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sci.geo.meteorology (Meteorology) (sci.geo.meteorology) For the discussion of meteorology and related topics. |
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![]() fkasner wrote: The data essentially prove nothing. What those who espouse global warming have done is posit models of the atmosphere and other meteorological variables and then massaged the models so they can produce time dependent results. Then they compare these to the purportedly neutral data. If they don't match they recalculate the models with changed parameters to make new predictions. And so forth. When they finally get what they consider a reasonable match to their predictions and the so-called data they proclaim the proof of their model and the underlying bias in the model called global warming. FK What FKasner is saying here is absolutely true. More significantly they are deliberately concealing this from the public. For example the following is a link to IPCC website that, purportedly, is intended to explicate the concept of climatic (radiative) "forcing." http://www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/214.htm#611 Therein they offer the following definition of "climatic forcing:" "The radiative forcing of the surface-troposphere system due to the perturbation in or the introduction of an agent (say, a change in greenhouse gas concentrations) is the change in net (down minus up) irradiance (solar plus long-wave; in Wm-2) at the tropopause AFTER allowing for stratospheric temperatures to readjust to radiative equilibrium, but with surface and tropo-spheric temperatures and state held fixed at the unperturbed values". After reading this definition you might be scratching your head wondering how "climatic forcing" is calculated/quantified. You won't find the answer to this question on this page. Surely, you might think, a concept so central to the GW argument must be accessible through the IPCC website. Again you would be wrong. However, further down the page you will find a hint: "Defined in the above manner, radiative forcing of climate change is a modelling concept that constitutes a simple but important means of estimating the relative impacts due to different natural and anthropogenic radiative causes upon the surface-troposphere system." After reading how it is actually calculated (below) you might think it rather comical that they describe it, here, as, "simple." (I suspect if we were to put the question to the whackos here in sci.environment that they would respond that it is simple because it is defined as simple.) How then is "climatic forcing," actually calculated. Does it involve direct measurement of atmospheric phenomena? Does it involve conclusions based on laboratory data? No. It involves the methods that FKasner described above. A more detailed description of the process can be found on the realclimate website: http://www.realclimate.org/index.php?p=142 Take a radiation computer model (GCM) and remove each long-wave absorber (principally the greenhouse gases, but also clouds and aerosols) and see what difference it makes to the amount of long-wave absorbed. This gives the minimum effect from each component. The complementary calculation, using only each particular absorber in turn, gives the maximum effect. The table shows the instantaneous change in long-wave absorption when each component or combination of components is removed using the radiation code from the GISS GCM. (The source code is available for those who have the patience to get it to work). This isn't a perfect calculation but it's quick and easy and is close enough to the right answer for our purposes. The IPCC managed to conceal this in the first three assessment reports. Let's not let them get away with it in the fourth. Question: I read in one of the posts that the working draft of the fourth assessment can be requested from the IPCC website by email request. But I was unable to find it on the IPCC website. Please post a link. Claudius Denk |
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How then is "climatic forcing," actually calculated.
Does it involve direct measurement of atmospheric phenomena? .. The answer is yes, Forcings are directly measured in the atmosphere. http://www.arm.gov/instruments/instrument.php?id=aeri Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Instruments http://www.arm.gov/instruments/instclass.php?id=radio We also look down from the top: for instance, instruments like CERES, IRIS, ERBE, and HIRS. |
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![]() Claudius Denk wrote: fkasner wrote: The data essentially prove nothing. What those who espouse global warming have done is posit models of the atmosphere and other meteorological variables and then massaged the models so they can produce time dependent results. Then they compare these to the purportedly neutral data. If they don't match they recalculate the models with changed parameters to make new predictions. And so forth. When they finally get what they consider a reasonable match to their predictions and the so-called data they proclaim the proof of their model and the underlying bias in the model called global warming. FK What FKasner is saying here is absolutely true. More significantly they are deliberately concealing this from the public. Blah, blah, blah, Yada-yada-yada, Kitchen