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![]() wrote in message oups.com... El Guapo wrote: So, if the planet wasn't getting warmer, would it be getting cooler? Wouldn't that also make it a "different planet than the one we know?" Or does Hansen believe that the climate would just stay the same forever, if we would just stop adding greenhouse gases? If so, has he not looked at his own charts? I think that's what bugs me the most about people like Hansen. If the global temperature was falling instead of rising, he would still be crying about how we were sliding into a new ice age, and the government was doing nothing to stop it. If there was truly no anthropogenic causation, most conservatives would have no quarrel with the evidence. Only when Man is blamed do we see their outrage. To them it's an admission that we aren't all-powerful in this world, and their egos can't handle that. They won't admit that nature is really in charge and it scares them. If an ice age was imminent and Man was not causing it, people would probably panic and head for the equator. People fear cold more than warmth and they don't understand the significant of "just a few degrees warmer." P.T. Not a few degrees, only one degree. Ever heard of objectivity. Obviously not. For me it is not an emotional issue, purely science, and science is objective. What is the margin for error in their vast array of assumptions, which actually account for only one degree increase in temp? |
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![]() "Brad Guth" wrote in message news:8c56265c04ce88229302253909700954.49644@mygate .mailgate.org... "Roger Coppock" wrote in message oups.com EARTH'S TEMPERATURE AT 12,000-YEAR HIGH!!!! EARTH'S TEMPERATURE AT HOLOCENE MAXIMUM!!!! EARTH'S TEMPERATURE WITHIN 1K OF 1,000,000-YEAR MAXIMUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what? It's only going to go all the way, and that's even if all of humanity left Earth for another planet or moon. Without us humans, it would have simply taken a few extra centuries, or possibly a few extra thousands of years, but because of our locally orbiting mascon and the IR/FIR worth of our moon that has only been with us since the last ice age, plus our badly failing magnetosphere might suggest that it doesn't really matter, or does it? Is there some remaining question that Earth is getting much hotter? (I don't think so) Is there any question that our magnetosphere has been failing us? (I don't think so) Why not focus our best talents and the few remaining resources on surviving these ongoing trends, or would you much rather die as is (dumbfounded)? - Brad Guth -- Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG Why not focus our best talents and the few remaining resources on surviving these ongoing trends, or would you much rather die as is (dumbfounded)? - Brad Guth How about finding another planet? This plante will be toast, one way or another at some point in the furure, due to one reason or another. That can not be disputed by anyone in the scientific community. |
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![]() SBC Yahoo wrote: "Brad Guth" wrote in message news:8c56265c04ce88229302253909700954.49644@mygate .mailgate.org... "Roger Coppock" wrote in message oups.com EARTH'S TEMPERATURE AT 12,000-YEAR HIGH!!!! EARTH'S TEMPERATURE AT HOLOCENE MAXIMUM!!!! EARTH'S TEMPERATURE WITHIN 1K OF 1,000,000-YEAR MAXIMUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what? It's only going to go all the way, and that's even if all of humanity left Earth for another planet or moon. Without us humans, it would have simply taken a few extra centuries, or possibly a few extra thousands of years, but because of our locally orbiting mascon and the IR/FIR worth of our moon that has only been with us since the last ice age, plus our badly failing magnetosphere might suggest that it doesn't really matter, or does it? Is there some remaining question that Earth is getting much hotter? (I don't think so) Is there any question that our magnetosphere has been failing us? (I don't think so) Why not focus our best talents and the few remaining resources on surviving these ongoing trends, or would you much rather die as is (dumbfounded)? - Brad Guth -- Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG Why not focus our best talents and the few remaining resources on surviving these ongoing trends, or would you much rather die as is (dumbfounded)? - Brad Guth How about finding another planet? This plante will be toast, one way or another at some point in the furure, due to one reason or another. That can not be disputed by anyone in the scientific community. How about the moon? It should be being warmed by the earth by this nutcases "theory". Other advantage: we could eat all we want and still weigh less. Tracy P. Hamilton |
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"Thomas Lee Elifritz" wrote in message
