: 109F

I doubt either of these will be broken now that I live at UNV.

I'm sure many of you out there have seen hotter ;-)

Raymond C. Martin, Jr.
Associate Meteorologist, AccuWeather Inc.-
New Jersey Expressways and Tollways -
Ray's Winter Storm Archive -

Bill Goodman May 28th 04 04:05 AM

Hottest weather you've ever experienced (T and HI)?
Out west about 14 years ago, 109F in Los Angeles on a Santa Ana wind.
In the east? About 106F in the DC suburbs one day in mid-August 1998,
with a strong drying downslope wind...thought I was back in LA for a
while there.

The Artist Formerly Known As Your Highness May 28th 04 04:06 AM

Hottest weather you've ever experienced (T and HI)?
On 27 May 2004 22:51:00 -0400, (Raymond C Martin
Jr) wrote:

For me the two hottest days were July 15th, 1995, and July 5th, 1999 at TTN.

For me it was the night of my honeymoon. Can't remember the date.

Howard Lester May 28th 04 04:22 AM

Hottest weather you've ever experienced (T and HI)?
*Weatherwise*, the hottest was 117 in June of 1989? Tucson, AZ. It was 122
up in Phoenix. Everytime I breathed in through my nose, it burned.

Three more of these summers to go... *sigh*

Howard Lester

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Heidi the Horrible May 28th 04 05:39 AM

Hottest weather you've ever experienced (T and HI)?
I landed in SFO and got a rental car and was driving thru the Palo Alto area
and the car thermometer read 113. I think it was June of 2000.

I said "This stupid thermometer is way wrong "

Turns out the thing was right. Incredible heat but of course, dew point was
zilch unlike heat in the east.


Joseph Bartlo May 28th 04 07:01 AM

Hottest weather you've ever experienced (T and HI)?
Was 113 °F in Australia - somewhere not far S of Darwin - late October 1993.
At least that's what my ventilated thermometer indicated.

Perry May 28th 04 10:04 AM

Hottest weather you've ever experienced (T and HI)?
103 degrees in the Portland, Maine area... I was out in the middle of Sebago
Lake at the time, and it felt hotter than that (but at least we could jump
off the boat into the water)! I think it was August 2nd in 1975. I know
it's the record for the hottest day in Maine, and it was hotter elsewhere--
I think New Bedford set its record at 107.

That may sound "cold" to folks in the Southwest, but it's pretty unheard of
for New England!

"Raymond C Martin Jr" wrote in message
For me the two hottest days were July 15th, 1995, and July 5th, 1999 at


On July 15th, 1999 (translated to METAR):
KTTN 151950Z 27008KT 4SM HZ 38/23 A2986

City: Trenton, NJ
Time: 2:50PM EDT
Wind: West 9 mph
Visibility: 4 statute miles
Sky condition: Haze
Temperatu 100F
Dewpoint: 73F
Altimeter: 29.86in

Heat Index: 111F

On July 5th, 1999 (raw METAR)
KTTN 051753Z 30013KT 10SM CLR 38/21 A2992 RMK AO2 SLP123 T03830211 10389

20294 58016

City: Trenton, NJ
Time: 1:53PM EDT
Wind: West-northwest 15 mph
Visibility: 10 statute miles
Sky condition: Clear below 12,000 feet
Temperatu 101F
Dewpoint: 70F
Altimeter: 29.92in

Heat Index: 109F

I doubt either of these will be broken now that I live at UNV.

I'm sure many of you out there have seen hotter ;-)

Raymond C. Martin, Jr.
Associate Meteorologist, AccuWeather Inc.-
New Jersey Expressways and Tollways -
Ray's Winter Storm Archive -

Scott L Hadley May 28th 04 01:42 PM

Hottest weather you've ever experienced (T and HI)?
Perry wrote:
103 degrees in the Portland, Maine area... I was out in the middle of
Sebago Lake at the time, and it felt hotter than that (but at least
we could jump off the boat into the water)! I think it was August
2nd in 1975. I know it's the record for the hottest day in Maine,
and it was hotter elsewhere-- I think New Bedford set its record at