Sink, LOOK at that invisible Wookie over there in the stratosphere! More Blahblah blabla and so on and so forth. Big WINDBAG Pretendski BLOWHARD like a hurricane. Fat Mouth Pretentious Gasbag BLOWHARD won't stop with the assistance to organized crime to obfuscate the science of GLOBAL WARMING. Invents invisible Wookies over there in the cooling stratosphere as distractions from paying attention to saving your life, distractions from saving your country, distractions from saving your world for your grandchildren. Here's what the people who actually went to college and studied CLIMATOLOGY have to say, which is opposite from the stinking fartmouth BLOWHARD Pretendski... http://www.canada.com/topics/news/na...3635eb&k=10853 Forecasters predict another turbulent hurricane season in Atlantic FREDERICTON (CP) - In what could signal a frightening new fact of life in the age of global warming, Canadian and U.S. forecasters are warning that another major hurricane season is brewing in the Atlantic Ocean. The 2006 hurricane season officially opens on June 1, and already scientists are telling people living in eastern North America that numerous storms are predicted, with as many as five major hurricanes packing winds of 180 km/h or greater. "It's kind of comparable to what we were looking at last year at this time," says Bob Robichaud, a meteorologist with the Canadian Hurricane Centre in Dartmouth, N.S. "... but the indications are there that it is still going to be another active season, almost twice as active as normal." Last year's hurricane season was the most destructive on record. ... "The Atlantic Ocean remains anomalously warm, and tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures have continued to cool," says Colorado University forecaster Phil Klotzbach, explaining two of the key triggers for hurricanes. "Is this global warming? From now on will we see only active hurricane seasons? ... Phillips says global warming could be contributing to the unusual power of the big storms, like last year's Katrina. "We are seeing stronger hurricanes - almost a 100 per cent increase in category fours and fives," he says. "When they do develop, they're a lot bigger, tougher and have more destructive power. They stay together longer. This is the concern. They seem to have more power. That could have a connection to global warming - the fact the atmosphere has changed and ocean temperatures have warmed." Who believes the KNOW-NOTHING BLOWHARD who strews big words as if he understood anything? NOT THE MILITARY... http://www.katc.com/Global/story.asp?S=4869235 Military gets ready for hurricane season COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. Ahead of the hurricane season that starts June First, the Pentagon is buying cellular and satellite phone vans, cutting paperwork to speed delivery of aircraft, troops and supplies to stricken areas and already is sending military officers to Gulf states. Yet military officials fear falling short of the public's expectations when the next storm hits, given that the scenes of New Orleans' devastation are still vivid and frustration with the federal response still raw. Admiral Timothy Keating, commander of U-S Northern Command, says the military can respond more quickly because of months of preparations and disaster drills; streamlined procedures; and the storage of "massive amounts" of food, water, ice and millions of military M-R-Es (Meals Ready to Eat) in the region. THE OIL COMPANIES DON'T BELIEVE BLOWHARD PRETENDSKI... http://www.forextv.com/FT/AFX/ShowStory.jsp?seq=104237 U.S. oil sector braces for another big hurricane season - UPDATE 2 05/06/06 12:14 am (GMT) HOUSTON (AFX) -- Even as coastal residents from Louisiana to Alabama were rebuilding lives and homes shattered by the deadliest U.S. hurricane season on record, one of the nation's top forecasters warned Friday that 2006 is shaping up to be another brisk year of storms. This time around, residents of the Gulf of Mexico coast and the Atlantic seaboard -- especially the Carolinas and Long Island -- appear the most susceptible to nature's fury. Speaking to a room packed with energy executives in Houston, AccuWeather's Joe *******i predicted that one tropical storm and five hurricanes -- at least three at Category 3 or worse -- will slam into the nation's shores between now and late November, the unofficial end of the season. *******i, the weather service's chief hurricane tracker, accurately predicted last August that New Orleans would bear the brunt of Hurricane Katrina as it grew to a top-level Category 5 storm. Katrina, and later Hurricane Rita, spared most of the refineries along the low-lying Texas coastline. Texas is home to 26 refineries that account for a fourth of the nation's refining capacity. But that could change this year, with warmer water temperatures and atmospheric conditions resembling those found during previous major storms in the region raising the likelihood of a direct strike. New York's Long Island and the Carolina coastline also face very high probabilities of being hit by a major storm because of unusually warm waters in the northwest Atlantic, *******i said. If his predictions prove accurate and Texas' refinery row gets clobbered, drivers everywhere could again feel a sharp pinch in their wallets at the gas pump. Last summer, gasoline prices nationwide shot above $3 a gallon after