... El Guapo wrote: "Roger Coppock" wrote in message oups.com... EARTH'S TEMPERATURE AT 12,000-YEAR HIGH!!!! EARTH'S TEMPERATURE AT HOLOCENE MAXIMUM!!!! EARTH'S TEMPERATURE WITHIN 1K OF 1,000,000-YEAR MAXIMUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Strong El Nin~os to become permanent El Nin~o!!!!!!!!!!! AP article http://www.heraldnet.com/stories/06/...5global001.cfm The actual article in PNAS currently free to the public. http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/0606291103v1 [Note the highly unusual inclusion of political references in this scientific paper. I haven't exhaustively surveyed the history of PNAS, but l doubt the the reviewers at PNAS would have allowed this before. Science has taken the gloves off!] Global surface temperature has increased "This evidence implies that we are getting close to dangerous levels of human-made pollution," Hansen said in a statement. "If further global warming reaches 2 or 3 degrees Celsius, we will likely see changes that make Earth a different planet than the one we know. The last time it was that warm was in the middle Pliocene, about 3 million years ago, when sea level was estimated to have been about 25 meters (80 feet) higher than today," Hansen said. So, if the planet wasn't getting warmer, would it be getting cooler? Wouldn't that also make it a "different planet than the one we know?" Or does Hansen believe that the climate would just stay the same forever, if we would just stop adding greenhouse gases? If so, has he not looked at his own charts? You are imagining an ice age that is no longer going to happen. Some of us like to stick with reality, the hydrocarbon combustion, the warming. First of all, you obviously missed the point. If we somehow stopped all sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, then would it magically stop the climate from ever changing? Would the planet never change, as Hansen would apparently like us to believe? Secondly, how do you know that an ice age is not going to happen? Perhaps you can explain to me exactly what causes an ice age in the first place. Feel free to cite any scientific sources you might have. Also, if you argue that a drop in greenhouse gases is the cause, then please explain what caused the drop in greenhouse gases in the first place. I think that's what bugs me the most about people like Hansen. If the global temperature was falling instead of rising, he would still be crying about how we were sliding into a new ice age, and the government was doing nothing to stop it. The government and corporations have already stopped the ice age. That little reality thing, remember? Reality on Earth is like a powered rocket with no inertial control. Inertial control is clearly possible. Science is what makes inertial control possible. That's reality. So, no, are you still having problems with reality? Wow. Ummm... I'm not, but clearly somebody else is. |
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"SBC Yahoo" wrote in message
t How about finding another planet? This plante will be toast, one way or another at some point in the furure, due to one reason or another. That can not be disputed by anyone in the scientific community. Good point, whereas I totally agree. What we need within the next thousand years (much sooner if we get ourselves into WW-III and WW-IV) is a somewhat newish planet with unlimited natural resources, a very thick and thereby radiation protective atmosphere, and one that's situated as nearby as possible. What other planet or moon have you in mind? Got any idea as to which planet I'm thinking about? - Brad Guth -- Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG |
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wrote in message
oups.com... El Guapo wrote: So, if the planet wasn't getting warmer, would it be getting cooler? Wouldn't that also make it a "different planet than the one we know?" Or does Hansen believe that the climate would just stay the same forever, if we would just stop adding greenhouse gases? If so, has he not looked at his own charts? I think that's what bugs me the most about people like Hansen. If the global temperature was falling instead of rising, he would still be crying about how we were sliding into a new ice age, and the government was doing nothing to stop it. If there was truly no anthropogenic causation, most conservatives would have no quarrel with the evidence. Only when Man is blamed do we see their outrage. To them it's an admission that we aren't all-powerful in this world, and their egos can't handle that. They won't admit that nature is really in charge and it scares them. You are contradicting yourself. If man is causing global warming, then how is that an admission that man is not all-powerful, and that nature is in charge? Looks like evidence to the contrary to me. If an ice age was imminent and Man was not causing it, people would probably panic and head for the equator. People fear cold more than warmth and they don't understand the significant of "just a few degrees warmer." I doubt it. I don't see people who are utterly convinced that global warming will raise sea levels moving away from the coast, or rushing to move up north to get away from the rapidly rising temperatures. (Quite the opposite is happening, in fact.) |
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"Tracy P. Hamilton" wrote in message
