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sci.geo.meteorology (Meteorology) (sci.geo.meteorology) For the discussion of meteorology and related topics. |
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![]() You persist? Go away. you and your made up science and contrived physics that just fits your idea. thermodynamic heat is not the same process as lasing here's a solution. get your laughable belief published. but why stop there? why not publish your perpetual motion machine plans and show us all how to trisect an angle with a compass and straight edge? sigh snip for brevity if it was lasing, you'd be dumping streams of COHERENT photons into just a few pixels. you wouldn't get photons "diffusing" over the distance form the storm to the satellite. laser reflectors on the moon accept laser shots, reflect light back to the source and only spread out by feet. Your definition is unnecessarily strict. LASER means light amplification, which we have here (that is more light than there would have been) by the stimulated emission of RADIATION (which is what the satelitte senses. "Coherency" is not technically part of the LASER definition and need not exist to have lasing -- it is strictly an artifact of the reflectivity of the sidewalls. In this case the sidewalls are imperfectly reflective so that LASING without tight coherency resulted. OK. endwall mirrors actually. now we're getting somewhere. let me be the first to tell you that there is no endwall structure in a hurricane. Actually, there is. Below the "HOT TOWER" (NASA term for these IR radiators) is water. The water reservoir on the bottom serves two principle functions, one of which is the reflective-amplifier purpose of an end-mirror in a man-made LASER. Of course if you were not a product of the republican school system of creationist science, you could see that function as obvious. The second function is less obvious, but rather than worry your pretty little head about things you will never comprehend, wouldn't you really prefer that I text-message to get you a horny congressman to take your mind off this boring science stuff? you certainly are glib for someone that is wishing something to exist. when is the last time you, or anyone, has encountered a cloudburst with mirror smooth rainfall edge, with 100% reflectivity on one side and 99% reflectivity on the other side, containing a gap at lower pressure, say 10% of atmospheric, containing only CO2, N2 and He? MIrror smoothness is not a requirement. Saturation of absorption so that reflected energy equals core energy is sufficient to contain. You keep making up rules that nature doesn't require. and you keep coming up with physical impossibilities that defy reality Nature has no brain figuring these things out how to do it most efficiently. 90% efficiency is fine, 50% efficiency is fine, 20% efficiency is fine. All it has to be is the path of least resistence, nothing more than that. You have heard of feed back -- I have photographs of feedback forcing. You don't have "coherent" theories of cyclone genesis or LASERS, so your muddy thinking riquires they meet strict definitions so your befuddled brain doesn't get all gooey and confused. This is the largest radiant event ever photographed from space on the planet Earth. Because the light energy was in the IR band, which is invisible to human eyes you get away with denying the event happened. if you just made this statement, you'd be absolutely correct, yet, you open your mouth and jam your foot in it. The only explanation on the table is feedback forcing caused a natural LASER to spontaneously form according to the Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine's theory of dissipative structures. You are bankrupt, empty, have NOTHING. To you and creationist science Je-Zeus made the storms and Je- Zeus made this one brighter than regular, end of discussion, end of thinking about it. oh yeah... what about laser quenching by O2? show me a hurricane that doesn't contain ~20% O2 even in one of your hot tower radiators? Making up more stupid rules again. Not every hurricane exhibits "hot towers", but most of them that do become stronger hurricanes. LASERs are not unique with this event, just the size of this LASER. Currently there is a storm at sea, SOULIK, a candidate to become the 32nd major hurricane in the train following Katrina 13 months ago. It exhibits lasing on the photo series. The difference is the size. https://metocph.nmci.navy.mil/jtwc/w.../wp2106web.txt 24 HRS, VALID AT: 141800Z --- 25.1N 141.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 100 KT, GUSTS 125 KT RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 035 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 035 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 035 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 035 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 150 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 140 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 140 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 145 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 025 DEG/ 08 KTS That entire storm at it's predicted peak, will fit inside the hot core of BEBINKA, fit inside the LASER core of BEBINCA. Bebinca was larger than that -- the hot core alone was 306 miles in diameter: A = Pi x r^2 = 73,542 standard miles in area. Niels Bohr stated "When experiment results conflict with theory, throw out the theory and go with experiment results". O2 would make some nasty side effects products in a electric storm, in fact it does, including O3, NOx and assorted others. YOU would not like that in your commercial lasers but nature doesn't care if it makes reaction products with energy to spare, energy to burn. Nature doesn't care about