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Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming
On Apr 12, 7:47*am, Falcon wrote:
It's also time-dependent. Roger's not the only one who can draw pretty graphs, but in this example http://i55.tinypic.com/iwrg35.png you can see how useful a linear trend line is, depending on what you want to show. The data is from Roger's thoughtfully provided source. I added another trend line that's probably a little more representative of what's been happening lately. You're cherrypicking, again R^2=0.0075 means nothing. |
Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming
Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming
wrote: On Apr 12, 4:17*am, Dawlish wrote: On Apr 12, 8:18*am, Falcon wrote: In article eafbc20f-f0d3-4f01-8b30-8cb604fb7005 @m13g2000yqb.googlegroups.com, Roger Coppock wrote... The satellite record, in all its current interpretations, shows that the air near the surface is warming. For background on the satellite temperature proxy please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satelli...e_measurements The URL below is one of the more conservative records from the University of Alabama at Huntsville. http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/public/m...4Theglobaldata are graphed hehttp://members.cox.net/rcoppock/UAH-MSU.jpg The Remote Sensing Systems Lower Troposphere (TLT) analysis also shows a temperature rise above the surface of the land and sea. http://www.remss.com/data/msu/monthl...hly_MSU_AMSU_C hannel_TLT_Anomalies_Land_and_Ocean_v03_3.txt The data from 82.5N to 70S are graphed hehttp://members.cox.net/rcoppock/RSS-MSU.jpg Absolutely hilarious. If ever a headline was designed to fuel public scepticism about climate hysteria, it's that one. "MSU Data show continued warming", my arse. -- Falcon: fide, sed cui vide. (L)- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - So spinner says it doesn't...............but the trend shows it clearly does. I think spinner has just defined climate denial. I also love the way that, just *one day* later, spinner uses exactly the same phrase that was used by someone he both detests and is trying to hide from, to decry climate science. The phrase, to my knowledge has not been used for 12 months on here. Killfile; *my arse*. laughing out loud as he heads out into the sunshine- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Dawlish, how is your acne situation.? I wonder how his teeth are? One thing I notice about the British.... many of them do not seem to know what a toothbrush is, and avoid dentists like the plague. I have British and Scottish ancestry myself....I assume my ancestor's teeth were pretty bad....what teeth they had. |
Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming
On Apr 12, 5:42*pm, Falcon wrote:
In article , Tom P wrote... On 04/12/2011 04:47 PM, Falcon wrote: In , Tom P wrote... [..] The trend is very much dependent on the latitude. If you look at the figures for the various latitude bands, the positive trend is most dramatic for 60/82, and nearly as strong for -20/20, whereas the trend for -70/70 is almost zero - which seems to indicate that temperate latitudes are not warming?? It's also time-dependent. Roger's not the only one who can draw pretty graphs, but in this examplehttp://i55.tinypic.com/iwrg35.png *you can see how useful a linear trend line is, depending on what you want to show.. The data is from Roger's thoughtfully provided source. I added another trend line that's probably a little more representative of what's been happening lately. Sure - if you think that leaving out 95% of the RSS data is "representative". Using a 10-year data span, all you have to do is pick the right El Nino peaks and troughs for your start and end-points, and you can get any result you care for. 95% of the data? That's a bit of an exaggeration, Tom, unless someone hired a TARDIS and took the satellites all the way back in time to 1811. Anyway, that sort of illustrates my point. The full 30 years record DOES show warming of course - no-one suggests it hasn't - but the LATEST data does not. I took the last ten years worth of data and it shows that the LATEST satellite data does NOT show "continued warming". Therefore Roger's subject line is deliberately misleading. Now why is that so hard to understand? -- Falcon: fide, sed cui vide. (L)- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Mainly because spinner is forgetting context, yet again. Factor in ENSO. Spinner doesn't and tries to spin the data to show no warming. Any scientist looks at the trend, recognises there is noise around that warming trend; recognises that the trend will *never* and can *never* be linear and sees warming over time. A climate denier cherry-picks two points from all the years within the scatter and says there has been no warming. |
Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming
On Tue, 12 Apr 2011 18:24:13 +0200, Tom P wrote:
