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  #21   Report Post  
Old December 18th 06, 07:49 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Nov 2006
Posts: 141
Default What a bag of ****

As an overseas viewer (NZ), I think I need to add my bit. While it's
true that one can blot out the likes of this odious troll, it's sad
that there are so many people like him. He is quite clearly an
ignoramus as far as meteorology is concerned, and continues to prove it
on a regular basis. I have met many people in meteorology over the
years, and can say that without exception that I have found their
company to be both stimulating and pleasant.

The "posters" on the NZ and Australian forums I visit all seem to be
pleasant, even when in disagreement with one.

On a brighter note, a happy festive season to all of you. Some of our
Australian freiends have a bit to worry aboput with their bushfires,
but there's a reasonable prospect of good rains if the El Nino decays
in the next 3-4 months, going by some case histories (but they're all
different of course!)

Col wrote:
"Tudor Hughes" wrote in message

I can never understand why people get so hot under the
collar about Weatherlawyer's nonsense even to the extent of trying to
exclude his posts from the view of their delicate little peepers. He's
quite simply our village idiot so roll your eyes upward and pass to the
next post. No problem. Happy Christmas, all you purple-faced
killfilers. Hypertension is bad for you!

I used to let him goad me into arguments and he was killfiled
for a time, if only to let me avoid the temptation to reply
Now I've changed computers I never renewed his tenancy
in my killfile but the 'wind-ups' are easily spotted and inored.
Besides, if he wants to post normally, I'm happy to reply
to him.

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl

  #22   Report Post  
Old December 18th 06, 09:14 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Dec 2006
Posts: 6,158
Default What a bag of ****

"Gianna" wrote in message
Weatherlawyer wrote:
Who redesigned this bunch of crap? Kenny Everett or the Girl Guides?

Try following the link for information. (Anything to do with weather
that is.)

More likely someone from those parts of the world where they write from
right to left. Why? Because the menus are on the right (i.e. wrong)

Michael, is it the festives or the associated bevande that cause you to
lapse into the vernacular? I would be interested to know more about the
basis of your thing concerning earthquakes and other planetary forces, and
how they relate to the weather, rather than harsh words.


Gianna do you think fertility rituals can affect weather?

  #23   Report Post  
Old December 19th 06, 01:02 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Dec 2006
Posts: 7
Default What a bag of ****

As one of the new viewer from Australia (not troubled by bushfires) in the
tropical far north Queensland I would be interested to know what forums you
use. 20 years at the UKMO might serve me well in temperate latitudes but is
not always proving of value here in the high latitude tropics (about 3000 ft
AMSL). Some local knowledge/experience would be of interest as the BOM
output does not seem to resolve the local onditions particularly well, I'm
guessing because the resolution of the model used is not fine enough or
resolve the the altitude particularly well. That and the lack of verifying
surface data to modify the model output.

"RWood" wrote in message
As an overseas viewer (NZ), I think I need to add my bit. While it's
true that one can blot out the likes of this odious troll, it's sad
that there are so many people like him. He is quite clearly an
ignoramus as far as meteorology is concerned, and continues to prove it
on a regular basis. I have met many people in meteorology over the
years, and can say that without exception that I have found their
company to be both stimulating and pleasant.

The "posters" on the NZ and Australian forums I visit all seem to be
pleasant, even when in disagreement with one.

On a brighter note, a happy festive season to all of you. Some of our
Australian freiends have a bit to worry aboput with their bushfires,
but there's a reasonable prospect of good rains if the El Nino decays
in the next 3-4 months, going by some case histories (but they're all
different of course!)

Col wrote:
"Tudor Hughes" wrote in message

I can never understand why people get so hot under the
collar about Weatherlawyer's nonsense even to the extent of trying to
exclude his posts from the view of their delicate little peepers. He's
quite simply our village idiot so roll your eyes upward and pass to the
next post. No problem. Happy Christmas, all you purple-faced
killfilers. Hypertension is bad for you!