your silly rules. There it is: the photographs. Throw out the theory. The experiment is over. Nature makes CO2-H2O LASERS. your next exercise: look up and figure out a way that O2 WON'T quench any lasing. OOOOOO! there's no physical way it won't quench your bizarre CO2 H2O atmospheric laser. You just don't understand the quantum mechanics of light emission. There is nothing in quantum mechanics which requires coherency for there to be stimulated emission of radiation, nor is there any requirement in quantum mechanics that there cannot be feedback amplification without coherency. You made up a rule that doesn't exoist in the definition nor exist in physics or nature. Coherency is a secondary quality of lasers priced for it's usefulness, but it is not a mandatory part of the definition. i'll accept that. What took you so long? i was considering man made lasers, as you say, for its usefulness. Later when i provided the link for space lasers (plasma/vacuum) coherency becomes less important. still, just because you picked out a local hot spot, doesn't make it a laser. consider: build a campfire on a glacier. look down on it from a satellite. if its sensitive enough, the satellite will see a local hot spot. BAD analogy. Campfres have been elucidated, hurricanes have not. "Hot Towers" are one of the mysteries of hurricanes. Campfires are not made of 80 degrees cool lukewarm bathwater. You haven't explained th energy cycles that take a regular thunderstorm and turn it into a 70,000 square miles engine of awesome power. terrific. however, a satellite, tuned to 10.6 microns cannot tell the difference. so. tell me again. how does radiant heat equal lasing? The rainfall in BEBINCA was measured by satellites, a fleet of criss-crossing and geostationary satellites, using microwaves and infrared measuring to cross-check each other. These weather guys know how to do that even if you Je-Zeus freaks don't. The energy to evaporate water and lift it can bedetermined in reverse by the amount of rain falling that is measured. At 0.2 inches per hour over 70,000 square miles we have a ball park figure per hour, and not all of the water falls -- some stayed up in the air all the way to Valdez, Alaska, where BEBINCA dropped 9 inches, and some is still falling from those clouds in the US midwest, as snow in Chicago. These numbers are very conservative, very preliminary. The best the human race ever did was 55 megatons of TNT in a Russian bomb -- BEBINCA did a conservative 276 megatons of TNT heat energy processing. You don't have a "coherent" science description of that energy transform process. How dare you discuss "coherency" like you know anything at all about either LASERS or HURRICANES. You can't explain how tepid bathwater makes hurricanes, and without accepting nature's demonstration of CO2-H2O LASERS, you never will. you would call that a "laser?" i would call it a "campfire." yes. it would be a local IR event, but it would have nothing to do with a laser. who would be right? You would be full of the Holy Spirit or full of ****, no difference really, as you usually are. i'm not opposing anything. you have made a mistake. i'm just pointing it out. do i get to post a "rumsfield snuf flics LIES AND GOT CAUGHT" post? by all means... post that 1,000 million times. THANKS! Yes, natural formation of CO2 gas, H2O catalyst, amplification and stimulated emission of infrared light radiant energy. That's what the word "LASER" was invented to describe: L = Light, A = Amplification, S = Stimulated, E = Emission, R = Radiation. that's why i bought it up. no stimulated emission is occurring. It it is NOT stimulated, then provde an alternate explanation for what is photographed. It certainly is not a normal presence. This "abnormality" existed to be photographed because it's abnormal presense was stimulated into existence. Words actually do have meanings -- stimulated has a meaning, and I used it within the defined parameters of that meaning. You are simply denying photographic evidence and playingmutation games with words. You have no alternative decription of the causal factors producing a rare abnormality. see your tripe above. stimulated emission is required for a laser to be a laser. anything else at that frequency is just warm. All that is required is LASING. Lasers may be invisible light without heat. Heat, temperature, is no part of LASER definition. never said it was... You have no explanation for the IR raduation of BEBINCA. There it wasn't, then there it was, then there it wasn't again. Some set of factors caused emission of IR energy at outbursts not seen elsewhere before or afterwards. You don't understand those factors. EMISSION was STIMULATED as RADIATION at AMPLIFICATION levels not found in normal nature, in the form of infrared LIGHT. nothing was stimulated. the sensor was taking a reading of photons at that wavelength, as Dan says, its an IR window into the lower atmosphere. All the statement "its an IR window into the lower atmosphere" means is nothing is blocking our view of the event. The PHOTONS are the event, and the SENSOR is the witness to the event. The photons are being registered by channel 4 of the satellite precisely because the satelitte sensor was built to register exactly that wavelength. What was "sensed" was an abnormal event. Photons were recorded in volumes unprecedented. You are alleging that the photons were not STIMULATED into being present. Other than that flacid allegation you offer no explanations about what was recorded or how it came to be present to be recorded. Science is a greek to you -- freakin' magic. Your claims amount to "Jesus said 'let the be a big blob of light, and poof there was a big blob of light' ". Creation science is sooo convenient that way -- "He" has the whole world in his hands, eh? if