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  #1   Report Post  
Old January 24th 08, 01:52 PM posted to
SoD SoD is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Jan 2008
Posts: 1
Default a truth hidden

Earth's Core is Changing Back, and the completion of this change will
answer every
WHY and HOW; will mending Religion and Science; make matters of
Rapture a necessary Planet Evacuation, due to the Planet's end and
it’s new beginning

The design and creation of Earth's core was and is more than just a
random creation of nature. From the beginning Earth's core was
purposed for a specific celestial function, and has now begin a timely
predestined shift of it's mantle plates in the ‘at first’ gradual
return back to it's original function. Such regressing changes are
those which has off-sit increasing earthquakes, rising surface
temperature, and increasing temperature changes in ocean and sea
floors which will continue heating up until all such waters reach
boiling degrees and began to evaporate. BUT THAT’S JUST THE
BEGINNING !. The mantled core will return to such a heated state until
the very surface and crust of Earth’s surface will peel away from the
core as one would peal off the hull of an orange and cast it into
space. The Core of this Planet will become once again a temporary
supper-heated source similar to that which scientist knew had to
exist, but didn’t understand where it came from, or what it actually
was that cause the accumulation of cosmic element unto the combustion
of that big bang. This in a much much smaller since makes our solar
system ground zero for a very special work which will soon take place,
the Core will not be working alone. The last time this Core performed
these functions, Earth’s sun was born. All true historical documents
pointing to the End of Days, were records established for an evolving
mind of people that would one day seek to understand the science as to
the why and how such devastating events were to take place. All has to
do with advance technology and advanced quantum physic, but I have
come to understand that GOD is the basis of all science, without GOD
there would be no science, and it has been given me to know a little
about both. Long before Earth’s heated Mantle Core fell from a hidden
pocket of space to then temporarily appear as a fallen star, the Core
of this planet was property of an Ancient Colony and their Governing
Power Source, also referred to as a Mother Sphere; religions have
called such a source of power a GOD HEAD; Throughout this galaxy, when
Earth’s Core fell from place, many such a Mantle Cores did fall which
was recorded as the era when a tenth of stars fell from heaven; Know
the Mystery of Heaven, see behind the Veil; Long before this Mantle
Core's ignited flames did die out, and long before changes of this
Rock’s surface cooled unto tolerable degrees, and spawned life, the
Core of this planet rested as the foot to one alignment of celestial
colonies reaching through to the First Dimensional Plane of a Nine
Universal Foundation. Earth now sits in the Seventh Universal Plane
of endless darkness all things are held in place by the stabilizing
and maintaining of quantum frequencies, and this is done by ONE I
refer to as The MASTER CREATOR; Most all Souls now inhabiting this
planet, did also hold existence in a Higher Region of space associated
with this specific alignment; What many have failed to understand or
remember, is that during all early evolving of this global surface we
now call Earth, there were also the re-homesteading of many Celestial
Tribal Colonies and their associated Advanced Celestial Colonies which
were too falling from there once held higher Celestial positions
throughout the upper side of this known Universal Plane. Most such
Tribal Colonies and their associated Advanced Colonies knew nothing of
the other Tribal Colonies and their associated Advanced Colonies
before this famed falling of MAN took place, even though many
displaced Colonies falling in this region of the galaxy, were of the
same First Mother Sphere’s Governing Source of Power (GOD Head); Such
a First Mother Sphere holds many associated branched Colonies and
their Celestial alignments in place. Giant Global Spheres of each such
First Mother Sphere, stands larger than the full bulk of Earth’s sun.
Associated with each such First Mother Sphere are four smaller
Parenting Spheres resembling in size to the known Jupiter, Saturn
Uranus, and Neptune. The First Mother Sphere set in the Second
Universal Dimensional Plane, the First Parenting Sphere set in the
Third Universal Dimensional Plane, the Second Parenting Sphere set in
the Fourth Universal Plane, the Third Parenting Sphere set in the
Fifth Dimensional Plane, and the Fourth Parenting Sphere set in the
Sixth Universal Plane, as Earth is in the Seventh Universal Plane; Now
in the beginning, each of the four Parenting Spheres and their First
Mother Sphere were filled on the inside of their mass structures with
Nations of People; As inner barriers of their Sphere grew full, they
branched out in colonies supported by first a specific count of
Satellite Relay Stations which were referred to as both Cherubs and
Angels and sometimes simply the city of Angels; each Cherub and colony
were accompanied with a specific count of flying crafts referred to as
UFOs; linked to each Cherub Host was a beautiful Celestial Domed City
often referred to as a Queen‘s Ship or Mother Ship; one such City has
be referred to as the old ship of Zion; Mother Ships were also
accompanied with a specific count of flying crafts; Now linked to each
such Mother ship was a Pyramid Power Source referred to as a King Host
which sustained the very atmosphere on a flat land development; such
Flat Lands developments extended in distance the length and width of
the known State of Ohio, or larger; Such Flat Land Developments were
often referred to as Islands or a Land of Eden; In time, each
positioned group of a Cherub, a Dome City, a Pyramid King Host and a
Flat Land development were placed inside a large open pocket of space;
The Cherub and Dome City set high up in the sky of their open space,
and the Flat Land Development set inside down below; Inhibiters of the
sky were referred to as Celestials; Those below were referred to as
Tribal; A certain count of such Pockets of Open Space associated with
each Parenting Sphere and Mother Sphere, set in an alignment up
through that same first level of each a specific Dimensional Plane;
Each upper Six Dimensional Planes contain within itself four levels of
space, each level as vast as the other yet separated one from the
other by stabilized frequencies; Only by acceleration or decrease
acceleration of frequency, can a traveler enter in and out of an
associated Dimensional Level; But only by a specific Marc of quantum
Leap, or jump, can a traveler exit out and in a specific Universal
Dimensional Plane; Because of this, to make one final link which would
allow entry into an outside area there in the Seventh Universal Plane
of endless darkness, from every upper Pocket of Space, another Cherub
Satellite Relay Station was positioned therein; each these particular
kind of Cherubs were first positioned inside a Double Hull, Mirrored
Sphere, in sizes compared to Earth’s moon; Once this Cherub Satellite
became active, it’s functions began to draw and compact a specific
kind of cosmic particles into it’s outer Hull, which soon began to
overspill to collect on the outer surface of it’s Mirrored Sphere; In
this manner, the Mirrored Cherub Host developed into one specific type
of sun which has been referred to as a Beast of the Field; Also in
this manner, entry to every upper Pocket of Heaven was through this
fiery blazing sun mass; Only if a traveler knew the upper Colony’s
coded accelerated frequency marc, could a traveler acquire that
quantum leap jump, before the sun would trap them in the gravitation
pull of it’s fiery blaze; Such frequency codes would first activate
the Cherub Relay Station inside the Mirrored sun core, which would
simultaneously activate the Cherub Relay Station setting in an upper
Pocket of Heaven, this would produce a safe portal passage. Now as to
establish ground first throughout lower levels of each Parenting
Sphere and their Mother Sphere’s specific Dimensional Plane, in
