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Science Cop October 22nd 05 10:05 PM

HISTORY!!! Alpha, The 22nd Tropical Storm of 2005 is Now Official. Welcome to Global Warming!!!
5 PM EDT SAT OCT 22 2005

Coby Beck October 22nd 05 10:35 PM

HISTORY!!! Alpha, The 22nd Tropical Storm of 2005 is Now Official. Welcome to Global Warming!!!
"Science Cop" wrote in message
5 PM EDT SAT OCT 22 2005

No doubt the arguments about what this really means will continue all the
way til next season (and these arguments are not all without merit) but it
will be *really* interesting if this new record only stands for one season.

How long can people go on shrugging it all off?

Coby Beck
(remove #\Space "coby 101 @ bigpond . com")

Science Cop October 22nd 05 10:56 PM

HISTORY!!! Alpha, The 22nd Tropical Storm of 2005 is Now Official. Welcome to Global Warming!!!

Coby Beck wrote:
"Science Cop" wrote in message
5 PM EDT SAT OCT 22 2005

No doubt the arguments about what this really means will continue all the
way til next season (and these arguments are not all without merit) but it
will be *really* interesting if this new record only stands for one season.

How long can people go on shrugging it all off?

Like WWII in Europe, they will keep falling back and retrenching and
fighting on until they hear that Hitler killed himself in his cowards

Fighting the foot soldiers may be required, but the goal is the
unconditional surrender of the masterminds, who need to know they will
be held accountable for all global warming deaths by trial and
execution for mass homocides if they don't ceae and desist obstruction

A Nuremburg Trials with billionaire heirs and heiresses funding this
war against humanity may be required, gallows and all. This time there
will be no steal agents from their side getting on the tribunals as
judges, or pardoning industrialists, as agents from Cravath, Swaine &
Moore, like last time.

This time even their lawyers go on the gallows.

The damages from Global Warming will take 20 years to quiet down, just
as the massive CO2 releases from WWII took 20 years to taper off. This
is not a joke, but true warfare with known mass murderers arrayed with
no concern they are despoiling the earth. They already have more money
than they can ever spend in a lifetime. They are engaged in a
Murder-Suicide pact, bigger, but no different from the demented kids
who shot up Columbine High School and then shot themselves -- they have
no future and want nobody else to have on either.

Don't just look at the pattern of climate sequences, look at the
patterns of human behavior sequences.

raylopez99 October 23rd 05 04:32 AM

HISTORY!!! Alpha, The 22nd Tropical Storm of 2005 is Now Official. Welcome to Global Warming!!!
Coby Beck wrote:
"Science Cop" wrote in message
5 PM EDT SAT OCT 22 2005

No doubt the arguments about what this really means will continue all the
way til next season (and these arguments are not all without merit) but it
will be *really* interesting if this new record only stands for one season.

How long can people go on shrugging it all off?

For a long long time CB. You and the rest of the losers on this board
will be quite lonely singing the blues about AGW.

People just don't care about GW. It's not a threat at this time. If
and when it becomes a threat, people will research what it takes to
combat it.

"Further research is needed".


Hoggle October 23rd 05 07:56 AM

HISTORY!!! Alpha, The 22nd Tropical Storm of 2005 is Now Official. Welcome to Global Warming!!!
raylopez99 wrote:
People just don't care about GW. It's not a threat at this time. If
and when it becomes a threat, people will research what it takes to
combat it.

At least one prominent scientist disagrees with you, and has done for
some time.
Scientist renews climate attack
The UK government's chief scientist has repeated his controversial
remarks that climate change poses a bigger threat than terrorism.

The need for further research is to pin down more definitively what is
likely to happen and when, and to develop technologies that will help.
The need for research to convince the majority of people and
politicians (two separate categories?) that climate change is real and
happening all around us is minimal.

Some 'facts'

86% of Americans are in favour of emissions targets
73% said the USA should participate in the Kyoto treaty. Oddly, it was
a 43% to 43% split over their perception of Bush's support for the
52% say that there is a scientific consensus over global warming and
29% are aware of dissenting views.
72% have heard significant amounts about global warming.
42% think the problem is gradual, requiring long term action and 34%
consider it to be pressing, requiring drastic action. This reverses to
35%/56% when they are asked to assume that a scientific consensus
83% were in favour of emissions reduction legislation.
"Very large majorities support strategies that provide tax incentives
to utility companies that sell environmentally clean energy and to
individuals who purchase energy-efficient appliances. Very large
majorities support requiring half of all new automobiles to be
hybrid-electric or similarly high-mileage by 2010 and renewing the tax
incentives for hybrids. A majority expresses optimism that steps taken
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will actually benefit the US
71% chose the position that "the US economy will become more
competitive because these efforts will result in more efficient energy
use, saving money in the long run."

So, to sum up, people in the USA are increasingly aware of the issues
and consider it a threat. They want to see the leading offender (as far
as CO2 emissions goes) take the lead and legislate to tackle the
threat. They need to be informed more extensively of the degree of
scientific consensus that exists.

Coby Beck October 23rd 05 04:37 PM

HISTORY!!! Alpha, The 22nd Tropical Storm of 2005 is Now Official. Welcome to Global Warming!!!
"raylopez99" wrote in message
Coby Beck wrote:

How long can people go on shrugging it all off?