the combined force of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita shuttered nearly all of the oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico. LONELY STUPID PRETENDSKI, looking for dimwit suckers to con to their deaths because they let down their guard. VILLIAN PRETENDSKI, not satisfied with pied pipering 1,400 to their deaths in New Orleans last year, looking for more willing gullible victims. ALL ALONE in his anti-Global Warming spews and spams, joined only by hirelings from oil company think tanks, interns paid minimum wage to spam the newsgroups as if they were real people. Poor lonely BLOWHARD WINDBAG PRETENDSKI, demolishing his reputation as champion kook from outer space, too stupid to understand evidence. http://www.infozine.com/news/stories...iew/sid/14837/ Saturday, May 06, 2006 :: infoZine Staff :: page views The Atlantic, Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico Travel Alert Announcement TravelThis Public Announcement is being issued to alert U.S. citizens to the upcoming Hurricane Season in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico. The official hurricane season runs from June through November. This Public Announcement expires on December 7, 2006. Washington, D.C. - infoZine - The National Weather Service predicts that the 2006 hurricane season will be as active as the 2005 season, when 27 named storms and 15 hurricanes caused widespread havoc, billions of dollars in infrastructure damage, and resulted in thousands of fatalities. Many U.S. citizens traveling abroad in the affected regions were forced to delay their return to the United States due to infrastructure damage to airports and limited flight availability. In a number of incidents, flights were suspended and passengers faced long delays due to a need to repair a damaged airport. Roads were also washed out or obstructed by debris, adversely affecting access to airports. In the event of a hurricane, travelers should be aware that they may not have the means to depart the area for 24-48 hours or more. |
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![]() "Eric Swanson" wrote in message ... In article , says... http://www.realclimate.org/index.php?p=142 Take a radiation computer model (GCM) and remove each long-wave absorber (principally the greenhouse gases, but also clouds and aerosols) and see what difference it makes to the amount of long-wave absorbed. This gives the minimum effect from each component. The complementary calculation, using only each particular absorber in turn, gives the maximum effect. The table shows the instantaneous change in long-wave absorption when each component or combination of components is removed using the radiation code from the GISS GCM. (The source code is available for those who have the patience to get it to work). This isn't a perfect calculation but it's quick and easy and is close enough to the right answer for our purposes. The IPCC managed to conceal this in the first three assessment reports. Let's not let them get away with it in the fourth. What's to conceal? Read what I wrote. Question: I read in one of the posts that the working draft of the fourth assessment can be requested from the IPCC website by email request. But I was unable to find it on the IPCC website. Please post a link. Sorry, it's not on the IPCC web site. Sorry ain't good enough. It's not like the GW issue just emerged a month ago. They've had plenty of time to fully explain this procedure. Besides you haven't studied the TAR WG1, near as I can tell, so how would you notice any difference in the draft document? Do you intend to comment on the document? Do you? Maybe you should just take the time between now and the final release nest year to actually study some of the science. It's all been published by now. -- Eric Swanson --- E-mail address: e_swanson(at)skybest.com :-) -------------------------------------------------------------- |
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![]() Claudius Denk wrote: Sorry ain't good enough. It's not like the GW issue just emerged a month ago. They've had plenty of time to fully explain this procedure. And you have had plenty of time to learn it. More Strange Reports of Mutant Maggots Emerging From Claudius Denk Syphallitic Groin Canker Boils. BBC News story, citing a local ... alt.global-warming - May 7, 11:48 pm by Oozing Pus Claudius Denk VD Sores - 12 messages - 2 authors How can you tell the difference between a Redneck and a Right ... "Bill Ward Exxon Bumboy" wrote in news: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh - May 7, 11:40 pm by Oozing Pus Claudius Denk VD Sores - 10 messages - 4 authors GLOBAL WARMING REAL, Whitehouse Agrees with Scientists "Claudius Denk" writes: Ah, the Denk sock puppet returns. I'm really sorry to see that your McGinnn ... alt.energy - May 7, 9:50 pm by D Smith - 95 messages - 24 authors An inverted pyramid On 6 May 2006 03:08:37 -0700, "Exxon Organized Crime" sun.myung.moon@ thepopeshinesmyshoes.com wrote: H2 PV! WHy do you keep changing your name? ... sci.environment - May 7, 9:20 pm by beavith - 14 messages - 8 authors Sharing Harry Conover's Favorite Necrophilia Jokes I used to be into S & M, bestiality, and necrophilia, but then I realized I was just beating a dead horse ... -- Guy ... sci.environment - May 7, 6:28 pm by Claudius Denk Necrophilia Joke - 1 message - 1 