process of time there was also linked in a downward direction, one
particular and very large Satellite Relay Station which has been
referred to as both an Archangel Host and a Lord God Host, these were
also accompanied with a specific count of flying crafts; many of these
crafts have also been referred to as angels; all Archangel’s Celestial
Hosts, sit below their Parenting Sphere in that Second Level of their
specific Dimensional Plane; Then linked below each such Archangel
Satellite Host, was a large Kingdom Domain which floated in a size
compared to New Hampshire; one such large Kingdom has been referred to
as both New Jerusalem, and a Mother Ship because of it‘s slow
mobility; this Host set in the Third Level of a same specific
Dimensional Plane; It was this such Domain which held docking bays for
144,000 flying Crafts; Now linked to each such Large Kingdom Domain,
was one Large Lunar Facility in similar size of Earth’s Moon; this
Celestial Colony also had their specific count of flying Crafts, all
of which set in the Fourth Level of a same Dimensional Plane; Now to
make one final link which would allow entry into an outside area there
in the Seventh Universal Plane, from each Parenting Sphere and First
Mother Sphere Dimensional Level, a Mantle Core Facility was created;
yet it was to remain hidden from outside view in the Seventh Plan, by
being tucked in a fold of space; Now when functions of the Mantle Core
was activated, just as a magnet would draw metallic grains from
behind a thin panel, so did the super heated Mantle Core draw cosmic
particles to accumulate in one place form behind it’s fold in space;
in this manner the Mantle Core Facility caused to developed their own
specific type of sun mass; Now to give order and control to the
accumulating cosmic elements, and to produce a hidden portal passage
up to the Cherub which set above the Mantle Core, where a second coded
frequency was needed to activate the Cherub there in the Fourth Level
where the Cherub of a Lunar Colony resided, a Cherub was also placed
in the vicinity of accumulating cosmic particles that soon developed
into another sort of sun mass; it was these particular sun masses
which were referred to as a Beast of the Earth; This title was given
mainly because the Core Facility on a timely basis, would eject a
forceful spew of black ash; this was a potent by product, known as
Dehydrated Plasma; such a product was referred to as earth; and such a
potent earth byproduct, was subdued and captured by works of Celestial
Colonies; such a potent by-product was used to produce power
facilities for many different designs of manufactured celestial Hosts;
some designs depending on their functions were referred to in their
simplicity as man, woman, witches and so one; Yet also because of
inner functions of the Core Facility, there would be forceful
ejection by periodical eruptions of lava which solidified into barren
heated land; for this reason the Core was also referred to as a rock;
then this rock once it fell from place was referred to as simply
planet of Earth; Now with this brief history of Celestial matters, we
can understand better, what is referred to as the Fall of Man; Many
Celestial Hosts and their attending Colonies, were cut off in order to
keep from contaminating their Parenting God Head Source. This was done
because they themselves had become contaminated through the action of
ONE. This was held in record by the story of Adam and Eve; Here was
the falling from place of one group which included an Archangel
Satellite Relay Station and Colony, a Domain Kingdom and Nation, a
Lunar Facility and Colony, a Giant Pyramid Host whose base could cover
the territory of Texas, and the Mantle Core of Earth; But when this
ONE particular disobedient Colony associated with a specific Pocket of
Space there in the Sixth Dimensional Plane, being the One which had
enticed such ill deeds causing such devastating contamination, all
that was of this Celestial Colony’s Pocket of Heaven were cast from
high position; their King Pyramid and Colony, their mobile Domed City,
and their upper area‘s Satellite Cherub, all fell through space and
time down through to the first Level of the Eighth Dimensional Plane
which holds Levels referred to as Hell, Hades, and the fiery furnace;
their mobile crafts and flying craft set up residence within the
Seventh Dimensional Plane; their associated Mirrored Satellite Cherub
fell from it’s Mirrored Domain inside the sun and was dismantled; it‘s
central power source of a Dielectric Sphere was set in orbit as to
diffuse it‘s state of accelerated plasma which had been unethically
manufactured producing an uncommonly high frequency; in fact it’s
unorthodox compound of accelerated plasma, had produced a sun mass
which carried a much higher frequency than any Beast or sun mass of
the Field; Being that releasing such an accelerated compound of Plasma
Energy compressed inside a Dielectric Sphere, which was contained
under great pressure and cold fusion. The releasing of this product
would cause the Dielectric Sphere and it’s remaining detached
framework, to venture in a vast circling orbit until it‘s plasmatomic
core life had ended, such a atomic facility powered the resources of
the Dielectric Sphere and was part of it‘s framework; This was kept in
records known as the serpent called the devil cast from heaven; yet
this celestial object has also been referred to as a comet. Now the
very diffusing of these accelerated ions falling though space from
such a high level, caused in itself a greater degree of contamination
by falling ions being absorbed through the interchanging of particle
streams which linked one Pyramid Power Source with their Parenting
Sources throughout different alignments of celestial colonies. Here
was the falling from place of many Celestial Colonies associated with
Pocket’s of Heaven; Here were the falling out of place of Flat Land
Developments and their Tribal Colonies, of Pyramid King Power Sources,
Domed Cities, Lunar Facilities, and Cherub Satellite Hosts, and all
their Mobil and flying Crafts; Keeping things in perspective; Fallen
Celestial and Tribal Colonies are different from colonies of the
Neanderthal man. These were spawned due to the blending of the complex
cosmic compounds. One being a green fluid released during
decontamination of a specific inner Core Facility; one being the
jettison black ash spew of dehydrated Plasma also released from a
specific inner Core Facility and falling back to the outer surface of
the Rock; and a third was a sparkling quantity of Electrical Charged
Plasma falling down from overhead onto the now planet of Earth; such
falling of charged particles had took place during the decontamination
process of an Archangel Satellite Relay Station’s Dielectric Sphere;
This had occurred during the time planets were much closer together,
and during the era associated with that famed fall of MAN. Individual
groups of the Neanderthal man were nurtured in separate tribal areas,
they were overseen by individually established Advanced Celestial
Colonies. In time through process of reincarnation, descendants of the
Neanderthal and celestials would walk in a same similar appearance. Up
until now, developments of upper celestial colonies and all works of
their advanced technology, were kept secret from surface matters of
this planet. Again stepping back a little. over time, advanced
Colonies which had re-established their homesteading in both nearby
scattered areas and in alignments above Earth, were aware their Power
Facilities were continuing in their loss of energy. Such energy
sustained the very mobility and cloaking barrier which kept hidden
each their Mobile Crafts from outside view. As powers sources
deplenished of their plasma compound, frequencies fell; as frequencies
fell, structures once hidden in their Pockets of Space, now fell from
inside to continue their fall through time and space; Also during the
era, Celestial Colonies fell from inside their Pocket of Space,
associated Tribal Colonies yet atop their Flat Land Developments, also
fell from place, yet they and the very land of soil they once stood on
in higher place, was the very land of soil which settled atop the
early evolving Planet of Earth; During this era of the Fall, Pyramids
