Weather Banter

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TQ December 13th 06 02:31 AM

Transmogriformation of to NE_WX Google Groups
The NE_WX Google Group was created to provide a high signal:noise forum for
New England and Mid-Atlantic weather-related discussions and more
importantly, a refuge from USENET's newsgroup.

Sure, there are plenty of other forums these days where you can yack it up
about weather and even meteorology once and a while...but this forum is the
only one dedicated to weather affecting the NE CONUS.

Anyone can join.
Members only can post.
Anybody can view group content.
Only members can view group members list.
*NO* moderation - messages are delivered directly.

Trolls, goats, hat3-lsiters, and psests banished with one-click ease.


Start every day off with a smile and...get it over with.


Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.

Joseph Bartlo January 11th 07 09:28 PM

Transmogriformation of to NE_WX Google Groups
TQ wrote:

The NE_WX Google Group was created to provide a high signal:noise forum for
New England and Mid-Atlantic weather-related discussions and more
importantly, a refuge from USENET's newsgroup.

Sure, there are plenty of other forums these days where you can yack it up
about weather and even meteorology once and a while...but this forum is the
only one dedicated to weather affecting the NE CONUS.

Anyone can join.
Members only can post.
Anybody can view group content.
Only members can view group members list.
*NO* moderation - messages are delivered directly.

Trolls, goats, hat3-lsiters, and psests banished with one-click ease.

You didn't change the group, you are leaving the group and taking
others with you to make duimmies of them.

Weatherlawyer January 13th 07 05:19 AM

Transmogriformation of to NE_WX Google Groups

Joseph Bartlo wrote:
TQ wrote:

The NE_WX Google Group was created to provide a high signal:noise forum for
New England and Mid-Atlantic weather-related discussions and more
importantly, a refuge from USENET's newsgroup.

Sure, there are plenty of other forums these days where you can yack it up
about weather and even meteorology once and a while...but this forum is the
only one dedicated to weather affecting the NE CONUS.

Anyone can join.
only Members can post.
Anybody can view group content.
Only members can view group members list.
*NO* moderation - messages are delivered directly.

Trolls, goats, hat3-lsiters, and psests banished with one-click ease.

You didn't change the group, you are leaving the group and taking
others with you to make duimmies of them.

IIRC, it needed doing a long time ago as it had become a most
unpleasant group to visit, full of " duimmies" already.

I dare say there are a proportion of damaged people all over the net
and the UK has it's fair share of cretins, but had the cream
of the losers regularly posting crap. They probably still do for all I

Oddly enough another UScentric group I know of has a high crap content.
Is there a college that turns out duds over there? A school for morons,
that creates fools where once idiots only played drool?

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