ups.com How about the moon? It should be being warmed by the earth by this nutcases "theory". Other advantage: we could eat all we want and still weigh less. If the moon were rotating other than being tidal locked, you'd be correct about the gravitational forces at play. Since the moon isn't rotating itself so as to obtaining any significant gravitational tidal/friction energy advantages from the 2e20 joule mascon worth of Earth, whereas instead it's just the darker polluted albedo of our pillaged and raped mother Earth that'll keep the earthshine as offering a better resource of secondary IF/FIR energy that'll benefit the lunar nighttime, though unfortunately making lunar daytime somewhat worse off. Unfortunately, the rather **** poor gravity and of the rather physically dark albedo worth of that somewhat salty and otherwise mineral rich sooty moon is going to remain as a rather tough option upon the task of our artificially obtaining and sustaining any significant amount of an atmosphere (at best would most likely have to remain as comprised of those somewhat heavy and thus toxic elements). Therefore life deep underground or within large geode pockets and hollow rilles, as well as onboard the massive CM/ISS, is about the best we're ever going to accomplish with our naked and thus unavoidably anticathode moon. I'm thinking at best a few million folks might be accommodated within our moon, and perhaps a few hundred thousand could be nicely accommodated within the 1e9 m3 interior of what the CM/ISS abode and do-everything LL-1 space station depot that's tethered to the moon, as representing the lunar space elevator's top floor or penthouse (plus there'd be that nifty dipole element that's tagged onto the remote platform which might reach to within 4r of mother Earth, which could accommodate a few thousand other brave souls). Otherwise it's going to have to be the likes of our nearby Venus for all the less fortunate remainders of our dumbfounded humanity that can some how manage to stop their bigotry motivated collateral damage and fighting long enough to board the fleet of "tomcat fat waverider" spaceplanes, that'll make those relatively safe trips to/from Venus doable, as otherwise you're all pretty much screwed, and especially of those insisting upon Mars as their one and only salvation, as they'd be a whole lot better off on Titan or some other atmospherically protected though otherwise godforsaken moon. - Brad Guth -- Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG |
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"Lloyd Parker" wrote in message
That freon of R-12 is a mere drop in our global warming bucket that's not exactly helping, but it's not the primary cause by any long shot (there's not exactly a big soot factor with R-12). Actually the conversion from R-12 to the alternatives was much worse for our environment, No it wasn't, but you're loco anyway. We see that you utilize the proven Arthur Andersen and those ENRON formulas of geophysics book keeping, that which doesn't have to include any such honest birth to grave accounting, and we also see that you haven't taken any steps to answer my questions because you're nothing but another wuss of a status quo or bust liar. It takes a great deal of energy to create the likes of R-12 or even more of such energy in order to create those other freon altertnatives. Besides, what do we suppose actually happens to the surplus of replaced R-12 that has become so frealing artificially valuable to a global market? I also totally agree with the regular laws of physics, in that a dark and wavy zones of ice free water is always going to absorb and retain one heck of a lot more solar energy than snow and ice as taken at the same angle. I do believe the ratio is a good 10:1, if not greater. Where's the truth in Usenet? All I ever see is another variation of a Third Reich status quo that's 100% Skull and Bones, or bust. Obviously there are a few too many tonnes of Usenet bad guys for every gram of us good guys. What we good guys need is a serious cash of WMDs that we can deploy against those (mostly Jewish) controlling rusemasters and of their born-again resident LLPOF warlords that have not shown a speck of remorse for their past or ongoing actions. As per ususal, my warm and fuzzy though honest topics about Venus or that of our nearby orbiting mascon of a physically dark and somewhat salty moon that's offering secondary IR/FIR and via tidal friction that's roasting us to death, as well as having been radiating us with extra gamma and hard-X-rays, though oddly as an honest topic isn't hardly going anywhere because, obviously others and myself are more than sufficiently right. As such, here's another related sub-topic that's worth tossing into this Usenet naysay ring of fire. What's all this I'm hearing from our Roger Coppock? The hell you folks are saying that our own government and those nifty energy corporations are liars. My God and Christ almighty on another stick, what is this pagan global warming world of your's coming to? Obviously some of us snookered village idiots have been thinking outside the status quo box, that it's already too late, as they tend to perceive we're remaining as too addictive to the sorts of energy that's being extracted and otherwise produced via some of the dirtiest known and otherwise soot, NOx plus many other toxin producing methods. I personally think we're just downright greedy little perverted *******s that don't have a stitch of remorse, and as such really don't give a tinkers damn about others or that of our failing environment, that's only about to get yet another slap of extra cosmic and solar radiation in the face from our badly failing magnetosphere. Too bad our DNA isn't sufficiently evolving towards getting rad-hard at the same rate that some of our Republican offshore tax avoidance bank accounts are getting fat. The birth to grave cycle of global fossil energy exploitation (including yellowcake) is basically taking us into that very same grave along with our past, current and future ways that don't seem to be changing soon enough to make a difference. Instead of having been honestly investing in the future of cleaner and abundant energy, we're still investing in the dirty past