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PeterBP March 27th 08 08:26 AM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!
Talk-n-Dog wrote:

PeterBP wrote:
Tunderbar wrote:

On Mar 26, 10:15 pm, "V-for-Vendicar"
"Mr Right" wrote

At that rate, Antarctica will disappear in 33,750 years, IF NO MORE
And if the temperature increase wasn't accelerating - which it is - and

CO2 levels were kept at currentl levels - but they are increasing at a rat

of 2% per year.
Last time I looked temperatures aren't "accelerating", they are flat.
So much for 16ppm of co2.

Right, plus who has said temperature deviation is proportional to CO2
content of the atmosphere?

The IPCC Hockey stick?

I don't mean roughly proportional, i mean PRECISELY proportional for ALL
changes in atmospheric CO2. Is it?

regards , Peter B. P.
Washington D.C.: District of Criminals

"I dont drink anymore... of course, i don't drink any less, either!

V-for-Vendicar March 27th 08 08:59 AM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!

One of at least a dozen, showing a rapid rise in temperatures over the
last several thousand years.

"Mr Right" wrote
If there has been a rise in temperature over the last several thousand
years, then it can not be due to AGW. Please tell the IPCC and all of
the other AGW nuts.


One of at least a dozen, all showing a rapid rise in temperature at the
current end of the last several thousand years.

V-for-Vendicar March 27th 08 09:04 AM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!

On Mar 26, 11:20 pm, "V-for-Vendicar"
No we have photgraphs from ships and geographers from that period.

And we have sedement layers which have been studied that show when the
region above was clear water, and we have the measured age of the ice on
shelf itself.

In other words, you are a...


"Cato" wrote

It's called change.... get used to it...

It's called treason, and you will hang for it.

"Cato" wrote
God VD... You're getting funnier and funnier....
(laughing so hard I almost ****ed myself) :

Almost? Scat boy.

Have you noticed - My Little Libertarian Dung Eater - the three new
sunspot groups on the surface of the sun.


V-for-Vendicar March 27th 08 09:47 AM

Climate scientists were taken by surprise

"Mr Right" wrote
Climate scientists were taken by surprise by the collapse of the
Wilkins ice shelf.

Does this confirm that they have their heads stuck so far up their own
computer models that they have lost touch with reality.

Geologists can't predict earthquakes, hence Geology is a commie scam.

Criminologists can't predict riots, hence Criminology is a commie scam.

Farmers can't predict their crop yields so farming is a commie scam.


Talk-n-Dog March 27th 08 01:28 PM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!
PeterBP wrote:
Talk-n-Dog wrote:

PeterBP wrote:
Tunderbar wrote:

On Mar 26, 10:15 pm, "V-for-Vendicar"
"Mr Right" wrote

At that rate, Antarctica will disappear in 33,750 years, IF NO MORE
And if the temperature increase wasn't accelerating - which it is - and

CO2 levels were kept at currentl levels - but they are increasing at a rat

of 2% per year.
Last time I looked temperatures aren't "accelerating", they are flat.
So much for 16ppm of co2.
Right, plus who has said temperature deviation is proportional to CO2
content of the atmosphere?

The IPCC Hockey stick?

I don't mean roughly proportional, i mean PRECISELY proportional for ALL
changes in atmospheric CO2. Is it?

Precisely would show an 800 year lag of the rise in CO2, to the rising

Precise is what we're all waiting for Al Gore to explain.

Precise would include facts that prove CO2 in all it's tiny volume can
cause any change at all.

columbiaaccidentinvestigation March 27th 08 01:43 PM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!
On Mar 26, 7:57 am, Roger Coppock wrote:
Huge Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses
Global Warming Blamed For Ice Shelf Collapse That Puts Larger Area At

Please see:

