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[email protected] September 3rd 05 08:14 AM

Many are losing sight that we may have 2 more Katrina-like-Hurricanes before 2005 ends
In my posts when I said that Florida is uninhabitable and the Gulf
Coast is uninhabitable means that those states, every year has a
hurricane evacuation commencing. A state is uninhabitable if you have
to evacuate every year. One thing that can be done, as the speaker of
the House of Representatives, Mr. Hastert remarked that it is rather
silly to rebuild New Orleans when it is 7 to 15 feet below sea level. A
sensible, reasoning person would build a Newest Orleans nearby where it
is above sea level. Rebuild it on higher ground.

Because unless the main problem-- hurricanes and increasing hurricanes
in global warming are addressed then the building of New Orleans is
insane since the next big hurricane will repeat the exercise all over

And unless we do conquer hurricanes by building a Earth Air Conditioner
of Aluminum Sequin placed into orbit to reflect Sun rays, then every
city on the Gulf Coast from Galveston to New Orleans to Tampa, St.
Petersburg, Miami and even Jacksonville to Savannah to Charleston will
be destroyed in an upcoming hurricane and every city between those big

So it is not a question of whether we build Earth-Air-Conditioner but
when. For we cannot afford to be battered by hurricanes every summer
and have entire regions of the country uninhabitable for half of the

Now there was a nice factual data on Katrina as it approached New
Orleans last week. It was said that Katrina was category 5 with winds
(if memory serves me) of up to 165 mph but as it neared New Orleans a
gust of Midwest dry air diverted Katrina and lowered it to a category 4
with winds of 140 mph. Sparing New Orleans from a direct encounter with

Now I have not worked out the math, but if a dry gust of wind from the
Midwest can downgrade a hurricane from 5 to 4 and divert its path some
100 miles. I would think this data could come in handy when computing
the affects of aluminum sequin in orbit above the Gulf Sea waters. If a
dry gust of wind can affect a hurricane that much, then think of what a
cargo hauled aluminum sequin in orbit can do.

It maybe possible, just possible that a cargo hauled material in orbit,
not necessarily aluminum sequin, but some other material such as cotton
fibers or the fibers of some plant or sawdust, when placed in orbit
that intersects the path of a hurricane such as Katrina, could dissolve
the entire hurricane.

Analogy: Hurricanes are like bathtub drain with its rotation motion.
This is hard to stop once the rotation motion is in place but it can be
weakened by the interference of objects in the path. The gust of dry
Midwest air was such an object.

The Aluminum Sequin placed in orbit is designed to never create a
hurricane by reflecting Sun rays into outer space and thus depriving
the ocean water from heating up and creating a hurricane. But perhaps
another material when placed in orbit where a hurricane is moving can
so weaken the storm. Something like sawdust. So I wonder if we can fly
above a hurricane in a conventional airplane and not need a space
rocket or space shuttle.

But we definitely need to get ready for the 2006 season and schedule a
space flight with cargo full of aluminum sequin so that we prevent the
formation of hurricanes for 2006.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies

[email protected] September 3rd 05 09:21 AM

Many are losing sight that we may have 2 more Katrina-like-Hurricanes before 2005 ends
I love ewes.

[email protected] September 3rd 05 10:35 AM

Many are losing sight that we may have 2 more Katrina-like-Hurricanes before 2005 ends

I misread you the first time. I thought you
meant "dump aluminum reflectors in the atmosphere."
You actually mean "earth orbit." Then the only
objection I can think of is that these objects may
impact space probes, space craft, and become
hazards to future astronavigation.