that's killing us and stressing out most every other living thing on Earth. At least thus fare there's little if any evidence that we've made any improvement in the quality of life for other than whatever's on behalf of the wealthiest species of human life. I do believe this one even has our supposed environmental avenger Roger Coppock dumbfounded past the point of no return, thinking that it's all the fault of humanity, rather than primarily the matter of our somewhat recently obtained moon as having caused most of the last thaw via gravity/tidal forces plus having contributed a little extra IR/FIR to boot. Too bad so many folks like Roger can't quite manage to think inside or much less outside the cozy little box that has been orchestrated as though carefully constructed around our dumb and dumber mindsets, in that we have to believe in anything that's GOOGLE/NOVA or MI/NSA~NASA certified, and nothing else matters. "Exxon Stockholders Liable for Global Warming Damages" wrote in message HUGE MELTED LAKE IN BEAUFORT SEA! http://mygate.mailgate.org/mynews/sc...ma ilgate.org http://groups.google.com/group/sci.e...4eeb1ff70466f1 : This freshwater lake of melted ice is a thermal battery. That is, it : has absorbed 96,126,250,000 Megajoules of HEAT in the act of meting. : In order to refreeze it must emit that heat to the atmosphere. The : battery has been charged. The freshwater has a depth of 3 meters, which is too shallow not to have mixed with the brine beneath. Therefore the freezing temperature has been lowered and additional energy must be extracted from the battery before refreezing could occur. The differential is 17.7 degrees C times the volume 2.88e14 grams for an additional discharge of 5.0976e15 calories of heat energy must be emitted to the air before the lost ice is fully refrozen. The net total is 5.0976e15 plus 2.295936e16 calories = 2.805696e16 calories of heat energy released to the air. 2.805696e16 calories = 1.175066e11 MegaJoules = 117,606,600,000 MJ. 2.805696e16 calories = 1.175066e17 Joules In terms of Nukes the Fat Man and Little Boy atomic bombs (15.08e13 Joules)... ... 779 pairs of atomic bombs like Hiroshima and Nagasaki going of this winter in the Arctic. One should reasonably prepare for some energetic kinetics as a result. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaton A megaton of TNT is 4.184e15 joules = 4.184 petajoules (PJ). " This is 28 million tons of TNT set to blast. " I say that's absolutely impressive, and I'd also have to totally agree that it's all about to explode big-time in our highly bigoted, arrogant and greedy little fossil fuel burning and soot producing faces, and that's not to mention the discarded Radium from yellowcake, coal and other deep geophysical energy resources that's now extensively into our surface environment along with all of the megatonnes/year worth of NOx from hell. It's so bad off that even fish are drowning (leaving lots more room for jellyfish), yet the mainstream status quo is absolutely hell bent upon staying the course of those thousand soot and NOx producing lights. Too bad we're all too dumb and dumber, along with having been so easily snookered and subsequently dumbfounded by those folks having "the right stuff", as to even so much as realize how totally snookered and summarily dumfounded into denial we all are, and how soon some of us are going to become prematurely dead and/or seriously broke as a direct result. The likes of ExxonMobile should be damn proud of themselves, just like all of those lethal tobacco drug pushers of internal soot and of numerous carsonagenics that are currently licensed to kill, and there's absolutely no doubt that as such they're each doing just that while turning out a hefty and essentially tax-free offshore profit at the ongoing demise of others. There's next to nothing going into R&D of He3/fusion energy, or much less the worth of what the nearby moon L1 of unlimited clean energy has to offer. Even the superior terrestrial worth of wind derived energy isn't but hardly a prototype of what a serious wind turbine application has to offer, and of solar PV plus the thermal dynamic Stirling alternatives that could easily share the base/foundation of those very same wind turbine towers is apparently taboo/nondisclosure because, apparently it's all too squeaky clean and too much 100% renewable without hardly a stitch of repercussions. Basalt insulation of R-1024/m that's potentially as structural as you'd care to make it and essentially fire-proof is apparently yet another taboo/nondisclosure little tidbit of what humanity and that of our failing environment is never going to see, much less of extremely compact hybrid batteries operating on hydrogen peroxide and aluminum, or by way of better internal combustion via h2o2/c12h26 or damn near any viable combination (including h2o2/biofuels) you'd care to mix that'll represent a near zero soot factor as well as zilch worth if any NOx because, the mostly nitrogen atmosphere itself isn't getting consumed. God forbid that we should ever have a surplus of such environmentally clean energy for putting into the makings, storage and distributions of such nifty products as LH2 or h2o2, and of subsequently making the consumption of damn near everything else under the sun so much more efficient and so much cleaner, not to mention biologically and environmentally so much end-user friendly. - Brad Guth -- Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG |
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