I used to let him goad me into arguments and he was killfiled
for a time, if only to let me avoid the temptation to reply
Now I've changed computers I never renewed his tenancy
in my killfile but the 'wind-ups' are easily spotted and inored.
Besides, if he wants to post normally, I'm happy to reply
to him.

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl

  #24   Report Post  
Old December 19th 06, 01:48 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Nov 2006
Posts: 141
Default What a bag of ****

I use this Australian one - the natives are friendly - there may well
be others.

Colin wrote:
As one of the new viewer from Australia (not troubled by bushfires) in the
tropical far north Queensland I would be interested to know what forums you
use. 20 years at the UKMO might serve me well in temperate latitudes but is
not always proving of value here in the high latitude tropics (about 3000 ft
AMSL). Some local knowledge/experience would be of interest as the BOM
output does not seem to resolve the local onditions particularly well, I'm
guessing because the resolution of the model used is not fine enough or
resolve the the altitude particularly well. That and the lack of verifying
surface data to modify the model output.

  #25   Report Post  
Old December 19th 06, 02:45 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Jan 2005
Posts: 4,152
Default What a bag of ****

On Dec 18, 2:58 pm, philgurr wrote:
The message .com
from "Tudor Hughes" contains these words:

I can never understand why people get so hot under the
collar about Weatherlawyer's nonsense even to the extent of trying to
exclude his posts from the view of their delicate little peepers. He's
quite simply our village idiot so roll your eyes upward and pass to the
next post. No problem. Happy Christmas, all you purple-faced
killfilers. Hypertension is bad for you!I killfiled this idiot a long time ago in exactly the same way that I

would turn off the television if I didn't like the programme. The man
is a troll and still many on this newsgroup will insist on feeding him.
My 'peepers' are certainly not 'delicate', I am simply exercising my
democratic right not to read something which I consider to be rubbish.


From the Kyle of Sutherland - 175 feet AMSL (NH616916)
(40 miles north of Inverness)

Well just don't read it then. After all, his name's at the
top. Why all the rage? Why all the fuss? He never winds *me* up
because I don't reply to him. I sometimes read his posts (at least in
part), I say to myself "he's a loony", have a little smile and pass on
to something a little more promising. I find all this killfiling
highly amusing but so petty. (Actually I don't know how to killfile;
it seems pointless).

Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.

  #26   Report Post  
Old December 19th 06, 07:09 AM posted to,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Dec 2004
Posts: 4,411
Default What a bag of ****

Richard Dixon wrote:
Robb C. Overfield wrote:

You know what I wish for at Christmas? Peace and quiet from you mate. Am
I to be disappointed? Or can't even Santa work miracles?

I think he should use the festival period to bring some cheer and feed
needy people from the gargantuan chip on his shoulder about the Met
Office / BBC Weather / etc.

There'd be plenty to go round...

I object to my money being spent on second rate websites. It's the same
thing I objected to when I found that Tory B Liar had sent British
troops unprepared and under-supplied to a disaster.

There aught to be a means of redress against such wasteful

Is this it? Is this all we get? Usenet?

Peace and goodwill?

W A K E _ U P !

  #27   Report Post  
Old December 19th 06, 04:54 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Jul 2003
Posts: 943
Default What a bag of ****

Felly sgrifennodd Will Hand :
Strewth, 'trn', I was using that in 1993 on a Sun Sparcstation running SunOS
UNIX !!! :-)

And it's still the best IMHO; what other newsreader gives you a clear 50
lines per screen, doesn't clutter it up with menus, lets you choose your
editor (vim in my case), and allows you so many configuration options?

It also has the great advantage of being available anywhere, so long as
you can ssh into the machine you run it on, and all your configurations
are still there.

Wasn't it just rn back in 1993 (i.e. not threaded)? I too remember running
it from a Sun Sparc machine back in the early 90s, in the good ol' days
before Microsoft Windows became the scourge that it now is.