Your remarks about Katrina are interesting. A
hurricane is a heat distributor that efficiently
moves heat out of the tropics and into cooler
latitudes as a way of "balancing" total
atmospheric temperatures. At the time of
Katrina's vector, the Gulf of Mexico had a
temperature that was a few degrees warmer
than this time last year. I am guessing this
is the reason Katrina jumped to category 5
in the Gulf. That has not happened since
Camille in 1969.
David H

James Toupin September 3rd 05 12:55 PM

Many are losing sight that we may have 2 more Katrina-like-Hurricanes before 2005 ends
As we are seeing the effects of man-made global warming having a larger and
larger impact around the globe, I believe that it only highlights how little
we know about atmospheric conditions, let alone manipulation. With no idea
of the impact that preventing these huge storms would have on the rest of
the world's climate, I would think that any human interference is likely to
make the problem even worse. Perhaps you will stop the tropical storms by
cooling the ocean temperature where they form, but the what happens to the
Gulf Stream and the global conveyer that distributes this heat around the
globe and keeps the high latitudes warmer than they would normally be.

All the variables and implications have to be taken into account before any
course of action is taken.


wrote in message
In my posts when I said that Florida is uninhabitable and the Gulf
Coast is uninhabitable means that those states, every year has a
hurricane evacuation commencing. A state is uninhabitable if you have
to evacuate every year. One thing that can be done, as the speaker of
the House of Representatives, Mr. Hastert remarked that it is rather
silly to rebuild New Orleans when it is 7 to 15 feet below sea level. A
sensible, reasoning person would build a Newest Orleans nearby where it
is above sea level. Rebuild it on higher ground.

Because unless the main problem-- hurricanes and increasing hurricanes
in global warming are addressed then the building of New Orleans is
insane since the next big hurricane will repeat the exercise all over

And unless we do conquer hurricanes by building a Earth Air Conditioner
of Aluminum Sequin placed into orbit to reflect Sun rays, then every
city on the Gulf Coast from Galveston to New Orleans to Tampa, St.
Petersburg, Miami and even Jacksonville to Savannah to Charleston will
be destroyed in an upcoming hurricane and every city between those big

So it is not a question of whether we build Earth-Air-Conditioner but
when. For we cannot afford to be battered by hurricanes every summer
and have entire regions of the country uninhabitable for half of the

Now there was a nice factual data on Katrina as it approached New
Orleans last week. It was said that Katrina was category 5 with winds
(if memory serves me) of up to 165 mph but as it neared New Orleans a
gust of Midwest dry air diverted Katrina and lowered it to a category 4
with winds of 140 mph. Sparing New Orleans from a direct encounter with

Now I have not worked out the math, but if a dry gust of wind from the
Midwest can downgrade a hurricane from 5 to 4 and divert its path some
100 miles. I would think this data could come in handy when computing
the affects of aluminum sequin in orbit above the Gulf Sea waters. If a
dry gust of wind can affect a hurricane that much, then think of what a
cargo hauled aluminum sequin in orbit can do.

It maybe possible, just possible that a cargo hauled material in orbit,
not necessarily aluminum sequin, but some other material such as cotton
fibers or the fibers of some plant or sawdust, when placed in orbit
that intersects the path of a hurricane such as Katrina, could dissolve
the entire hurricane.

Analogy: Hurricanes are like bathtub drain with its rotation motion.
This is hard to stop once the rotation motion is in place but it can be
weakened by the interference of objects in the path. The gust of dry
Midwest air was such an object.

The Aluminum Sequin placed in orbit is designed to never create a
hurricane by reflecting Sun rays into outer space and thus depriving
the ocean water from heating up and creating a hurricane. But perhaps
another material when placed in orbit where a hurricane is moving can
so weaken the storm. Something like sawdust. So I wonder if we can fly
above a hurricane in a conventional airplane and not need a space
rocket or space shuttle.