of their Exotic materials failing in frequency acceleration, lowered
themselves and their attached Lands from upper positions, to settle
their richly flourishing soil atop the surface of this newly evolving
Planet. Gradually all structures of what Celestial Worlds contained
became temporarily visible to residence outside the realm of now
settled flourishing Lands of Soil; beyond the scope of celestial
Lands, eyes could only see barren Earthly surroundings. Now as time
past, it was during the purging of each such Pyramid’s inner
plasmatomic reactor core, and Dielectric Field containing a quantity
of accelerated Plasma Energy which was now referred to as the
Pyramid’s Eye; During the purging process, a back-up of associated
minerals filled every open area of the Pyramid’s inner structural
design; After such a purging, and the solidifying of minerals, the
actual Structure of each Exotic Pyramid, continuing in it’s frequency
de-acceleration, did vanish from view to set in what is referred to as
the first level of the Eighth Dimensional Plane; some refer to this
zone as the first level of Hell or purgatory. As Exotic Structure of
each Pyramid vanished from the surface of this planet, each left
behind a molded cast of their inner structures, one such casting is
now referred to as the Sphinx. This marked the era when Gods became
Kings, and the era when their were giants (structural Hosts of UFOs)
in the Land. Now that the very foundation of many Celestial Colonies
and their Lands had fallen from higher celestial place, their Flying
Crafts and mystical Cities had to be put on a sort of sleep mode to
reserve energy. Only a few Celestial Colony members at a time were
chosen to remain active crewmembers. Minds or Souls of the remainder
of a Celestial Colony were put in a collective of ‘accelerated stasis’
inside a specific power source of a Central Dielectric Sphere which
was also designed for this purpose. It was also in this manner a
specific count of the Tribal Colonies could live out tribal lives in
their surrounding regions, while others rested in accelerated stasis
of their specific Dielectric Spheres. It was one of these such
Mystical Spheres which have been referred to as the Bosom of Father
Abraham; It would be at the point of disembodiedment, that a mind or
Soul would be drawn back into, their specific Dielectric Sphere for
such periods during accelerated stasis. This would allow a Mind or
Soul which was already in stasis to be reincarnated as a tribal
member; Such matters of reincarnation were kept in similar order even
before the falling from place. Such a Dielectric Sphere ranges from
twelve inches in diameter or smaller, to fifty feet in diameter and
larger, depending on the size of the Craft or Power Facility. Some
Crafts were as large as known Cities, and some Power Facilities stood
as tall as one fourth the width of Earth‘s moon. Many smaller
Dielectric spheres being fifty feet in diameter, were those associated
with the Eye of smaller sized Pyramid Power Sources like the sphinx.
Other Larger Dielectric Spheres will sit as large as Earth’s moon.
Now, as all fallen Facilities began to deplenish of power, some
smaller facilities hid themselves in mountains, some in the ocean.
Frameworks of Larger Crafts were dissembled and laid in different
places; once dismantled, a few of the mammoth size Spheres rested as
moons and small planets; during these days solar systems became known
was waste areas. Colonies were to wait for the automatic replenishing
of a specific Pure Plasma Compound, unmixed with the electron element
referred to as the (sin product). Such a Plasma Compound contaminated
with the electron, would not be able to accelerated to a specific Marc
necessary to quantum leap outside this the Seventh Universal Plane.
But now as time had past, unknowingly to those celestial colonies of
advanced technology who had established themselves in, around and
about this planet, this same colony who had cause long ago enticed the
devastating Falling from place, came from a far; This wicked Colony
portrayed to have come from outside this Seventh Universal Plane,
offering advances of their technology for the benefit of all celestial
colonies associated with this Planet as well as for the good benefit
of surface humanity. When they actually had a very devious plan in
play. Offering great advantages, this wicked colony secretly
engineered a power facility using an unorthodox technology for the
purpose of using a much heavier accelerated hydrogen gas. One part of
their power facilities was adapted to facilities already on the moon
unknowingly to many humankind; the other was attached to facilities
already positioned below ocean waters as to abstract hydrogen ions
from the Earth’s Core. With all things in place a powerful traction
beam was activated from this colony‘s associated giant “cathode
satellite”, that same once dismantled Cherub which had be put on a
vast voyage during the diffusing of their plasmatomic core, and the
decompressing of it’s Dielectric Sphere’s plasma energy under cold
fusion; Most all celestial colonies associated with planet of Earth
had believed these visitors to be representatives from outside this
the seventh Universal Plane, and associated with their original
Parenting Source of Power; and One who was to return them back to
their original Higher positions from which they had long since fallen
from. But on that day, the beam was activated, the invisible ray was
used to widen a rip in a matrix of time, in order to pull out this
colony’s associated ancient pyramid power source from the back side of
the Universal Foundation from which it had been banished long long
before. But the celestial people believed that this pyramid host was
their new power source in which they were to draw from; and to
further fool the celestial people associated with planet of Earth, a
switch of it’s powerful dielectric sphere functioning as this
pyramid’s eye, had already took place. Such a secretive switch of such
a powerful head part, caused the celestial people to believe this
pyramid host was the same pyramid host which had previously been
deactivated of it’s plasmatomic core and previously drained of it’s
Dielectric Sphere’s Plasma compound, was now rejuvenated and
resurrected. For this deceitful reason as the ancient pyramid host was
being tractioned out from the back side, most all celestial people
attuned their power facilities to the reception of this particular
pyramid by way of the cathode satellite, and once the pyramid
initiated it’s velocity spin unto marc of quantum leap, it did sit
highest up in the top of this Seventh Universal Plane far out in
space; in this manner the ancient pyramid power facility became king
and god to the celestial people. Now Up until a short time ago, this
cathode satellite which set far out in space appearing as a twinkling
star, had continued to draw it‘s power from Earth’s Core by means of
their adapted facility positioned on Earth’s moon. Having altered the
original power facilities on the moon and the one at Earth’s Core,
they reversed all polarities of the energy beam which linked the moon
with Earth’s Core (through the Bermuda triangle). This in itself not
only changed the Frequency of Earth’s ozone layer, it also severed the
original alignment of celestial colonies which had already been
established. These for a very long time were lost in space and time.
This is how planet of Earth had become linked with the aligned
colonies held under bondage by these of the wicked colony, and so was
then the government of the United States. Yes there have been war in
heaven, but the wicked colony prevailed, until now; Earth Core is
changing, it’s mantled plates have self started in a new arrangement,
which is cutting off the unorthodox usage of it‘s accelerated hydrogen
ions. For this reason all associated with the celestial alignment of
this wicked colony will fall from their position. This in itself is
both good and bad for the people associated with the Earth’s Core.
Because of this, Earth as we know it, will soon be no more, BUT both
the celestial people associated with planet of Earth, and the surface
dwellers of Earth, will soon be in a new and perfect place.
evelyn garrett
15806 Winding Moss-B
Houston Texas 77060