Adrian Shaw ais@
Adran Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Cymru, aber.
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru ac. uk
  #28   Report Post  
Old December 19th 06, 09:35 PM posted to,sci.geo.meteorology
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Dec 2004
Posts: 4,411
Default What a bag of ****

This is an example of the highest standards of the type of newsgroup of
its type. As the saying goes

In order for people normally consideed my minions.

fred wrote:
"philgurr" wrote in message
The message .com from "Tudor Hughes" contains these words:

I'd forgotten about the killfile option, but he's dead now.

Top posting errors corrected. (And paganolotry removed.)

I can never understand why people get so hot under the
collar about Weatherlawyer's nonsense even to the extent of trying to
exclude his posts from the view of their delicate little peepers. He's
quite simply our village idiot so roll your eyes upward and pass to the
next post. No problem.

I killfiled this idiot a long time ago in exactly the same way that I
would turn off the television if I didn't like the programme. The man
is a troll and still many on this newsgroup will insist on feeding him.
My 'peepers' are certainly not 'delicate', I am simply exercising my
democratic right not to read something which I consider to be rubbish.

"Yet still."
Someone tell the 2@*

This troll feeds itself; ta. (Most definitely male though. Quite right

Thanks all.

(Fot the sake of foreigners, I am on somewhat less that most of the
genii on here but that that was after 12 months and a serious influx of
Poles and Lithuanians -far in excess of what Tory B Liar and his
minions are aware of -and they closed down more than half the met
office sites to pay for it, to boot.)

((And I am the effing idiot?))

(((**** off!!)))

  #29   Report Post  
Old December 21st 06, 06:45 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Dec 2004
Posts: 4,411
Default What a bag of czjd

Gianna wrote:

Michael, is it the festives or the associated bevande that cause you to lapse
into the vernacular? I would be interested to know more about the basis of your
thing concerning earthquakes and other planetary forces, and how they relate to
the weather, rather than harsh words.

I get irritated very easily these days. I aught to know better. And yes
alcohol is a depressant. I promise not to have any more till next time.

I was venting off about how unlikely the air is to be the cause of the
gyres in ocean basins on a thread hers some days back.

They don't cause whirl pools for example but the geography is of a type
with them. I am surprised more people are not interested in the fractal
effect seen in such phenomena.

Here is another tricky fact that forms another part of the puzzle:

"When thinking of waves, most of us picture white-crested swells on the
ocean's surface, but some ocean waves occur in the lower depths
without ever perturbing the water level at the surface.

These so-called "internal waves" can occur because differences in
temperature and salinity between deep water and surface water can cause
the different layers to behave like completely different fluids.

Warm water near the top may be much less dense than cold water lower
down. The crests and troughs of waves passing through the deep layer
occur at the interface between the water layers, but they don't cause
swells on the ocean surface."

The point being that fairly incompressible matter doesn't "seem" cause
them, so how much less likely is it that free air is causing it?

I was trying to point out that air is easily compressed and has the
ability to rise out of the way, it is soluble in water and forms layers
that make it exponentially more difficult for the next layer to have an

And all this on a perfect fluid:

There is more he but I
lost interest when I read about Coriolis farce.

Never mind all that crap though, what do you make of this fog and its
associated cat 2 cyclone Bondo?

Not a bad hit that for someone who is only using the phases of the moon
to forecast them. Imagine what could be accomplished by someone
naturally gifted. Not those morons in the met office or the minions in
the BBC et al though.

I wonder what I could do with one of them supercomputers if I was tech
savvy. Push out even more crap like they do perhaps.

Happy platitude.

  #30   Report Post  
Old December 29th 06, 09:48 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Sep 2005
Posts: 24
Default What a bag of ****

On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 19:00:57 -0500, "Count LeChance VonShnaps"

Doubtless he will continue his mindless bantering well into the new year.
Holy codswallop!

Which new you appear to be posting from one year in the

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