its built to see and count photons at 10.6 microns, that's what it does. your amazingly circular reasoning has led you to believe that something exists that doesn't. BEBINCA existed, and some of it still does. You have the reality problem. what you would need to see to shut you up would be a satellite that shows a continuous spectrum. heck. you're a self-righteous netgod. search for atmospheric absorbtion wavelengths. and then match up the wavelenghts that satellites observe. are you going to say that satellites are picking up "lasing" at the other window wavelengths? The question has never come up before, has it. In most case objects are not light SOURCES, they are relectors of existing light. This was a SOURCE of light brighter than anything humans have photographed on Earth surface, possibly the brightest object and event in 50,000,000 years. Certainly brighter than standard volcano eruptions or forest fires. The Deccan Traps might have been brighter, maybe not, as they took 100,00s of thousands of years to erupt and no 70,000 square mile area may have existed at any particular year or even decade. The Alveraz Asteroid of 65mya was brighter, no doubt, but extra-terrestrial in origin. do you know the difference between brightness and lasing? you seem to have a recurring hard time with that concept. just because its "bright" doesn't make it a laser. for emission to be stimulated, you need a population inversion of the lasing species. What is needed is an excess of energy in one form convertable into a second form. The first form STIMULATES the EMISSION so that the same atoms/molecules can saturate again, and the cycle repeats as fast as the surplus incoming energy continues. There are both pulsed lasers and continuous lasers. In the present instance we have evidence of continuous operation. From your creationist science I'm sure you like to believe that output energy is created out of thin air, and "population inversion", isn't that something like "getting to the bottom of the page" as the republican congressmen say? you purport CO2. its physically impossible for a CO2 population to get organized in a hurricane. its physically impossible for any CO2 population to invert. you need to do it in a partial vacuum, with certain gases, in addition to CO2. none of those conditions were met. hence, no laser. CO2 and H2O share some radiation bands. Storms of this magnitude are characterized by the densist H2O vapor ever present on Earth normal condition, coupled with the new Global Warming densification of CO2 @ 381 ppmv. I don't exactly know how to break the news to you, what with uyour substandard Kansas MOONIE "Intelligunt Desine" creation science "ejucation", but in between the discrete particles of air there is (gasp) vacuum. Air is 99% vacuum. ahHAHAHAHAHAHA look up "mean free path". look up "speed of sound." look up "temperature." then get back to me. No thanks. you have an amazing amount of knowledge confabulated into utter nonsense. your hypothesis is 99% vacuum. You brought up vacuum. As far as light is concerned there is only two things: atoms and vacuum. Everything which is not atoms is vacuum. It really is that simple. Science has not yet experientially demonstrated that there is even one "solid" object in the universe. lets get another ahHAHAHAHAHAHAH for you. lets stay focused on lasing hurricanes. All of the requirements for LASER were satisfied. ummmm. no. no they weren't. not even close. You not only do not understand the physics of the event, you don't even understand that an event occurred. The event that you do not know occurred poured nine inches of rain on Alaska and knocked out both ends of the Alaska Pipeline, which is still throttled mostly off at this instant of time. You are simply unable to connect events travelling slowly hour by hour 5,000 miles away to be connected together. i don't care about this other stuff. its not what we are talking about. you laid out a crappy contention. its simply wrong. http://www.jumpstation.ca/recroom/co.../argument.html (The man goes into room 12A. Another man is sitting behind a desk.) Man: Is this the right room for an argument? Other Man ![]() I've told you once. Man: No you haven't! Other Man: Yes I have. Man: When? Other Man: Just now. Man: No you didn't! Other Man: Yes I did! Man: You didn't! Other Man: I did! Man: You didn't! Other Man: I'm telling you, I did! Man: You did not! Other Man: Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour? Man: Ah! (taking out his wallet and paying) Just the five minutes. Other Man: Just the five minutes. Thank you. Anyway, I did. Man: You most certainly did not! Other Man: Now let's get one thing quite clear: I most definitely told you! Man: Oh no you didn't! Other Man: Oh yes I did! Man: Oh no you didn't! Other Man: Oh yes I did! Man: Oh no you didn't! Other Man: Oh yes I did! one of my favorite Monty Python skits. of course this is more like getting "hit on the head" lessons. That's how you teach mules. Reality is harder than your head and mushy thinking -- stop hitting you head against reality. i'll say it again. the reality is that the hurricane is simply hot. there is no laser whipped up by the winds. To help poor befuddled people like you I went into my treasure trove that I have and you don't to pull out pictures of BEBINCA moving from the tropical Pacific to the Arctic. Here, you poor sap, Kansas Monkey unevolved enough to understand Human Science with your Creationist Republican "ejucation". Here's more pretty pictures for you to look at and not have a clue that they have physical reality meaning to them... http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_to_A...o_Alaska2.html A normal CO2 gas laser is a tube filled with CO2, Nitrogen and Water Vapor, to which electricity is applied. The electrons energize