  #2   Report Post  
Old January 24th 08, 02:47 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Dec 2004
Posts: 4,411
Default Yer wot?

Care to try that with some paragraph spacings?
  #3   Report Post  
Old January 24th 08, 03:35 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Oct 2006
Posts: 85
Default Yer wot?

On Thu, 24 Jan 2008 06:47:40 -0800 (PST), Weatherlawyer

Care to try that with some paragraph spacings?

Well done, you have achieved a 9.95 on the Weatherlawyer Idiocy scale.

Regards, Paul Herber, Sandrila Ltd.
  #5   Report Post  
Old January 24th 08, 06:39 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Dec 2007
Posts: 342
Default a truth hidden

Get a life !

SoD wrote:
Earth's Core is Changing Back, and the completion of this change will
answer every
WHY and HOW; will mending Religion and Science; make matters of
Rapture a necessary Planet Evacuation, due to the Planet's end and
it’s new beginning

The design and creation of Earth's core was and is more than just a
random creation of nature. From the beginning Earth's core was
purposed for a specific celestial function, and has now begin a timely
predestined shift of it's mantle plates in the ‘at first’ gradual
return back to it's original function. Such regressing changes are
those which has off-sit increasing earthquakes, rising surface
temperature, and increasing temperature changes in ocean and sea
floors which will continue heating up until all such waters reach
boiling degrees and began to evaporate. BUT THAT’S JUST THE
BEGINNING !. The mantled core will return to such a heated state until
the very surface and crust of Earth’s surface will peel away from the
core as one would peal off the hull of an orange and cast it into
space. The Core of this Planet will become once again a temporary
supper-heated source similar to that which scientist knew had to
exist, but didn’t understand where it came from, or what it actually
was that cause the accumulation of cosmic element unto the combustion
of that big bang. This in a much much smaller since makes our solar
system ground zero for a very special work which will soon take place,
the Core will not be working alone. The last time this Core performed
these functions, Earth’s sun was born. All true historical documents
pointing to the End of Days, were records established for an evolving
mind of people that would one day seek to understand the science as to
the why and how such devastating events were to take place. All has to
do with advance technology and advanced quantum physic, but I have
come to understand that GOD is the basis of all science, without GOD
there would be no science, and it has been given me to know a little
about both. Long before Earth’s heated Mantle Core fell from a hidden
pocket of space to then temporarily appear as a fallen star, the Core
of this planet was property of an Ancient Colony and their Governing
Power Source, also referred to as a Mother Sphere; religions have
called such a source of power a GOD HEAD; Throughout this galaxy, when
Earth’s Core fell from place, many such a Mantle Cores did fall which
was recorded as the era when a tenth of stars fell from heaven; Know
the Mystery of Heaven, see behind the Veil; Long before this Mantle
Core's ignited flames did die out, and long before changes of this
Rock’s surface cooled unto tolerable degrees, and spawned life, the
Core of this planet rested as the foot to one alignment of celestial
colonies reaching through to the First Dimensional Plane of a Nine
Universal Foundation. Earth now sits in the Seventh Universal Plane
of endless darkness all things are held in place by the stabilizing
and maintaining of quantum frequencies, and this is done by ONE I
refer to as The MASTER CREATOR; Most all Souls now inhabiting this
planet, did also hold existence in a Higher Region of space associated
with this specific alignment; What many have failed to understand or
remember, is that during all early evolving of this global surface we
now call Earth, there were also the re-homesteading of many Celestial
Tribal Colonies and their associated Advanced Celestial Colonies which
were too falling from there once held higher Celestial positions
throughout the upper side of this known Universal Plane. Most such
Tribal Colonies and their associated Advanced Colonies knew nothing of
the other Tribal Colonies and their associated Advanced Colonies
before this famed falling of MAN took place, even though many
displaced Colonies falling in this region of the galaxy, were of the
same First Mother Sphere’s Governing Source of Power (GOD Head); Such
a First Mother Sphere holds many associated branched Colonies and
their Celestial alignments in place. Giant Global Spheres of each such
First Mother Sphere, stands larger than the full bulk of Earth’s sun.
Associated with each such First Mother Sphere are four smaller
Parenting Spheres resembling in size to the known Jupiter, Saturn
Uranus, and Neptune. The First Mother Sphere set in the Second
Universal Dimensional Plane, the First Parenting Sphere set in the
Third Universal Dimensional Plane, the Second Parenting Sphere set in
the Fourth Universal Plane, the Third Parenting Sphere set in the
Fifth Dimensional Plane, and the Fourth Parenting Sphere set in the
Sixth Universal Plane, as Earth is in the Seventh Universal Plane; Now
in the beginning, each of the four Parenting Spheres and their First
Mother Sphere were filled on the inside of their mass structures with
Nations of People; As inner barriers of their Sphere grew full, they
branched out in colonies supported by first a specific count of
Satellite Relay Stations which were referred to as both Cherubs and
Angels and sometimes simply the city of Angels; each Cherub and colony
were accompanied with a specific count of flying crafts referred to as
UFOs; linked to each Cherub Host was a beautiful Celestial Domed City
often referred to as a Queen‘s Ship or Mother Ship; one such City has
be referred to as the old ship of Zion; Mother Ships were also
accompanied with a specific count of flying crafts; Now linked to each
such Mother ship was a Pyramid Power Source referred to as a King Host
which sustained the very atmosphere on a flat land development; such
Flat Lands developments extended in distance the length and width of
the known State of Ohio, or larger; Such Flat Land Developments were
