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V-for-Vendicar April 7th 08 01:36 PM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!

Have you noticed - My Little Libertarian Dung Eater - the three new
sunspot groups on the surface of the sun.

"Cato" wrote
Duh........ Scott... have you noticed that they are equator
spots..... Huh???/ They didn't form in the higher or lower latitudes
and move to the equator...... They formed there......

CYCLE 23 SPOTS still Vendicar!!!!!


Your claim was that the sun wasn't generating any sunspots. Now that you
have been proven to be a LIAR, you attempt to change the subject.

It is entirely irrelevant which cycle the sunspots will be categorized
under. It is now self evident that you are just another LLLibertarian

V-for-Vendicar April 7th 08 01:41 PM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!

"Ouroboros_Rex" wrote
Cite, please.

A plot of sunspots latitudes over the solar cycle shows that they tend
to form at higher latitudes first, and then slowly extend to the equatorial
region. Since they form both above and below the equator, the plot looks
like two butterfly wings, and hence is referred to as the sunspot
"butterfly" diagram.

It results from the fact that the solar magnetic field is somewhat closer
to the surface near the polls and the fact that the higher latitudes tend to
rotate faster than the equatorial region. Faster rotation means more
winding of the ambient magnetic field in the plasma and hence earlier
magnetic short circuits (sunspots) and reconnection events (flares).

However, it is entirely irrelevant which cycle the spots belong to - they
could be the old cycle or the new one.

CATO's claim was that the earth is cooling because there were no sunspots
being generated.

Well he is lying. As the current crop of sunspots, and the ones in
February, January and December clearly show.

CATO is just another LLLibertarian LLLiar.

V-for-Vendicar April 7th 08 01:43 PM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!

"Cato" wrote
"With all being near the equator, they are still a cycle 23 spots.
A cycle 24 spot would be at a much higher latitude.

Probably, but not necessarily.

The most recent magnetogram shows them to have the magnetic polarity
of cycle 23 spots, in addition to being near the equator."

Again, probably but not necessarily.

And none of this is applicable to your claim that the earth was cooling
because there were no sunspots.


V-for-Vendicar April 7th 08 01:45 PM

160 Sq. Mi. Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses!

It's called treason, and you will hang for it.

"Cato" wrote
yah??? So who's going to hang me.. semen breath???

Your own countrymen. Traitor.

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