the Nitrogen which emits photons, which are absorbed by the CO2 through H2O catalysis, and the CO2 then spontaneously forms an emission stream. The sidewalls contain the stream of photons and a full reflector on the back forces a one-way stream through a semi-reflective front. Exactly what was seen here. ummmm. no. you need CO2, N2 and He in a reflective flow thru chamber, under a relative vacuum (10-100 torr) O2 will quench any population inversion. Not under the circumstances seen here. Laboratories have a difficulty of producing the "gigawatts" of power of natural lightening strokes, whereas tropical storms have no shortages of lightning available. What is your measurement of the "air pressure" in the passage zone of a gigawatt flow of electricity in a smal space of time? What do you think causes the "thunder" sound, if not the instantaneous creation of a violent displacement of air molecules my multi-millions of Ampreres of electrons flowing? lets stay on task here. there is no way to get CO2 to lase under the conditions of a hurricane. say it. SAY IT! that other stuff is baloney. http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/Bebinca_01.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/ioke...a_compare.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_to_A...o_Alaska2.html The thunderstorm activity provided the charges of lightening. The rainfall curtains provided a reflective sidewalls, the wet watery surface provided the impermeable rear reflector, the atmoshere donated the CO2, H2O vapor and Nitrogen gases, and Global Warming provided the base system energy. what? its an engineering project at its most simple. forming in a hurricane? cmon. Kansas Creationist Scienticklish-Flavored Denialism again. if i flap my arms hard enough i could fly? nope. lasers in hurricanes? nope. "Hot Towers" is an established cyclone terminology associated with these radiant events. The terminology is nearly a decade old at this point. The elucidation has never been achieved by applying conventional paradigms, and the internet is devoid of satisfying explanations beyond gross description of a few parameters. The "inner working" are wholely absent. You are entirely devoid of a coherent explanation, and empty of any predictive theory. You are not even capable of taking the most basic measurements off of the photographic data, as your faux paux mistaking 70,000 km^2 for 70,000 MILES^2 shows. You are simply unequipped to understand the photographic data plaqced in front of your face. and you seem heck bent on seeing something that isn't there, nor could it ever be there. let it go. just let it go. http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/Bebinca_01.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/ioke...a_compare.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_to_A...o_Alaska2.html The thing was PHOTOGRAPHED and measured up the yin-yang, you friggin' dunce. NOAA satellites provided the public, including you and me, the images, and the US Navy made their own archives as did I. Reality does not go away because you find it an inconvenient truth. science doesn't bend to your will. even if you hope real hard. Bebinca cared nothing as to whether or not you or I were watching. It obeyed the laws of physics. I witnessed the event and recorded the entire sequence using every publically available satellite channel in existence. That's why I happen to be in possession of 331 megabytes of satellite imagery on my hard drive and you possess zero bytes. GOOGLE is the impartial witness: http://snipurl.com/ys6b There are 11 links to the webpage http://ecosyn.us/1/temp_sep_06/IOKE_IR_Funktops.html going back to September 6, 2006. In fact the webpage is stored in a directory labelled "temp_sep_06". This is one full month ahead of the phenomena of Bebinca. On October 07, 2006 though most of October 08 my computer was disfunctional due to a power supply failure. During the blackout period I failed to download the 500 to 800 satellite images I normally process every day. You of course cannot supply any copies of missing data because you have none, because you don't even understand why you would need any to understand what the Earth is teaching about physics to those who look with a prepared mind. I do however have a reasonably complete collection of the aftermath of Bebinca, which drifted north off the coast of Japan, up into and across Alaska, and bent backwards south through western Canada and then preceeded easterly acroos North America. The Alaska loop caused three days of severe windstorms that coated powerline insulators wirh dust, then a rain which created a conductive mud and power failures which shut off the northern end of the Prudoe Bay Alaska Pipeline. The southern end of the pipeline was closed by flooding conditions along a 65 mile stretch, which has been cleared. The pipeline system is still partially disabled at this hour because of the remnants of Tropical Storm Bebinca. Once again I have sequential hour-by-hour photographs and you have Kansas MOONIE Creationist Denialism. Which am I going to believe -- the right-turd or my lying eyes? Until somebody shows photographic evidence differently this stands as the largest IR emitter ever photographed on planet Earth. this may be. this is the least nutty thing that you've said, so far. You are the one out of touch with physics of planet Earth. Again, no coherent alternative explanation from you, just typical republican badmouthing of science statements to discredit them. sigh for it to be a laser, it must emit coherent light by stimulated emission. science? you? cmon! http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/Bebinca_01.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/ioke...a_compare.