On 04/12/2011 04:47 PM, Falcon wrote: In , Tom P wrote... On 04/12/2011 01:39 AM, Roger Coppock wrote: The satellite record, in all its current interpretations, shows that the air near the surface is warming. For background on the satellite temperature proxy please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satelli...e_measurements The URL below is one of the more conservative records from the University of Alabama at Huntsville. http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/public/m.../tltglhmam_5.4 The global data are graphed he http://members.cox.net/rcoppock/UAH-MSU.jpg The Remote Sensing Systems Lower Troposphere (TLT) analysis also shows a temperature rise above the surface of the land and sea. http://www.remss.com/data/msu/monthly_time_series/ RSS_Monthly_MSU_AMSU _Channel_TLT_Anomalies_Land_and_Ocean_v03_3.txt The data from 82.5N to 70S are graphed he http://members.cox.net/rcoppock/RSS-MSU.jpg The trend is very much dependent on the latitude. If you look at the figures for the various latitude bands, the positive trend is most dramatic for 60/82, and nearly as strong for -20/20, whereas the trend for -70/70 is almost zero - which seems to indicate that temperate latitudes are not warming?? It's also time-dependent. Roger's not the only one who can draw pretty graphs, but in this examplehttp://i55.tinypic.com/iwrg35.png you can see how useful a linear trend line is, depending on what you want to show. The data is from Roger's thoughtfully provided source. I added another trend line that's probably a little more representative of what's been happening lately. Sure - if you think that leaving out 95% of the RSS data is "representative". Using a 10-year data span, all you have to do is pick the right El Nino peaks and troughs for your start and end-points, and you can get any result you care for. Well, right now is where we are, and seems to be a reasonable end point, so at what point on the graph would you suggest starting? What percentage of starting points give you a warming trend versus a cooling trend? Anyway, the title 'Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming' infers that warming is continuing to occur, regardless of latitude. The fact that RSS satellite measurements have detected a small but appreciable amount of cooling over the last decade (there's that pesky linear trend thing again) would indicate that the word 'continued warming' in the subject line is deliberated misleading. Of course, as a confirmed 'sceptic', Dawlish has probably already jumped in here to describe Roger's description as 'spinning' the latest RSS figures. Or maybe he hasn't ... |
Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming
On Tue, 12 Apr 2011 17:42:21 +0100, Falcon wrote:
In article , Tom P wrote... On 04/12/2011 04:47 PM, Falcon wrote: In , Tom P wrote... [..] The trend is very much dependent on the latitude. If you look at the figures for the various latitude bands, the positive trend is most dramatic for 60/82, and nearly as strong for -20/20, whereas the trend for -70/70 is almost zero - which seems to indicate that temperate latitudes are not warming?? It's also time-dependent. Roger's not the only one who can draw pretty graphs, but in this examplehttp://i55.tinypic.com/iwrg35.png you can see how useful a linear trend line is, depending on what you want to show. The data is from Roger's thoughtfully provided source. I added another trend line that's probably a little more representative of what's been happening lately. Sure - if you think that leaving out 95% of the RSS data is "representative". Using a 10-year data span, all you have to do is pick the right El Nino peaks and troughs for your start and end-points, and you can get any result you care for. 95% of the data? That's a bit of an exaggeration, Tom, unless someone hired a TARDIS and took the satellites all the way back in time to 1811. Anyway, that sort of illustrates my point. The full 30 years record DOES show warming of course - no-one suggests it hasn't - but the LATEST data does not. I took the last ten years worth of data and it shows that the LATEST satellite data does NOT show "continued warming". Therefore Roger's subject line is deliberately misleading. Now why is that so hard to understand? How about, "Roger tries desperately to show continued warming, but fools no one." |
Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming
On Apr 12, 7:17*pm, Bill Ward wrote:
