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http://www.ias.ac.in/jess/jun2008/jess177.pdf On the impact of temperature on tropospheric ozone concentration levels in urban environments E Stathopoulou1, G Mihalakakou2, M Santamouris1 and H S Bagiorgas2, 1University of Athens, Department of Physics, Division of Applied Physics, Laboratory of Meteorology, University Campus, Build. Phys. V, 157 84 Athens, Greece. 2University of Ioannina, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management, 2 G. Sepheri Str., 30100 Agrinio, Greece. The influence of temperature on tropospheric ozone (O3) concentrations in urban and photochemically polluted areas in the greater Athens region are investigated in the present study. Hourly values of the ambient air temperature used for studying the urban heat island effect in Athens were recorded at twenty-three experimental stations while ozone concentration values were measured at three of the above-mentioned stations and for a period of two years (1996–1997). The linear correlation between ozone concentration and air temperature values as well as the temporal variation of temperature and ozone concentration, for the above-mentioned experimental stations, were calculated and analysed. Moreover, a neural network approach was used for investigating the impact of temperature on the ozone concentration values over the greater Athens area. The neural network model used ambient air temperature as one of its input parameters and it was found that temperature is a predominant parameter, affecting considerably the ozone concentration values. .................. Both the aforementioned mechanisms are subject to temporal variability, e.g., the 11-year sun spot cycle significantly affects the stratospheric ozone introducing a variability of the ozone influx of approximately ±1% (WMO 2003; Grewe 2006), in the tropical troposphere the NOx and ozone concentration largely depends on the lightning produced NOx (Lelieveld and Dentener 2000; Grewe 2004). .................. 4. Concluding remarks The impact of temperature on the tropospheric ozone concentration levels in the urban area of Athens has been investigated in the present paper. For this reason, air temperature and ozone Impact of temperature on urban ozone levels 235 concentration data from several experimental stations in the greater Athens area were collected and used for performing linear correlations and temporal variation analysis. Furthermore, the analysis was enriched with a neural network method for achieving a more quantitative approach of the influence of temperature on the ozone concentration values over the greater Athens area. Ambient air temperature and NOx concentration values were mainly used as input parameters to the neural network models. The results showed that temperature is a predominant parameter, affecting considerably the ozone concentration values. References Abdul-Wahab S A and Al-Alawi S M 2002 Assessment and prediction of tropospheric ozone concentration levels using artificial neural networks; Environ. Model. Softw. 17 219–228. Barring L, Mattsso J O and Lindqvist S 1985 Canyon Geometry, street temperatures and urban heat island in Malmo, Sweden; J. Climatol. 5 433–444. Bates D 1994 The effects of ozone on plants and people; In: Chemistry of the Atmosphe Its Impact on Global Change (ed) J Calvert, (Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications) 239–244. 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