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_to_A...o_Alaska2.html The emissions were at the top of the instrument calibrations and may have exceeded the instruments capability to record excess emissions. swamping a sensor occasionally happens. shrug turn down the gain and resample. this kind of data collection occurs all the time in digital photographic astronomy. its no big deal. What was photographed is the largest Earth-based photon event in the history of satellite photography. If you can point to a larger one, do so. Bebinca was photographed by a fleet of satellites, not just one. The Navy archives site has satellite coverage from an entire fleet of satellites sweeping the area in overlapping fashion, and this is just the public non-classified satellites. One wonders what the military saw from their more sophisticated spy satellites. 31 of the 50 States of the United States are smaller than this event in terms of Earth surface coverage. That big Ice Melt lake in the Arctic that people were recently talking about was only slightly over half the size of this CO2 LASER event, only 38,000 square miles versus 70,000 square miles. huh? despite what you believe, its not a laser. here's the only citation that i could find that discussed natural liquid lasers. natural lasers in space have been observed, but they require plasmas and vacuum conditions. http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives...4696.Ph.r.html oh yeah. in the above reference, water doesn't fluoresce, so don't bother going there. I believe you are a republican ass who doesn't understand that LASERs exist because the natural laws of physics permit them to exist. Under appropriate conditions materials will LASE naturally, whether you like it or not. You are just another stupid republican who spends too much time thinking about getting into boys behinds. and you are still a self replicating puppet master that spews nonsense. Explain why the Repig leadership didn't call the cops on Foley 3 years ago? They knew then, as WE ALL KNOW NOW that he was a sexual predator violating laws. Barney Frank, Gerry Studds, Bill Clinton.... but i'm here to poke a hole in your ridiculous contention that hurricanes spawn CO2 lasers. politics have nothing to do with your looney pseudoscience. http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/Bebinca_01.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/ioke...a_compare.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_to_A...o_Alaska2.html give it up. show how smart you are and make the admission. you'll spend hours writing this crap, calling me names (so very 4th grade, i might add) and still be wrong. Show you are capable of discussing at higher than 4th grade, right-turd. how many times have i called you names? sigh maybe you're emotionally closer to 3rd grade. |
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beavith wrote in
news ![]() You persist? Go away. you and your made up science and contrived physics that just fits your idea. 22 inches of rain in two days in Cordova, Alaska. 24 inches of snow in Buffalo, NY, both from the same storm that never even rated being called a "typhoon", whose winds never were over 50 mph. I have the physics that explain how the water got airborne and you, well you get the consolation prize of sloppy seconds on a congressional page for loyally doing you repiglican duty of mocking science. BEBINCA http://www.ktva.com/alaska/ci_4501441 Governor declares state disaster for Alaska flood damage Article Last Updated:10/16/2006 01:54:26 PM AKDT Governor Murkowski declared a state disaster Saturday for Southcentral communities hit hard by flooding. The declaration paves the way for state funding for areas including the Kenai Peninsula, Cordova, roads around McCarthy, Valdez and a stretch of the Richardson Highway. The areas were among those deluged by heavy rains that began October 8th and lasted for several days. The declaration also allows the state to seek a federal disaster declaration. Under the state declaration, the governor can spend as much as one million dollars in response and repairs. Meanwhile, as of Saturday, the Richardson Highway remains closed between mileposts 13 and 79.5. Crews with the state Department of Transportation crews, however, are escorting residents of a subdivision at milepost 19 to nearby Valdez and back at certain times. Also still closed are the Copper River Highway as well as the McCarthy Road between mileposts six and 55. http://www.ktva.com/topstory/ci_4465802 Seward Highway closed due to flooding KTVA Staff Article Last Updated:10/09/2006 12:26:26 PM AKDT Alaska State Troopers confirmed that the Seward Highway is closed at Mile 4 due to around six feet of moving water that has flooded the roadway. The water is backing up into the Seward area. An official with the Kenai Peninsula Office of Emergency Services is in Seward to access the situation. The Red Cross is setting up shelter for those stranded by the flooding. Trees knocked out the power in Seldovia and power company crews are headed there. Forecasted high winds are expected to bring down more trees. http://www.adn.com/front/story/8288797p-8185319c.html Floods force evacuations Seward stream sets a record; roads wash out; waves pound Homer Anchorage Daily News Published: October 10, 2006 Authorities evacuated dozens of homes in several Seward-area subdivisions Monday as floodwaters from a two-day deluge rose to record levels. http://today.reuters.com/news/articl...oryID=2006-10- 10T192058Z_01_N10369538_RTRIDST_0_ENERGY-ALASKA-DISRUPTION-UPDATE-1.XML UPDATE 1-Bad weather shuts Alaska oil pipeline, Prudhoe Bay Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:23pm ET144 Severe weather in Alaska caused a power failure at the giant Prudhoe Bay oil field and knocked out the communications network of the