often referred to as Islands or a Land of Eden; In time, each
positioned group of a Cherub, a Dome City, a Pyramid King Host and a
Flat Land development were placed inside a large open pocket of space;
The Cherub and Dome City set high up in the sky of their open space,
and the Flat Land Development set inside down below; Inhibiters of the
sky were referred to as Celestials; Those below were referred to as
Tribal; A certain count of such Pockets of Open Space associated with
each Parenting Sphere and Mother Sphere, set in an alignment up
through that same first level of each a specific Dimensional Plane;
Each upper Six Dimensional Planes contain within itself four levels of
space, each level as vast as the other yet separated one from the
other by stabilized frequencies; Only by acceleration or decrease
acceleration of frequency, can a traveler enter in and out of an
associated Dimensional Level; But only by a specific Marc of quantum
Leap, or jump, can a traveler exit out and in a specific Universal
Dimensional Plane; Because of this, to make one final link which would
allow entry into an outside area there in the Seventh Universal Plane
of endless darkness, from every upper Pocket of Space, another Cherub
Satellite Relay Station was positioned therein; each these particular
kind of Cherubs were first positioned inside a Double Hull, Mirrored
Sphere, in sizes compared to Earth’s moon; Once this Cherub Satellite
became active, it’s functions began to draw and compact a specific
kind of cosmic particles into it’s outer Hull, which soon began to
overspill to collect on the outer surface of it’s Mirrored Sphere; In
this manner, the Mirrored Cherub Host developed into one specific type
of sun which has been referred to as a Beast of the Field; Also in
this manner, entry to every upper Pocket of Heaven was through this
fiery blazing sun mass; Only if a traveler knew the upper Colony’s
coded accelerated frequency marc, could a traveler acquire that
quantum leap jump, before the sun would trap them in the gravitation
pull of it’s fiery blaze; Such frequency codes would first activate
the Cherub Relay Station inside the Mirrored sun core, which would
simultaneously activate the Cherub Relay Station setting in an upper
Pocket of Heaven, this would produce a safe portal passage. Now as to
establish ground first throughout lower levels of each Parenting
Sphere and their Mother Sphere’s specific Dimensional Plane, in
process of time there was also linked in a downward direction, one
particular and very large Satellite Relay Station which has been
referred to as both an Archangel Host and a Lord God Host, these were
also accompanied with a specific count of flying crafts; many of these
crafts have also been referred to as angels; all Archangel’s Celestial
Hosts, sit below their Parenting Sphere in that Second Level of their
specific Dimensional Plane; Then linked below each such Archangel
Satellite Host, was a large Kingdom Domain which floated in a size
compared to New Hampshire; one such large Kingdom has been referred to
as both New Jerusalem, and a Mother Ship because of it‘s slow
mobility; this Host set in the Third Level of a same specific
Dimensional Plane; It was this such Domain which held docking bays for
144,000 flying Crafts; Now linked to each such Large Kingdom Domain,
was one Large Lunar Facility in similar size of Earth’s Moon; this
Celestial Colony also had their specific count of flying Crafts, all
of which set in the Fourth Level of a same Dimensional Plane; Now to
make one final link which would allow entry into an outside area there
in the Seventh Universal Plane, from each Parenting Sphere and First
Mother Sphere Dimensional Level, a Mantle Core Facility was created;
yet it was to remain hidden from outside view in the Seventh Plan, by
being tucked in a fold of space; Now when functions of the Mantle Core
was activated, just as a magnet would draw metallic grains from
behind a thin panel, so did the super heated Mantle Core draw cosmic
particles to accumulate in one place form behind it’s fold in space;
in this manner the Mantle Core Facility caused to developed their own
specific type of sun mass; Now to give order and control to the
accumulating cosmic elements, and to produce a hidden portal passage
up to the Cherub which set above the Mantle Core, where a second coded
frequency was needed to activate the Cherub there in the Fourth Level
where the Cherub of a Lunar Colony resided, a Cherub was also placed
in the vicinity of accumulating cosmic particles that soon developed
into another sort of sun mass; it was these particular sun masses
which were referred to as a Beast of the Earth; This title was given
mainly because the Core Facility on a timely basis, would eject a
forceful spew of black ash; this was a potent by product, known as
Dehydrated Plasma; such a product was referred to as earth; and such a
potent earth byproduct, was subdued and captured by works of Celestial
Colonies; such a potent by-product was used to produce power
facilities for many different designs of manufactured celestial Hosts;
some designs depending on their functions were referred to in their
simplicity as man, woman, witches and so one; Yet also because of
inner functions of the Core Facility, there would be forceful
ejection by periodical eruptions of lava which solidified into barren
heated land; for this reason the Core was also referred to as a rock;
then this rock once it fell from place was referred to as simply
planet of Earth; Now with this brief history of Celestial matters, we
can understand better, what is referred to as the Fall of Man; Many
Celestial Hosts and their attending Colonies, were cut off in order to
keep from contaminating their Parenting God Head Source. This was done
because they themselves had become contaminated through the action of
ONE. This was held in record by the story of Adam and Eve; Here was
the falling from place of one group which included an Archangel
Satellite Relay Station and Colony, a Domain Kingdom and Nation, a
Lunar Facility and Colony, a Giant Pyramid Host whose base could cover
the territory of Texas, and the Mantle Core of Earth; But when this
ONE particular disobedient Colony associated with a specific Pocket of
Space there in the Sixth Dimensional Plane, being the One which had