author How contagious are Claudius Denk's bursting syphalitic boils? alt.global-warming - May 7, 3:33 pm by - 21 messages - 11 authors Call to Join Claudius Denk Brigade Gay Liberation Skinheads Oh and regarding "no gays in the skinhead movement"???? I've been to Europe and a number of the skinheads that were out and about were proudly holding hands. ... alt.politics.nationalism.white - May 7, 11:44 am by Staff003 - 16 messages - 7 authors Rita's Dumb Question -- BLOWHARD Pretendski won't shut up. this question indicates that, like myself, you are not a smart person. But that's not a problem because there are lots of smart people on this newsgroup. ... sci.environment - May 6, 11:05 pm by Exxon Organized Crime - 4 messages - 4 authors Solution to Global Warming One of the looming issues of the Global Warming debate is why CO2 is considered, "forcing," and H2O, which indisputably is involved with the vast majority of ... sci.environment - May 6, 1:00 pm by Exxon Organized Crime - 10 messages - 5 authors Global Warming Slows the Pacific Trade Winds Another successful climate model prediction. Yeah. There must be a thousand of them. Here's another. I predict it will be summer ... alt.energy - May 5, 3:30 am by Claudius Denk Gay Liberation Brigade - 5 messages - 3 authors Never explain a complex topic to a Libertarian KKK John Bircher ... sci.environment - May 4, 11:57 pm by Exxon Organized Crime - 4 messages - 4 authors Global Tragedy, Global Warming -- MORE STORMS FROM HELL -- MORE STORMS FROM HELL -- http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Worl...58788-sun.html Beijing hit by killer storm BEIJING -- Hail and rainstorms killed 12 .... alt.fan.rush-limbaugh - May 4, 8:05 pm by Rita Refugee - 16 messages - 6 authors EXXON, Koch Oil on notice: http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercu...s/14488688.htm House OKs energy price-gouging punishment H. JOSEF HEBERT Associated Press This bill is ... alt.fan.rush-limbaugh - May 4, 6:10 am by Geo - 17 messages - 5 authors KKK Harrassment -- African-American Workers Sue Employer for $175M . com: If you are so familiar with the, "specific system of interest," why don't you just straighten Alexi up ... alt.fan.rush-limbaugh - May 4, 5:04 am by Claudius Denk Gay Liberation Brigade - 7 messages - 7 authors Ku Klux Klan plans rally at Antietam . com: What level of certainty would you put on the data points prior to 1960? This ... sci.environment - May 4, 4:43 am by Claudius Denk Gay Liberation Brigade - 35 messages - 9 authors Global warming weakens Pacific trade winds -- Long-term effect ... http://msnbc.msn.com/id/12612965/ Global warming weakens Pacific trade winds Long-term effect could disrupt marine food chain NEW YORK - The trade winds in the ... alt.fan.rush-limbaugh - May 4, 12:31 am by Jim \"Claudius Denk\" McGinn - 1 message - 1 author Be Arfraid, Be VERY Afraid --- Hurricane destruction powers global ... ----- They are stunning increases that are way outside the bounds of natural variability," she said. ... alt.fan.rush-limbaugh - May 3, 11:39 pm by Claudius Denk - 2 messages - 2 authors MORE STORMS FROM HELL -- Heavy Metal Dust Storms http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/nati...7473311960.htm Dust Storm Brings Higher Density of Heavy Metals The yellow dust storm that blanketed ... sci.environment - May 3, 11:21 pm by Claudius Denk - 1 message - 1 author What'll probably happen is More Smelly Crap from O'Hara oups.com: Roger, sunspot data indicates that most of the solar radiance increase occurred before 1980 and ... sci.environment - May 3, 11:06 pm by Claudius Denk - 12 messages - 8 authors Cato Institute co-founder Charles G. Koch, and David Koch director ... news ![]() sci.environment - May 3, 10:58 pm by Claudius Denk - 10 messages - 4 authors PAID TO DENY GLOBAL WARMING! Koch" "Organized Crime". Truth can only come from those funded by Koch" "Organized Crime". There is no such living person as "Claudius Denk". This is a pseudo ... sci.environment - May 3, 9:34 pm by Claudius Denk - 15 messages - 8 authors Another nail in the coffin of AGW -- "Bill Koch" "Organized ... .... Is Beryllium a proxy for Temperature? I could find nothing that explained the significance of Be. There is no such living person as "Claudius Denk". ... sci.environment - May 3, 8:26 pm by Claudius Denk - 16 messages - 9 authors |
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In article , says...
"Eric Swanson" wrote... says... Question: I read in one of the posts that the working draft of the fourth assessment can be requested from the IPCC website by email request. But I was unable to find it on the IPCC website. Please post a link. Sorry, it's not on the IPCC web site. Sorry ain't good enough. It's not like the GW issue just emerged a month ago. They've had plenty of time to fully explain this procedure. There's no need for you to see a draft of a report when you've proven that you don't give a damn about the science by not looking at the previous work. Besides you haven't studied the TAR WG1, near as I can tell, so how would you notice any difference in the draft document? Do you intend to comment on the document? Do you? Yes, I'm considering it. -- Eric Swanson --- E-mail address: e_swanson(at)skybest.com :-) -------------------------------------------------------------- |
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