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Catoni March 29th 09 07:32 PM

12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern HemisphereRecord
Roger Coppock wrote:

"But, I wasn't discussing Paleoclimatology.
You just tried to change the subject, again."

Your the one that mentioned a time period. 130 years.
You claim that the temperature has something to do with Global
Warming. If you wish to discuss Global Warming you must take into
account the historical climate of the Earth in order to determine if
climate change now is unusual or not in the greater context.
Anything less is just a political agenda on your part using Global
Warming as an excuse.

Roger Coppock wrote:

"Yet, you fossil fools conclude that there
is a current cooling trend from less than
a decade of data. So then, 8 years is
enough for a fossil fool to claim a cooling
trend, but 130 years is not enough for
mainstream science to conclude a warming
trend. LOL! "


You guys claim one or two hot summers in Australia is
proof of Global Warming.
If Tucson Arizona has record hot day, you guys mention it in this
list. Why? The unmentioned implication is that it is because of Global
Warming. California wild fires? Global Warming right?

if you guys can use one or two hot summers in Australia, why can't
we use eight or ten years?

And those are just year by year, not over long periods of time. But
you guys feel it is evidence.
However, the funny thing is, if Alaska and Canada have a record cold
summer, or China has a record breaking cold winter etc. the skeptics
are not allowed to use that as evidence of anything.

Warmist alarmists. They want it all ways. They want their cake and
eat it too. But skeptics aren't allowed to use the same tactics.


Catoni March 29th 09 07:46 PM

12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern HemisphereRecord
Anyone who claims that the warming of the Earth is unusual based on
evidence of the last 130 years...

(12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern Hemisphere
Record - post by Roger Coppock)

is either trying to deceive and build the Alarm level, or just has
no understanding of the history of the Earth's climate, and no
knowledge if the recent warming is within normal variation for the
planet or not.

Which one is it for you Roger?

[email protected] March 29th 09 07:52 PM

12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern HemisphereRecord
On Mar 29, 2:46*pm, Catoni wrote:
Anyone who claims that the warming of the Earth is unusual based on
evidence of the last 130 years...

* *(12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern Hemisphere
Record - post by Roger Coppock)

* *is either trying to deceive and build the Alarm level, or just has
no understanding of the history of the Earth's climate, and no
knowledge if the recent warming is within normal variation for the
planet or not.

* Which one is it for you Roger?

Catoni - so you say. Are you going to give us any evidence for this,
or are just supposed to consider you infallible, kind of like the

Catoni March 29th 09 11:33 PM

12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern HemisphereRecord
On Mar 29, 2:52*pm, wrote:
On Mar 29, 2:46*pm, Catoni wrote:

Anyone who claims that the warming of the Earth is unusual based on
evidence of the last 130 years...

* *(12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern Hemisphere
Record - post by Roger Coppock)

* *is either trying to deceive and build the Alarm level, or just has
no understanding of the history of the Earth's climate, and no
knowledge if the recent warming is within normal variation for the
planet or not.

* Which one is it for you Roger?

Catoni - so you say. *Are you going to give us any evidence for this,
or are just supposed to consider you infallible, kind of like the


Are you saying that you have not studied the history of the Earth's
climate at all??

Actually Paleoclimatology is an interesting subject. Look into it.
It's really quite interesting.
You might lose your fear of Climate Change.

Thankyou for being honest about your ignorance of the subject at

Catoni March 30th 09 12:50 AM

12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern HemisphereRecord


"Catoni - so you say. Are you going to give us any
evidence for this,
or are just supposed to consider you infallible, kind of like the


God no! Far be it from me to put myself in the place of
Their Holinesses, the His Holiness Al Gore, and the Cardinal, James
Hansen, and Cardinal Dr. David Suzuki.
And let's not forget the great Global Warming priest Leonardo Di
Caprio and his other self appointed climate expert celebrities.

On no, I could never take their places. ROTFLMAO

Catoni March 30th 09 12:56 AM

12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern HemisphereRecord
ha.. ha. I was laughing so hard I made mistakes in my post. Here you
go. The corrected version,.


"Catoni - so you say. Are you going to give us any
evidence for this,
or are just supposed to consider you infallible, kind of like the


God no! Far be it from me to put myself in the place of
His Holiness Al Gore, and the Cardinal, James
Hansen, and Cardinal Dr. David Suzuki.
And let's not forget the great Global Warming priest Leonardo Di
Caprio and other self appointed climate expert celebrities of the
socialist left/lib persuasion.

On no, I could never take their places. ROTFLMAO

Roger Coppock March 30th 09 01:27 AM

12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern HemisphereRecord
On Mar 29, 11:14*am, wrote:

Roger has essentially acknowledged in his original post that February
2009 ISN'T the hottest February on record in the northern hemisphere,
but only the 14th hottest. *So Roger's post isn't talking about peak

12th not 14th

temperatures -- about points on the chart that may prove to be
outliers vis a vis the general trend.

Roger is implicitly making an argument about the general trend, and
indicating that the February 2009 data fits into that trend.

Yes! It's very good to see someone can read.

marcodbeast[_3_] March 30th 09 04:20 PM

12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern Hemisphere Record
Catoni wrote:
But, I wasn't discussing Paleoclimatology.
You just tried to change the subject, again.

That is a deniers trick, insert some illogical statements in the
discussion in the hope that the original poster gets confused.

This 'speedy change of the topic when you're losing'
tactic wasn't developed by AGW deniers; creationists
have used it for centuries, if not millennia. I've
encountered it in discussions with medical quacks too.

Catoni just conceded me my debate point when he
attempted to the topic. In some threads on this
newsgroup, the fossil fools look like they have a
severe case of attention deficit disorder.


If you are talking about Earth;
climate change and Global Warming, YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT CLIMATE CHANGE

Already done.

marcodbeast[_3_] March 30th 09 04:21 PM

12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern Hemisphere Record
Catoni wrote:
Anyone who claims that the warming of the Earth is unusual based on
evidence of the last 130 years...

(12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern Hemisphere
Record - post by Roger Coppock)

is either trying to deceive and build the Alarm level, or just has
no understanding of the history of the Earth's climate, and no
knowledge if the recent warming is within normal variation for the
planet or not.

Made-up crap.

marcodbeast[_3_] March 30th 09 04:21 PM

12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern Hemisphere Record
Catoni wrote:
On Mar 29, 2:52 pm, wrote:
On Mar 29, 2:46 pm, Catoni wrote:

Anyone who claims that the warming of the Earth is unusual based on
evidence of the last 130 years...

(12th warmest February on NASA's 130-year Northern Hemisphere
Record - post by Roger Coppock)

is either trying to deceive and build the Alarm level, or just has
no understanding of the history of the Earth's climate, and no
knowledge if the recent warming is within normal variation for the
planet or not.

Which one is it for you Roger?

Catoni - so you say. Are you going to give us any evidence for this,
or are just supposed to consider you infallible, kind of like the


Are you saying that you have not studied the history of the Earth's
climate at all??

Read much? lol

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