enticed such ill deeds causing such devastating contamination, all
that was of this Celestial Colony’s Pocket of Heaven were cast from
high position; their King Pyramid and Colony, their mobile Domed City,
and their upper area‘s Satellite Cherub, all fell through space and
time down through to the first Level of the Eighth Dimensional Plane
which holds Levels referred to as Hell, Hades, and the fiery furnace;
their mobile crafts and flying craft set up residence within the
Seventh Dimensional Plane; their associated Mirrored Satellite Cherub
fell from it’s Mirrored Domain inside the sun and was dismantled; it‘s
central power source of a Dielectric Sphere was set in orbit as to
diffuse it‘s state of accelerated plasma which had been unethically
manufactured producing an uncommonly high frequency; in fact it’s
unorthodox compound of accelerated plasma, had produced a sun mass
which carried a much higher frequency than any Beast or sun mass of
the Field; Being that releasing such an accelerated compound of Plasma
Energy compressed inside a Dielectric Sphere, which was contained
under great pressure and cold fusion. The releasing of this product
would cause the Dielectric Sphere and it’s remaining detached
framework, to venture in a vast circling orbit until it‘s plasmatomic
core life had ended, such a atomic facility powered the resources of
the Dielectric Sphere and was part of it‘s framework; This was kept in
records known as the serpent called the devil cast from heaven; yet
this celestial object has also been referred to as a comet. Now the
very diffusing of these accelerated ions falling though space from
such a high level, caused in itself a greater degree of contamination
by falling ions being absorbed through the interchanging of particle
streams which linked one Pyramid Power Source with their Parenting
Sources throughout different alignments of celestial colonies. Here
was the falling from place of many Celestial Colonies associated with
Pocket’s of Heaven; Here were the falling out of place of Flat Land
Developments and their Tribal Colonies, of Pyramid King Power Sources,
Domed Cities, Lunar Facilities, and Cherub Satellite Hosts, and all
their Mobil and flying Crafts; Keeping things in perspective; Fallen
Celestial and Tribal Colonies are different from colonies of the
Neanderthal man. These were spawned due to the blending of the complex
cosmic compounds. One being a green fluid released during
decontamination of a specific inner Core Facility; one being the
jettison black ash spew of dehydrated Plasma also released from a
specific inner Core Facility and falling back to the outer surface of
the Rock; and a third was a sparkling quantity of Electrical Charged
Plasma falling down from overhead onto the now planet of Earth; such
falling of charged particles had took place during the decontamination
process of an Archangel Satellite Relay Station’s Dielectric Sphere;
This had occurred during the time planets were much closer together,
and during the era associated with that famed fall of MAN. Individual
groups of the Neanderthal man were nurtured in separate tribal areas,
they were overseen by individually established Advanced Celestial
Colonies. In time through process of reincarnation, descendants of the
Neanderthal and celestials would walk in a same similar appearance. Up
until now, developments of upper celestial colonies and all works of
their advanced technology, were kept secret from surface matters of
this planet. Again stepping back a little. over time, advanced
Colonies which had re-established their homesteading in both nearby
scattered areas and in alignments above Earth, were aware their Power
Facilities were continuing in their loss of energy. Such energy
sustained the very mobility and cloaking barrier which kept hidden
each their Mobile Crafts from outside view. As powers sources
deplenished of their plasma compound, frequencies fell; as frequencies
fell, structures once hidden in their Pockets of Space, now fell from
inside to continue their fall through time and space; Also during the
era, Celestial Colonies fell from inside their Pocket of Space,
associated Tribal Colonies yet atop their Flat Land Developments, also
fell from place, yet they and the very land of soil they once stood on
in higher place, was the very land of soil which settled atop the
early evolving Planet of Earth; During this era of the Fall, Pyramids
of their Exotic materials failing in frequency acceleration, lowered
themselves and their attached Lands from upper positions, to settle
their richly flourishing soil atop the surface of this newly evolving
Planet. Gradually all structures of what Celestial Worlds contained
became temporarily visible to residence outside the realm of now
settled flourishing Lands of Soil; beyond the scope of celestial
Lands, eyes could only see barren Earthly surroundings. Now as time
past, it was during the purging of each such Pyramid’s inner
plasmatomic reactor core, and Dielectric Field containing a quantity
of accelerated Plasma Energy which was now referred to as the
Pyramid’s Eye; During the purging process, a back-up of associated
minerals filled every open area of the Pyramid’s inner structural
design; After such a purging, and the solidifying of minerals, the
actual Structure of each Exotic Pyramid, continuing in it’s frequency
de-acceleration, did vanish from view to set in what is referred to as
the first level of the Eighth Dimensional Plane; some refer to this
zone as the first level of Hell or purgatory. As Exotic Structure of
each Pyramid vanished from the surface of this planet, each left
behind a molded cast of their inner structures, one such casting is
now referred to as the Sphinx. This marked the era when Gods became
Kings, and the era when their were giants (structural Hosts of UFOs)
in the Land. Now that the very foundation of many Celestial Colonies
and their Lands had fallen from higher celestial place, their Flying
Crafts and mystical Cities had to be put on a sort of sleep mode to
reserve energy. Only a few Celestial Colony members at a time were
chosen to remain active crewmembers. Minds or Souls of the remainder
of a Celestial Colony were put in a collective of ‘accelerated stasis’
inside a specific power source of a Central Dielectric Sphere which
was also designed for this purpose. It was also in this manner a