state's main oil pipeline on Tuesday, shutting down both and forcing oil producers to curtail output, industry spokesmen said. ... "The field is shut down right now, but we are hoping to have it brought back up by the end of the day," said BP Alaska spokesman Daren Beaudo. ... At the other end of the state, flooding in the port city of Valdez disrupted the telecommunications network of Alyeska Pipeline Services, the operator of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, forcing Alyeska to shut down the line as a precautionary measure, a spokesman said. http://www.ktva.com/topstory/ci_4489770 Flooding and the pipeline By Steve O'Brien, CBS 11 News Reporter Article Last Updated:10/13/2006 09:34:55 PM AKDT All week CBS 11 News has been reporting on severe flooding that has impacted parts of Alaska. Besides destruction to homes, you'll be interested to know how it affected the 800-mile pipeline. http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/story...-8188958c.html Storm isolates Valdez; floods cover Cordova RICHARDSON: Mudslides and bridge damage block highway, strand travelers. Anchorage Daily News Published: October 11, 2006 Record rainfall, mudslides and snowmelt are hammering Valdez, where breached levees Tuesday prompted the evacuation of some 200 residents, and others remained stranded after officials closed nearly 70 miles of the Richardson Highway. ... Cordova is similarly drenched. The city recorded 22 inches of rain in two days, and Mayor Tim Joyce declared a local disaster for the second time in two months due to flooding. The town of about 2,300 sits at the southeastern end of Prince William Sound, 52 air miles southeast of Valdez. "We had high waters in August that covered our city airport, washed out roads, and ... this flood this time is probably a foot and a half deeper than that," Joyce said. "Our main river and lake system in town is called Eyak Lake and Eyak River, and it's up to 50 or 100-year flood levels." The same areas devastated by the August floods -- and since repaired -- are washed out again, Joyce said. The entire 48.8 mile Copper River Highway that runs northeast from Cordova is closed, cutting Cordova off from its landfill and its hydropower plant. The city airport's runway is awash with 3 feet of water, Joyce said. Homes near 6 mile by Eyak Lake are flooded. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationwo...=la-headlines- nation Flooding on 66 Miles of Highway Isolates Alaska Oil Port of Valdez From the Associated Press October 12, 2006 ANCHORAGE — Floodwaters so severely damaged a 66-mile stretch of highway that it could be closed for up to a week, isolating the port of Valdez from the rest of Alaska, state officials said Wednesday. "There are huge washouts in the roadway and approaches to bridges," said Shannon McCarthy, a spokeswoman for the Alaska Department of Transportation. "We have debris on the road. We have mudslides. We have asphalt that's literally missing, that just washed away." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/...n2085079.shtml Buffalo Digs Out After Record Snowfall Thousands Without Power, 3 Dead, After Nearly 2 Feet Of Snow Blanketed Region BUFFALO, N.Y., Oct. 14, 2006 (CBS/AP) Residents were digging out and cleaning up Saturday after a record-breaking early snowstorm walloped the Buffalo area, leaving thousands without power and killing three people. Nearly 2 feet of snow fell in a fury of thunder and lightning Thursday night and early Friday in Buffalo's two snowiest October days since the National Weather Service began keeping track 137 years ago. The heavy, wet snow snapped tree limbs all over western New York, leaving some 341,000 homes and businesses without power. "Our street looked like it was hit by a hurricane. It looks like the apocalypse. It's unreal," said Buffalo resident Matthew Colken. "One-hundred-year-old trees are down." http://www.forbes.com/infoimaging/fe...ap3095925.html 6 Deaths Blamed on Freak Snow Storm By CAROLYN THOMPSON , 10.17.2006, 12:12 AM Four days after the record-setting snowstorm hit, nearly 200,000 homes and businesses remained without power, and a carbon monoxide poisoning from a generator was blamed for three deaths, officials said Monday. At least three other people died earlier in the storm, which dumped up to two feet of heavy snow on Buffalo and surrounding areas Thursday and Friday. Some community warming centers were filled to capacity Monday as about 195,000 remained in the dark, Mayor Byron Brown said. About 380,000 people originally lost power in the storm. http://www.daily-times.com/ci_4473749 Storms from Canada brings above-average rainfall to region 10/11/2006 12:49:21 AM MDT The Daily Times -- FARMINGTON — The unusual amount of rainfall that San Juan County received Monday night and throughout much of the week was caused by storm systems that originated in the Pacific Ocean, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). The storm systems, which are dropping down from Canada and cutting across the southernmost states, were responsible for hail and minor flooding in the county. Chief Meteorologist Charlie Lies, with the NWS in Albuquerque, said from Oct. 5 to early Tuesday afternoon, Farmington received 1.37 inches of rain. In just a few days, the amount of rain in Farmington topped the average total October rainfall. http://www.southbendtribune.com/apps...ws01/610100325 October 10. 2006 6:59AM Wintry blast to hit Michiana this week NWS warns it's winter coat weather by Wednesday. http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Cana...4/2025134.html Flooding concerns in Ontario After freak snowstorm |
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On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 06:23:55 GMT, "Weather From HELL!!! CO2 Storms!!!"