But we definitely need to get ready for the 2006 season and schedule a
space flight with cargo full of aluminum sequin so that we prevent the
formation of hurricanes for 2006.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies

kauhl-meersburg September 3rd 05 02:21 PM

Many are losing sight that we may have 2 more Katrina-like-Hurricanesbefore 2005 ends
don't forget, nature itself has the best recipee against global
meteorological catastrophes: covering the soil with plants -
so instead of extending deserts, we should start with consequent
re-naturalization - also wheat fields up to the horizon are "deserts"
in the sense of weather

[email protected] September 3rd 05 05:21 PM

Many are losing sight that we may have 2 more Katrina-like-Hurricanes before 2005 ends

James Toupin wrote:
As we are seeing the effects of man-made global warming having a larger and
larger impact around the globe, I believe that it only highlights how little
we know about atmospheric conditions, let alone manipulation. With no idea
of the impact that preventing these huge storms would have on the rest of
the world's climate, I would think that any human interference is likely to
make the problem even worse. Perhaps you will stop the tropical storms by
cooling the ocean temperature where they form, but the what happens to the
Gulf Stream and the global conveyer that distributes this heat around the
globe and keeps the high latitudes warmer than they would normally be.

All the variables and implications have to be taken into account before any
course of action is taken.


Successful life, successful living is a constant and active engagement
with problems. Happiness in life and happy living is putting Order and
Progress-towards-Order. In fact, happiness is one and the same as
order. Whether the order is physical order or mental/mind order.

We have an old analogy to work with in solving hurricanes and it is the
flooding by water which was solved many centuries back by dam building.
Dams put order into rivers.

We have never solved the problem of hurricanes because we never had the
technology. But we now have that technology- Space Station and space

Of course with any technology and the solving of a major problem such
as river flooding or hurricanes there is some good and some bad but the
good far outweighs the bad. The electricity from dam building plus the
prevention of flooding far outweigh the bad of dams. The prevention of
hurricanes far outweighs the bad of a little bit of flora adjustment to
a wee-bit less light.

But the biggest benefit to Earth Air Conditioner maybe as yet the
unknown of Solar Flares. No-one has really entertained the idea that
Solar Flaring from a collision with a large astro body such as Mercury
or a large asteroid into the Sun may cause a solar flare that perhaps
lead to the Permian and even the Cretaceous extinction. We think of the
dinosaur extinction was due to a meteor but perhaps the extinction was
due more to a solar flaring for which the main colliding bodies
impacted the Sun and only debris particles struck Earth.

If a large astro body collides with the Sun, the Solar Flaring could be
so large that massive extinctions on Earth, if unprepared would take

Problems as large as Global WArming and Hurricanes and Solar Flares
have to be met head on and even before they become a major problem.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies

[email protected] September 3rd 05 05:48 PM

Many are losing sight that we may have 2 more Katrina-like-Hurricanes before 2005 ends
The passive mode of dealing with major problems is not acceptable and
will not solve major problems. Your recipe is to go back in time to a
situation in which we had no global warming and no killer hurricanes.
But we have always had hurricanes.

There is an analogy problem to hurricanes and it is dam building to
control rivers. As with any technology that controls a problem, there
is some good and some bad and the good outweighs the bad.

So we need much, much more than a passive mode to solving hurricanes,
more than just plant cover. We need a direct approach and active mode.
We need, like dam building to fly into hurricanes whether above them in
space orbit or conventional aircraft and to eliminate or mitigate

Human overpopulation is a greater factor in the recent hurricane
disasters than is plant cover. It is human overpopulation that puts
more greenhouse gases into the air that causes Global Warming that
causes increased hurricane activity. If Earth had the population of 2
billion people instead of 7-8 billion then there would be no Global
Warming and no increased hurricane activity.

Priority one is to install EArth Air Conditioner of Aluminum sequin in
orbit so that year 2006 has no hurricanes. Priority two is to start a
world wide legislation to get our human population at a comfortable
number so that everyone alive has a decent life and that we preserve
wildlife and flora and fauna and the environment. Your idea of
re-naturalization is far down on the list of priorities and even
whether it is a priority or not. I question whether it is a priority
for it is illogical with respect to the Uncertainty principle in
Quantum Physics that the mere fact of humanity causes irreversible
changes to the planet, likewise and observation affects what is

Going forward into the future, it is best to actively fix problems and
solve problems rather than pine about what it was like in the past and
try to impose what the environment of the past was into the present.