specific count of the Tribal Colonies could live out tribal lives in
their surrounding regions, while others rested in accelerated stasis
of their specific Dielectric Spheres. It was one of these such
Mystical Spheres which have been referred to as the Bosom of Father
Abraham; It would be at the point of disembodiedment, that a mind or
Soul would be drawn back into, their specific Dielectric Sphere for
such periods during accelerated stasis. This would allow a Mind or
Soul which was already in stasis to be reincarnated as a tribal
member; Such matters of reincarnation were kept in similar order even
before the falling from place. Such a Dielectric Sphere ranges from
twelve inches in diameter or smaller, to fifty feet in diameter and
larger, depending on the size of the Craft or Power Facility. Some
Crafts were as large as known Cities, and some Power Facilities stood
as tall as one fourth the width of Earth‘s moon. Many smaller
Dielectric spheres being fifty feet in diameter, were those associated
with the Eye of smaller sized Pyramid Power Sources like the sphinx.
Other Larger Dielectric Spheres will sit as large as Earth’s moon.
Now, as all fallen Facilities began to deplenish of power, some
smaller facilities hid themselves in mountains, some in the ocean.
Frameworks of Larger Crafts were dissembled and laid in different
places; once dismantled, a few of the mammoth size Spheres rested as
moons and small planets; during these days solar systems became known
was waste areas. Colonies were to wait for the automatic replenishing
of a specific Pure Plasma Compound, unmixed with the electron element
referred to as the (sin product). Such a Plasma Compound contaminated
with the electron, would not be able to accelerated to a specific Marc
necessary to quantum leap outside this the Seventh Universal Plane.
But now as time had past, unknowingly to those celestial colonies of
advanced technology who had established themselves in, around and
about this planet, this same colony who had cause long ago enticed the
devastating Falling from place, came from a far; This wicked Colony
portrayed to have come from outside this Seventh Universal Plane,
offering advances of their technology for the benefit of all celestial
colonies associated with this Planet as well as for the good benefit
of surface humanity. When they actually had a very devious plan in
play. Offering great advantages, this wicked colony secretly
engineered a power facility using an unorthodox technology for the
purpose of using a much heavier accelerated hydrogen gas. One part of
their power facilities was adapted to facilities already on the moon
unknowingly to many humankind; the other was attached to facilities
already positioned below ocean waters as to abstract hydrogen ions
from the Earth’s Core. With all things in place a powerful traction
beam was activated from this colony‘s associated giant “cathode
satellite”, that same once dismantled Cherub which had be put on a
vast voyage during the diffusing of their plasmatomic core, and the
decompressing of it’s Dielectric Sphere’s plasma energy under cold
fusion; Most all celestial colonies associated with planet of Earth
had believed these visitors to be representatives from outside this
the seventh Universal Plane, and associated with their original
Parenting Source of Power; and One who was to return them back to
their original Higher positions from which they had long since fallen
from. But on that day, the beam was activated, the invisible ray was
used to widen a rip in a matrix of time, in order to pull out this
colony’s associated ancient pyramid power source from the back side of
the Universal Foundation from which it had been banished long long
before. But the celestial people believed that this pyramid host was
their new power source in which they were to draw from; and to
further fool the celestial people associated with planet of Earth, a
switch of it’s powerful dielectric sphere functioning as this
pyramid’s eye, had already took place. Such a secretive switch of such
a powerful head part, caused the celestial people to believe this
pyramid host was the same pyramid host which had previously been
deactivated of it’s plasmatomic core and previously drained of it’s
Dielectric Sphere’s Plasma compound, was now rejuvenated and
resurrected. For this deceitful reason as the ancient pyramid host was
being tractioned out from the back side, most all celestial people
attuned their power facilities to the reception of this particular
pyramid by way of the cathode satellite, and once the pyramid
initiated it’s velocity spin unto marc of quantum leap, it did sit
highest up in the top of this Seventh Universal Plane far out in
space; in this manner the ancient pyramid power facility became king
and god to the celestial people. Now Up until a short time ago, this
cathode satellite which set far out in space appearing as a twinkling
star, had continued to draw it‘s power from Earth’s Core by means of
their adapted facility positioned on Earth’s moon. Having altered the
original power facilities on the moon and the one at Earth’s Core,
they reversed all polarities of the energy beam which linked the moon
with Earth’s Core (through the Bermuda triangle). This in itself not
only changed the Frequency of Earth’s ozone layer, it also severed the
original alignment of celestial colonies which had already been
established. These for a very long time were lost in space and time.
This is how planet of Earth had become linked with the aligned
colonies held under bondage by these of the wicked colony, and so was
then the government of the United States. Yes there have been war in
heaven, but the wicked colony prevailed, until now; Earth Core is
changing, it’s mantled plates have self started in a new arrangement,
which is cutting off the unorthodox usage of it‘s accelerated hydrogen
ions. For this reason all associated with the celestial alignment of
this wicked colony will fall from their position. This in itself is
both good and bad for the people associated with the Earth’s Core.
Because of this, Earth as we know it, will soon be no more, BUT both
the celestial people associated with planet of Earth, and the surface
dwellers of Earth, will soon be in a new and perfect place.
evelyn garrett
15806 Winding Moss-B
Houston Texas 77060