On Tue, 12 Apr 2011 17:42:21 +0100, Falcon wrote: In article , Tom P wrote... On 04/12/2011 04:47 PM, Falcon wrote: In , Tom P wrote... [..] The trend is very much dependent on the latitude. If you look at the figures for the various latitude bands, the positive trend is most dramatic for 60/82, and nearly as strong for -20/20, whereas the trend for -70/70 is almost zero - which seems to indicate that temperate latitudes are not warming?? It's also time-dependent. Roger's not the only one who can draw pretty graphs, but in this examplehttp://i55.tinypic.com/iwrg35.png *you can see how useful a linear trend line is, depending on what you want to show. The data is from Roger's thoughtfully provided source. I added another trend line that's probably a little more representative of what's been happening lately. Sure - if you think that leaving out 95% of the RSS data is "representative". Using a 10-year data span, all you have to do is pick the right El Nino peaks and troughs for your start and end-points, and you can get any result you care for. 95% of the data? That's a bit of an exaggeration, Tom, unless someone hired a TARDIS and took the satellites all the way back in time to 1811.. Anyway, that sort of illustrates my point. The full 30 years record DOES show warming of course - no-one suggests it hasn't - but the LATEST data does not. I took the last ten years worth of data and it shows that the LATEST satellite data does NOT show "continued warming". Therefore Roger's subject line is deliberately misleading. Now why is that so hard to understand? How about, "Roger tries desperately to show continued warming, but fools no one."- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - How about; "bilbo (and every other climate denier) goes against the view of almost every scientist on earth, every scientific institution and every government who attended Cancun". who *all* recognise a warming trend in the surface and sateliitie data?Why do they all see it and you completely fail to see it, bilbo? |
Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming
wrote: On Apr 11, 7:39*pm, Roger Coppock wrote: The satellite record, in all its current interpretations, shows that the air near the surface is warming. For background on the satellite temperature proxy please see:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satelli...e_measurements The URL below is one of the more conservative records from the University of Alabama at Huntsville.http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/public/m.../tltglhmam_5.4 The global data are graphed hehttp://members.cox.net/rcoppock/UAH-MSU.jpg The Remote Sensing Systems Lower Troposphere (TLT) analysis also shows a temperature rise above the surface of the land and sea.http://www.remss.com/data/msu/monthl...onthly_MSU_AMS... The data from 82.5N to 70S are graphed hehttp://members.cox.net/rcoppock/RSS-MSU.jpg Why would one need a 500 million billion dollar satellite, to know the temperature of the Earth, at or near the surface of the Earth? Wouldn't a 99 cent thermometer do the trick? More billion dollar lies............................that's why Chow YOU ARE A FUKKIN IDIOT |
Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming
In article , Bill Ward
wrote... On Tue, 12 Apr 2011 18:24:13 +0200, Tom P wrote: [..] Sure - if you think that leaving out 95% of the RSS data is "representative". Using a 10-year data span, all you have to do is pick the right El Nino peaks and troughs for your start and end-points, and you can get any result you care for. Well, right now is where we are, and seems to be a reasonable end point, so at what point on the graph would you suggest starting? What percentage of starting points give you a warming trend versus a cooling trend? Easy. Start in 1979 and end in 2002. http://i51.tinypic.com/rcu6g0.gif H/T climate4you.com -- Falcon: fide, sed cui vide. (L) |
Latest Satellite MSU Data Show Continued Warming
On Mon, 11 Apr 2011 18:53:49 -0700 (PDT),
GABRIELLE-GIFFORDS-FOR-PRESIDENT wrote: On Apr 11, 7:39*pm, Roger Coppock wrote: The satellite record, in all its current interpretations, shows that the air near the surface is warming. For background on the satellite temperature proxy please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satelli...e_measurements The URL below is one of the more conservative records from the University of Alabama at Huntsville. http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/public/m.../tltglhmam_5.4 The global data are graphed he http://members.cox.net/rcoppock/UAH-MSU.jpg The Remote Sensing Systems Lower Troposphere (TLT) analysis also shows a temperature rise above the surface of the land and sea. http://www.remss.com/data/msu/monthl...cean_v03_3.txt The data from 82.5N to 70S are graphed he http://members.cox.net/rcoppock/RSS-MSU.jpg Why would one need a 500 million billion dollar satellite, to know the temperature of the Earth, at or near the surface of the Earth? Wouldn't a 99 cent thermometer do the trick? All of the missing ice certainly tells us Earth has been warming at an astonishing rate; but the satellites give us very good actual numbers. Note also that the satellites doing the temperature measurements also do many other things. -- http://desertphile.org Desertphile's Desert Soliloquy. WARNING: view with plenty of water "Why aren't resurrections from the dead noteworthy?" -- Jim Rutz |
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