wrote: beavith wrote in news ![]() You persist? Go away. you and your made up science and contrived physics that just fits your idea. 22 inches of rain in two days in Cordova, Alaska. 24 inches of snow in Buffalo, NY, both from the same storm that never even rated being called a "typhoon", whose winds never were over 50 mph. I have the physics that explain how the water got airborne and you, well you get the consolation prize of sloppy seconds on a congressional page for loyally doing you repiglican duty of mocking science. Is this your way of saying that CO2 H2O lasers aren't generated in hurricanes? if so, you're very welcome. see? its not so bad. |
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beav wrote in
: On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 06:23:55 GMT, "Weather From HELL!!! CO2 Storms!!!" wrote: beavith wrote in news ![]() You persist? Go away. you and your made up science and contrived physics that just fits your idea. 22 inches of rain in two days in Cordova, Alaska. 24 inches of snow in Buffalo, NY, both from the same storm that never even rated being called a "typhoon", whose winds never were over 50 mph. I have the physics that explain how the water got airborne and you, well you get the consolation prize of sloppy seconds on a congressional page for loyally doing you repiglican duty of mocking science. Is this your way of saying that CO2 H2O lasers aren't generated in hurricanes? if so, you're very welcome. see? its not so bad. Try it yourself. Nature made a big throw-away LASER. It took tepid cool-lukewarm seawater cooler than your bath and blew it up into 70,000 square miles of peak diameter hot spot radiating in the IR frequency brighter than NYC, brighter than Tokyo, brighter than volcanos and forest fires, none of which are visible on the same satellite pix. It too weak density IR and AMPLIFIED it. This is IR LIGHT. The LIGHT AMPLIFICATION was STIMULATED by lightning flashes and the correct mixture of CO2-H2O vapor density. This provoked EMISSION of RADIATION which was recorded on an entire fleet of satellites in a great array of sensors and wavebands. LASER is the acronym we use for LIGHT AMPLIFICATION by the STIMULATED EMISSION of RADIATION. LASERs only exist because the laws of physics permit them to exist, because nature invented them first. That's what "physics" is all about -- learning the laws of nature and how they work, physically. This bright object, given the name Tropical Storm Bebinca, used that energy to airlift vast tonnages of water vapor very quickly. The satellites followed the cloud masses hour by hour on it's course, which passed over Cordova, Alaska, where 22 inches of rain were measured by the local weather service, and passed over Valdez, Alaska, where 9 inches of rain were recorded in about 24 hours. The southern Alaska main body of Bebinca caused massive flooding that broke 65 miles of the only highway connecting Valdez to the rest of the state. The entry into Souther Alaska displaced existing air masses northwards causing two days of duststorms, followed by an eddy of Beinca's rain to turn the dust coat into mud and short out ceramic insulatators all along the norther part of the Alaska Pipeline. This by no means depleted Bebinca's wealth of accumulated tropical moisture and the satellites continued to photograph every half hour it's dispersion over northern US, Canada, with eddies which brought a month's worth of rain to Farmington, New Mexico in one day's rainfall. Buffalo New Your received 24 inches of snow, some locally made by lake effect from Bebinca's kinetic heat energy. 6 people died in that snow. From the known measured precipitation it is known the amount of energy required to have vaporized the water in the first place. That computation confirmed that 276 megatons of TNT equivilent of heat energy were generated per peak hour in Bebinca, which burned brightly over more than a day. At it's peak emission, measurements taken from satellite photographs show that the central core laser hot spot was 306 miles in diameter, and the entirety of category-5 hurricane IOKE could fit within that hot spot. Your Kansas Creationist Science has not equipped you to recognize something different, nor to analyze it or measure it or track it or compute it's power. You flunk science and are a flunkie for criminal organized crime corporations lying while severe damages are being confirmed about the lethal effects of their products. The next page in the series will be Typhoon YAGI, which entered the continental US in late September and spawned 16 tornadoes on September 21 and 43 tornadoes on September 22. Besides BEBINCA and YAGI, there were four other Asian Pacific Typhoons which struck North America: CHANCHU, EWINIAR, SHANSHAN and IOKE Shanshan also caused tornadoes in the US. The LASER phenomena has been long known and identified as central to powerful hurricane formation and intensification, but the mechanics were not unravelled until now. Name "Hot Towers" a decade ago, they have been the object of mystery and study. Finally, it is possible to understand how tepid water makes category 5 hurricanes -- well understandable to people who understand real science, not that Sun Myung Moon "Intelligunt Desine" Creationism bull**** the GOP keeps peddling. http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/Bebinca_01.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/ioke...a_compare.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_to_A...o_Alaska2.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_into...o_Alaska2.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Arctic_Ice_Melt.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Mystery_Solv...ry_Solved.html http://ecosyn.us/1/temp_sep_06/IOKE_IR_Funktops.html http://ecosyn.us/1/temp_sep_06/IR_WEUS.html 1e-10 meters = Angstrom 1/10,000,000,000 1e-7 meters = micron, micrometer 1/1,000,000 10,000 Angstroms per micron. 21.7 CO2 molecules per micron linear spacing at 381 ppmv, = 461 Angstroms per CO2 distance apart. A photon wavelength of infrared radiation of 10.7 microns, treated as a spherical volume with the wavelength taken as diameter, follows the formula of V = 4/3 Pi x r^3 = 641.43 cubic microns, containing 6,769,010 molecules of CO2. 