Images of the ice shelf
"Ice shelves are thick slabs of ice that are attached to coastlines
and extend out over the ocean. In the natural course of events, ice
shelves often calve large icebergs. Beginning in the mid-1990s,
however, some ice shelves began exhibiting a new behavior: rapid
disintegration into small pieces, likely as the result of warming
temperatures. On February 28, 2008, the Wilkins Ice Shelf on the
Antarctic Peninsula exhibited such a phenomenon.
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors on
NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites provided some of the earliest
evidence of the Wilkins Ice Shelf disintegration. Aqua acquired the
February 28 image (top, taken at 21:10 UTC), and Terra acquired the
February 29 image (bottom, 13:05 UTC). In both images, intact ice
shelf appears white, and disintegrating shelf appears blue.
The disintegration of the Wilkins Ice Shelf was announced by the
National Snow and Ice Data Center, the British Antarctic Survey, and
the Earth Dynamic System Research Center at Taiwan's National Cheng
Kung. According to the institutions' joint press release, an iceberg
measuring 41 by 2.5 kilometers (25.5 by 1.5 miles) broke off from the
Wilkins Ice Shelf on February 28, leading to uncontrolled
disintegration. Separated by just under 16 hours, these MODIS images
show the rapid rate of disintegration; the growing region of pale blue
on the ice shelf is crumbling, water-saturated ice.
The Earth Observatory's feature article Disintegration: Antarctic
Warming Claims Another Ice Shelf has additional images and details
about how and why ice shelves collapse and explains why the Wilkins
Ice Shelf collapse is unlikely to raise sea level.
British Antarctic Survey. (2008, March 25). Antarctic Ice Shelf "Hangs
by a Thread." Accessed March 24, 2008.
National Snow and Ice Data Center. (2008, March 25). Antarctic Ice
Shelf Disintegration Underscores Warming World. Accessed March 24,
National Snow and Ice Data Center. (2007, December 5). State of the
Cryosphe Ice Shelves. Accessed March 24, 2008.
National Snow and Ice Data Center. (2007, December 5). State of the
Cryosphe Melt Pond Theory. Accessed March 24, 2008.
National Snow and Ice Data Center. (2004, September 21). Antarctic
Glaciers Accelerate in Wake of Ice Shelf Breakup. Accessed March 24,
NASA images by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon, based on MODIS data.
Caption by Michon Scott and Rebecca Lindsey."

dave March 27th 08 01:48 PM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!
Tunderbar wrote:
On Mar 26, 10:57 am, Roger Coppock wrote:
Huge Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses
Global Warming Blamed For Ice Shelf Collapse That Puts Larger Area At

Please see:

Antarctica is 5.4 million square miles in area.

160 square miles is nothing.

.00002963 of the ice mass.

At that rate it would take 1000 years to lose .02963 of the ice mass.
If that were to happen once a year every year for 1000 years.

Now that is underwhelming.

It broke 15 years ahead of the prediction. This kind of melt so far
from the Equator is unprecedented in modern time.

Peter Franks March 27th 08 05:09 PM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!
Roger Coppock wrote:
On Mar 26, 4:02 pm, Peter Franks wrote:
Roger Coppock wrote:
Huge Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses
Global Warming Blamed For Ice Shelf Collapse That Puts Larger Area At
Please see:

This without context means nothing.

To establish a relevant context, please describe:

- average rate of ice movement in this area at this time of year

- history of rate of ice movement in this area at this time of year

- average amount of ice shed each year

- history of amount of ice shed each year

Gee! I'm pleasantly surprised at you, Peter.
You're acting like a scientist. That's very
rare for this newsgroup.

I don't know (or particularly care) what "acting like a scientist" entails.

I am interested in the verifiable facts before arriving at a conclusion.

So, back to my request -- can we have some context regarding antarctic
ice shedding?

Ouroboros_Rex March 27th 08 05:18 PM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!

"Cato" wrote in message
On Mar 26, 7:13 pm, "V-for-Vendicar"

It's the end of summer in the southern hemisphere. It happens.

Lets see we have had three major ice shelves in the antarctic collapse
within the last 15 years. Zero in the previous 100 years.

Zero in the previous 100 years???? Your evidence is........
Tell me you have satellite photos from the 1920's???

Apparently it doesn't happen very often, and is happening with great
frequency today.

It's called change.... get used to it... Global Warming...
Global Cooling.. Climate always changes, sometimes slowly...
sometimes quite abruptly......... don't be afraid VD...... you will
be o.k. Take one of your meds and try to calm down.
Sit an a relaxed position,,,, close your eyes.. and repeat
in your mind .... "I am safe and I will be o.k.....I am safe and I
will be o.k. .... the Earth always changes..... The Earth always
changes..... "

Repeat this for twenty minutes in a quiet and private room twice a
day for twenty minutes after you have taken one of your

Poor Vendicar..... I do hope he recovers........


As usual, the denialist has nothing. lol

Ouroboros_Rex March 27th 08 05:18 PM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!

"Cato" wrote in message
On Mar 26, 11:20 pm, "V-for-Vendicar"
"Cato" wrote

Zero in the previous 100 years???? Your evidence is........
Tell me you have satellite photos from the 1920's???

No we have photgraphs from ships and geographers from that period.

And we have sedement layers which have been studied that show when the
region above was clear water, and we have the measured age of the ice on
shelf itself.

In other words, you are a...


"Cato" wrote

It's called change.... get used to it...

It's called treason, and you will hang for it.

God VD... You're getting funnier and funnier.... Ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha, LOL :) This is great..... :-)
(Huge smile ) :-) (laughing so hard I almost ****ed
myself) :)

As usual, the denialist has nothing. lol

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