It was certainly unheard of in Maine. We think of SNE as a hot region
compared with ours, but that day was cruel. Official 102 in Bar Harbor and
at the Acadia National Park observation station. 1975 was the first year I
was aware that "things may not be what they used to be" even though I was
only 23 at the time. Succeeding decades have done LITTLE to dispell this
early suspicion of mine. (Sorry, at 52 I now have a larger time span to
reckon with) I remember how suddenly things heated up that morning as I left
Bar Harbor for work in the park, a rather routine thermal layer which
surrounds the village on warm summer mornings busted thru in barely a
second of wind gust, then the awful deadness of heat for the rest of the
day. My grandmother, who finally did live into her late 90's, said that day
that she never thought she'd live to see a hundred, meaning the temp, for
once, and not a possible age. A real Maine woman from further north and east
than here, she considered 90 extremely rare and over the top.

An un-predicted backdoor put the ki-bash on this before the next
morning---ruturning us to lighting fires and dealing with the murky
conditions which so far have made this spring a little unpalatable, but,
backdooring never looked so good!

Like several others here, I have experienced severe heat in interior
California, when we lived in Yosemite and had to drop down to the flatlands
for supplies occasionally. Fresno at 114. And recently I learned how hot the
Great Plains can be as we head west, 106 wind-driven degrees in Wall, South
Dakota. Real freak show for us Mainers heading for Yellowstone, but at least
dry, and more like sitting too close to the woodstove on a winter's night.
Eastern HHH really sucks---for now Maine is avoiding it, but I can't imagine
we'll really get thru to September without at least some high 80's and all
the rest.

Now back to my soggy, 43 degree spring activity in the mossy, drippy murk.

Personal site with eastern Maine and Yellowstone 2000 photos; new
Lamoine web cam: Albums of Winter 2004
ice, winter work, and Yellowstone 2002:

DaMillers May 28th 04 03:33 PM

Hottest weather you've ever experienced (T and HI)?
105F to 110F in Albuquerque, NM June of '94 after getting into the NWS after
jumping ship form the private sector. This was before the SW monsoon set in,
though, so it fealt like ~100F. Still have litigation going on from that hot
spell over a trainload of produce going bad while on the eastern plains. Of
course there is summer int he south, where it gets into the mid to upper 90s
with 70F dewpoints and heat indices 110+.

Stephen Miller
Mobile AL

"Raymond C Martin Jr" wrote in message
For me the two hottest days were July 15th, 1995, and July 5th, 1999 at


On July 15th, 1999 (translated to METAR):
KTTN 151950Z 27008KT 4SM HZ 38/23 A2986

City: Trenton, NJ
Time: 2:50PM EDT
Wind: West 9 mph
Visibility: 4 statute miles
Sky condition: Haze
Temperatu 100F
Dewpoint: 73F
Altimeter: 29.86in

Heat Index: 111F

On July 5th, 1999 (raw METAR)
KTTN 051753Z 30013KT 10SM CLR 38/21 A2992 RMK AO2 SLP123 T03830211 10389

20294 58016

City: Trenton, NJ
Time: 1:53PM EDT
Wind: West-northwest 15 mph
Visibility: 10 statute miles
Sky condition: Clear below 12,000 feet
Temperatu 101F
Dewpoint: 70F
Altimeter: 29.92in

Heat Index: 109F

I doubt either of these will be broken now that I live at UNV.

I'm sure many of you out there have seen hotter ;-)

Raymond C. Martin, Jr.
Associate Meteorologist, AccuWeather Inc.-
New Jersey Expressways and Tollways -
Ray's Winter Storm Archive -

Charles M. Kozierok May 28th 04 05:21 PM

Hottest weather you've ever experienced (T and HI)?
On a trip in my teens we ended up in Las Vegas in July during a heat
wave by *their* standards. I don't recall the high, but they were
broadcasting "heat warnings" on the radio to the effect of "don't go

We were at Circus Circus that night and the thermometer was reading 108F
at *10:30 pm*. Sheesh.

We have yet to hit 90F here in the mountains since we moved here in 98.


Charles M. Kozierok )
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