There is a program in Lousiana to try to reestablish the swamps to
lessen the hurricanes. I see this as misguided and a desire to return
to the past to solve present day problems. These are costly and
wasteful. The problem of hurricanes would not be solved with plant

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies

James Toupin September 3rd 05 09:14 PM

Many are losing sight that we may have 2 more Katrina-like-Hurricanes before 2005 ends
There is of course a technical problem with your "solution" that you are
overlooking: if these aluminium sequins are set adrift in orbit, what is to
keep them from reflecting heat back down to the earth and acting as a
thermal blanket, trapping more heat then it stops entering the atmosphere?

One side of whatever material was used would have to be coated in an
extremely reflective material, while the other side would have to be covered
in an extremely absorbent material. Now comes the big problem: how do you
manage to align these particles and then keep them stable in orbit? The
particles are going to naturally just tumble through space. That is a very
big obstacle to overcome.


wrote in message

James Toupin wrote:
As we are seeing the effects of man-made global warming having a larger
larger impact around the globe, I believe that it only highlights how
we know about atmospheric conditions, let alone manipulation. With no
of the impact that preventing these huge storms would have on the rest of
the world's climate, I would think that any human interference is likely
make the problem even worse. Perhaps you will stop the tropical storms by
cooling the ocean temperature where they form, but the what happens to
Gulf Stream and the global conveyer that distributes this heat around the
globe and keeps the high latitudes warmer than they would normally be.

All the variables and implications have to be taken into account before
course of action is taken.


Successful life, successful living is a constant and active engagement
with problems. Happiness in life and happy living is putting Order and
Progress-towards-Order. In fact, happiness is one and the same as
order. Whether the order is physical order or mental/mind order.

We have an old analogy to work with in solving hurricanes and it is the
flooding by water which was solved many centuries back by dam building.
Dams put order into rivers.

We have never solved the problem of hurricanes because we never had the
technology. But we now have that technology- Space Station and space

Of course with any technology and the solving of a major problem such
as river flooding or hurricanes there is some good and some bad but the
good far outweighs the bad. The electricity from dam building plus the
prevention of flooding far outweigh the bad of dams. The prevention of
hurricanes far outweighs the bad of a little bit of flora adjustment to
a wee-bit less light.

But the biggest benefit to Earth Air Conditioner maybe as yet the
unknown of Solar Flares. No-one has really entertained the idea that
Solar Flaring from a collision with a large astro body such as Mercury
or a large asteroid into the Sun may cause a solar flare that perhaps
lead to the Permian and even the Cretaceous extinction. We think of the
dinosaur extinction was due to a meteor but perhaps the extinction was
due more to a solar flaring for which the main colliding bodies
impacted the Sun and only debris particles struck Earth.

If a large astro body collides with the Sun, the Solar Flaring could be
so large that massive extinctions on Earth, if unprepared would take

Problems as large as Global WArming and Hurricanes and Solar Flares
have to be met head on and even before they become a major problem.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies

[email protected] September 3rd 05 11:07 PM

Many are losing sight that we may have 2 more Katrina-like-Hurricanes before 2005 ends
In article , kauhl-meersburg writes:
don't forget, nature itself has the best recipee against global
meteorological catastrophes

Catastrophies? A hurricane in not a catastrophy, it is a perfectly
natural and recuring process.

: covering the soil with plants -
so instead of extending deserts, we should start with consequent
re-naturalization - also wheat fields up to the horizon are "deserts"
in the sense of weather

So are oceans. Do you plan to cover them?

Mati Meron | "When you argue with a fool,
| chances are he is doing just the same"

Tim K. September 4th 05 01:57 AM

Many are losing sight that we may have 2 more Katrina-like-Hurricanes before 2005 ends

wrote in message news:m8pSe.32

A hurricane in not a catastrophy, it is a perfectly
natural and recuring process.

Way to split hairs over semantics - and still be wrong.

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