For a long long time CB. You and the rest of the losers on this board
will be quite lonely singing the blues about AGW.

People just don't care about GW. It's not a threat at this time. If

Some highlights from Hoggle's response (because I know you have trouble
reading past the first sentence)

86% of Americans are in favour of emissions targets
73% said the USA should participate in the Kyoto treaty.
83% were in favour of emissions reduction legislation.

This seems pretty clear evidence that you are (gasp!) wrong. Again.

Coby Beck
(remove #\Space "coby 101 @ bigpond . com")

Atheist 4 Bush (reformed) October 23rd 05 05:19 PM

HISTORY!!! Alpha, The 22nd Tropical Storm of 2005 is Now Official.Welcome to Global Warming!!!
Coby Beck wrote:
"raylopez99" wrote in message
Coby Beck wrote:
How long can people go on shrugging it all off?

For a long long time CB. You and the rest of the losers on this board
will be quite lonely singing the blues about AGW.

People just don't care about GW. It's not a threat at this time. If

Some highlights from Hoggle's response (because I know you have trouble
reading past the first sentence)

86% of Americans are in favour of emissions targets
73% said the USA should participate in the Kyoto treaty.
83% were in favour of emissions reduction legislation.

This seems pretty clear evidence that you are (gasp!) wrong. Again.

Time magazine ran a story some five years ago which indicated that
people did support limitations - until they had to pay for them.
This was when gas prices were low - people rejected limitations
if they meant a 25 cent per gallon gas price increase.

Atheist 4 Bush (reformed) October 23rd 05 05:35 PM

HISTORY!!! Alpha, The 22nd Tropical Storm of 2005 is Now Official.Welcome to Global Warming!!!
Coby Beck wrote:
"Science Cop" wrote in message
5 PM EDT SAT OCT 22 2005

No doubt the arguments about what this really means will continue all the
way til next season (and these arguments are not all without merit) but it
will be *really* interesting if this new record only stands for one season.

How long can people go on shrugging it all off?

Points to ponder:

* A problem that AGW becomes to objective analysis is that
it becomes a cause in search of an effect.
The previous record was in 1933.
What do you think people blamed tropical cyclones on then?

* While this is an extra-ordinary year for the Atlantic basin,
at least two of the storms, Jose and Lee, would likely have been
not classified as tropical storms in 1933 because the were so brief,
Jose was a storm for 6 hours only.

* The other problem with the 'global warming' caused X line is,
as with the 2003 European heatwave, when X doesn't recur,
one realizes gw was not the main factor at all.

Coby Beck October 23rd 05 06:00 PM

HISTORY!!! Alpha, The 22nd Tropical Storm of 2005 is Now Official. Welcome to Global Warming!!!
"Atheist 4 Bush (reformed)" wrote in message
Coby Beck wrote:

86% of Americans are in favour of emissions targets
73% said the USA should participate in the Kyoto treaty.
83% were in favour of emissions reduction legislation.

This seems pretty clear evidence that you are (gasp!) wrong. Again.

Time magazine ran a story some five years ago which indicated that
people did support limitations - until they had to pay for them.
This was when gas prices were low - people rejected limitations
if they meant a 25 cent per gallon gas price increase.

Absent the verifiable details, Time magazine is not a credible source of
politically sensitive information.

But your point is taken, talk is cheap, when the real changes are required
people may well sing a different tune. This cuts two ways though, just as
abstract "emission reduction" is not as real as higer fuel costs, how real
are the consequences of GW in people's minds? Does the average American
make any connection between decline in global agriculture and the food on
the shelves of the local grocery store? Or between changing percipitation
patterns and the water coming out of their own tap? If these consequences
were as real in their minds as higher prices at the pump, I think few would
hesitate to make some changes in their own lives.

I also think alot has changed in 5 years, much more tangible, everyday-world
evidence has emerged. Melting glaciers, loss of arctic ice, melting
permafrost, huge ice-burgs calving, unusually warm oceans. These are things
people can see and feel much more than increased W/m^2 forcings of GHGs.
And right or wrong, a devastating hurricane season blamed on GW will make
the reality of climate change very real.

Coby Beck
(remove #\Space "coby 101 @ bigpond . com")

James October 23rd 05 06:04 PM

HISTORY!!! Alpha, The 22nd Tropical Storm of 2005 is Now Official. Welcome to Global Warming!!!

"raylopez99" wrote in message
Coby Beck wrote:
"Science Cop" wrote in message
5 PM EDT SAT OCT 22 2005

No doubt the arguments about what this really means will continue all

way til next season (and these arguments are not all without merit) but

will be *really* interesting if this new record only stands for one


How long can people go on shrugging it all off?

For a long long time CB. You and the rest of the losers on this board
will be quite lonely singing the blues about AGW.

People just don't care about GW. It's not a threat at this time. If
and when it becomes a threat, people will research what it takes to
combat it.

"Further research is needed".

This is not to say that the enthusiasts won't get their way though.

One could look at it as simple greed for money and power. All the old
culprits. The difference would be the myth that petty politics are no longer
neccessary when you have such smart fellows who know exactly what to do
after it's too late.

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