10.7 microns wavelength of infrared happens to be common as blackbody radiation frequency and also an absorption frequency of water vapor. H2O exists in the air in a range from 1% to 4% volume, or 10,000 to 40,000 parts per million, compared to CO2's 381 parts per million. The frequency of water vapor is therefore a range of 26 to 105 molecules of H2O per one CO2. The spherical volume of one 10.7 micron diameter IR photon then is occupied by 175,994,260 to 710,746,050 water vapor molecules in addition to the 6,769,010 molecules of CO2 in the air at S.T.P. conditions. Any object hotter than absolute zero contains heat energy, and quantum mechanics posits that energy is in whole units. That may be true as far as internal energy is concerned but there is fractional energy exchanged in collisions between kinetically energized moving atoms and molecules. It is unknown how many photons of assorted heat energy that air molecules already possess when human come to try to examine them. It may be scores or it may be millions without any means to determine which is closer to the truth. The undeniable reality is all substances in the gaseous phase contain more energy than liquid or solid forms of the same substance, and the gases of the air are very far above their evaporation points. That being said, the only one of the particles of the air commonly found in nature in the liquid state is water. The change of state of H2O from liquid to vapor is expressed in many terms: of calories, joules, BTUs, but never in numbers of IR photons or any known species of photons. Mathematically it is possible to describe the numbers of CO2 and H2O molecules inside the spherical volume of an IR photon, yet it is impossible to discuss quantum mechanics with any level of meaning for the 710 million water vapor molecules existing inside that photon volume space, each containing multiples of unknown photons of heat energy coexisting inside that same volume of space. Inside the 10.7 micron diameter sphere there may be 710 million H2O molecules plus 6.7 million CO2 molecules, but on average how many photons of energy in the 10.7 micron wavelength do they possess? Does it even matter? Of course it matters. With 710 million absorbers-emitters inside each wavelength of an IR photon there are interactions on the quantum mechanics level. Psychologically human beings are not well equipped to grasp subjects involving the very small and the very large, and even those specialists who understand one or the other fail to connect them both together. Hurricanes take tepid lukewarm waters and organize it into the largest natural force in the atmosphere. "Heat" does not exist in quantum mechanics: there are collisions, vibrations and photon emission-absorption and nothing else. Everything about hurricanes has to be explained in these three terms. No gobbedygook or jargon allowed to substitute for clear lucid description of energy flows through the system. Of these only three known mechanisms of energy transfer, photon emission-absorption is regularly photographed by satellites in Hurricane formations. The fact that it is seen at some level or another of intensity means that it cannot be disregarded. The 10.7 micron wavelength is the primary infrared detector in weather satellites observing hurricanes. One recent cyclone even stands out as unique and can only be comprehended in terms of infrared LASER emissions from a naturally-ocurring CO2-H2O laser. http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/Bebinca_01.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/ioke...a_compare.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_to_A...o_Alaska2.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_into...o_Alaska2.html |
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Retief wrote in
: On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 16:09:40 GMT, beav wrote: nice! change the newsgroup headers? whatsamatter? am i getting to you? That's the only rebuttal that the troll sometimes known as "Weather From HELL!!! CO2 Storms!!!" (and the numerous other name this individual posts under) can provide. The data does not support it, so it must redirect replies to avoid being publicly spanked. Retief The BEAV troll only posts harrassment, no coherent alternate explation for anything, so Alt.**** was the proper place to followup his thread contributions. Perhaps the RETIEF troll should go join him. I currently have 75 megabytes of data collections posted online, gathered up from every public satellite data and other supporting data center, just supporting this one point. What is "unsupported" is YOUR alternatives: (1) Nothing happened. It was filmed on a backlot in Hollywood. (2) 70,000 square miles area of the brightest infrared hot spot ever photographed on Earth is "normal" weather. (3) It didn't rain 22 inches in Cordova, Alaska, and the Alaska Pipeline was not shut down for ten hours by power outages caused by abnormal weather in both the north and south ends. (4) It wasn't unusual to see measuable snowfall in Chicago in mid-October. (5) Nothing unusual of going from short-sleeves shirt weather to 24" inches of snowfall in Buffalo in mid-October. (6) 1 through 5 above are not all one single event spread over time and space sequentially. Too bad all you have is Karl Rove's Talking Points and dick up your butt instead of science and evidence and logic and reason to bring to the discussion. You do bring a nice butt though, and I like the way you got it tattooed with Rush Limbaugh's face centered so the sphincter makes his mouth. That shows originality, for a repig, that is. http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/Bebinca_01.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca/ioke...a_compare.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_to_A...o_Alaska2.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Bebinca_into...o_Alaska2.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_5/IOKE_into_Arctic.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_5/Shanshan_Tornadoes.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Arctic_Ice_Melt.html http://ecosyn.us/Temp_4/Mystery_Solv...ry_Solved.html http://ecosyn.us/1/temp_sep_06/IOKE_IR_Funktops.html |
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