Joe Egginton
175m asl

  #6   Report Post  
Old January 24th 08, 06:43 PM posted to
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"SoD" wrote in message
Earth's Core is Changing Back


So no chance of a cold February, then?

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl

  #7   Report Post  
Old January 25th 08, 08:19 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Oct 2004
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Joe Egginton wrote:

Get a life !

Thanks for reissuing the crud!

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman, not newsboy.
"What use is happiness? It can't buy you money." [Chic Murray, 1919-85]
  #8   Report Post  
Old January 25th 08, 10:38 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Dec 2007
Posts: 342
Default a truth hidden

Not at all my pleasure.

Graham P Davis wrote:
Joe Egginton wrote:

Get a life !

Thanks for reissuing the crud!

SoD wrote:
Earth's Core is Changing Back, and the completion of this change will
answer every
WHY and HOW; will mending Religion and Science; make matters of
Rapture a necessary Planet Evacuation, due to the Planet's end and
it’s new beginning

The design and creation of Earth's core was and is more than just a
random creation of nature. From the beginning Earth's core was
purposed for a specific celestial function, and has now begin a timely
predestined shift of it's mantle plates in the ‘at first’ gradual
return back to it's original function. Such regressing changes are
those which has off-sit increasing earthquakes, rising surface
temperature, and increasing temperature changes in ocean and sea
floors which will continue heating up until all such waters reach
boiling degrees and began to evaporate. BUT THAT’S JUST THE
BEGINNING !. The mantled core will return to such a heated state until
the very surface and crust of Earth’s surface will peel away from the
core as one would peal off the hull of an orange and cast it into
space. The Core of this Planet will become once again a temporary
supper-heated source similar to that which scientist knew had to
exist, but didn’t understand where it came from, or what it actually
was that cause the accumulation of cosmic element unto the combustion
of that big bang. This in a much much smaller since makes our solar
system ground zero for a very special work which will soon take place,
the Core will not be working alone. The last time this Core performed
these functions, Earth’s sun was born. All true historical documents
pointing to the End of Days, were records established for an evolving
mind of people that would one day seek to understand the science as to
the why and how such devastating events were to take place. All has to
do with advance technology and advanced quantum physic, but I have
come to understand that GOD is the basis of all science, without GOD
there would be no science, and it has been given me to know a little
about both. Long before Earth’s heated Mantle Core fell from a hidden
pocket of space to then temporarily appear as a fallen star, the Core
of this planet was property of an Ancient Colony and their Governing
Power Source, also referred to as a Mother Sphere; religions have
called such a source of power a GOD HEAD; Throughout this galaxy, when
Earth’s Core fell from place, many such a Mantle Cores did fall which
was recorded as the era when a tenth of stars fell from heaven; Know
the Mystery of Heaven, see behind the Veil; Long before this Mantle
Core's ignited flames did die out, and long before changes of this
Rock’s surface cooled unto tolerable degrees, and spawned life, the
Core of this planet rested as the foot to one alignment of celestial
colonies reaching through to the First Dimensional Plane of a Nine
Universal Foundation. Earth now sits in the Seventh Universal Plane
of endless darkness all things are held in place by the stabilizing
and maintaining of quantum frequencies, and this is done by ONE I
refer to as The MASTER CREATOR; Most all Souls now inhabiting this
planet, did also hold existence in a Higher Region of space associated
with this specific alignment; What many have failed to understand or
remember, is that during all early evolving of this global surface we
now call Earth, there were also the re-homesteading of many Celestial
Tribal Colonies and their associated Advanced Celestial Colonies which
were too falling from there once held higher Celestial positions
throughout the upper side of this known Universal Plane. Most such
Tribal Colonies and their associated Advanced Colonies knew nothing of
the other Tribal Colonies and their associated Advanced Colonies
before this famed falling of MAN took place, even though many
displaced Colonies falling in this region of the galaxy, were of the
same First Mother Sphere’s Governing Source of Power (GOD Head); Such
a First Mother Sphere holds many associated branched Colonies and
their Celestial alignments in place. Giant Global Spheres of each such
First Mother Sphere, stands larger than the full bulk of Earth’s sun.
Associated with each such First Mother Sphere are four smaller
Parenting Spheres resembling in size to the known Jupiter, Saturn
Uranus, and Neptune. The First Mother Sphere set in the Second
Universal Dimensional Plane, the First Parenting Sphere set in the
Third Universal Dimensional Plane, the Second Parenting Sphere set in
the Fourth Universal Plane, the Third Parenting Sphere set in the
Fifth Dimensional Plane, and the Fourth Parenting Sphere set in the
Sixth Universal Plane, as Earth is in the Seventh Universal Plane; Now
in the beginning, each of the four Parenting Spheres and their First
Mother Sphere were filled on the inside of their mass structures with
Nations of People; As inner barriers of their Sphere grew full, they
branched out in colonies supported by first a specific count of
Satellite Relay Stations which were referred to as both Cherubs and
Angels and sometimes simply the city of Angels; each Cherub and colony
were accompanied with a specific count of flying crafts referred to as
UFOs; linked to each Cherub Host was a beautiful Celestial Domed City
often referred to as a Queen‘s Ship or Mother Ship; one such City has
be referred to as the old ship of Zion; Mother Ships were also
accompanied with a specific count of flying crafts; Now linked to each
such Mother ship was a Pyramid Power Source referred to as a King Host
which sustained the very atmosphere on a flat land development; such
Flat Lands developments extended in distance the length and width of
the known State of Ohio, or larger; Such Flat Land Developments were
often referred to as Islands or a Land of Eden; In time, each
positioned group of a Cherub, a Dome City, a Pyramid King Host and a
Flat Land development were placed inside a large open pocket of space;
The Cherub and Dome City set high up in the sky of their open space,
and the Flat Land Development set inside down below; Inhibiters of the
sky were referred to as Celestials; Those below were referred to as
Tribal; A certain count of such Pockets of Open Space associated with
each Parenting Sphere and Mother Sphere, set in an alignment up
through that same first level of each a specific Dimensional Plane;
Each upper Six Dimensional Planes contain within itself four levels of
space, each level as vast as the other yet separated one from the
other by stabilized frequencies; Only by acceleration or decrease
acceleration of frequency, can a traveler enter in and out of an
associated Dimensional Level; But only by a specific Marc of quantum
Leap, or jump, can a traveler exit out and in a specific Universal
Dimensional Plane; Because of this, to make one final link which would
allow entry into an outside area there in the Seventh Universal Plane
of endless darkness, from every upper Pocket of Space, another Cherub
Satellite Relay Station was positioned therein; each these particular
kind of Cherubs were first positioned inside a Double Hull, Mirrored
Sphere, in sizes compared to Earth’s moon; Once this Cherub Satellite
became active, it’s functions began to draw and compact a specific
kind of cosmic particles into it’s outer Hull, which soon began to
overspill to collect on the outer surface of it’s Mirrored Sphere; In
this manner, the Mirrored Cherub Host developed into one specific type
of sun which has been referred to as a Beast of the Field; Also in
this manner, entry to every upper Pocket of Heaven was through this
fiery blazing sun mass; Only if a traveler knew the upper Colony’s
coded accelerated frequency marc, could a traveler acquire that
quantum leap jump, before the sun would trap them in the gravitation
pull of it’s fiery blaze; Such frequency codes would first activate
the Cherub Relay Station inside the Mirrored sun core, which would
simultaneously activate the Cherub Relay Station setting in an upper
Pocket of Heaven, this would produce a safe portal passage. Now as to
establish ground first throughout lower levels of each Parenting
Sphere and their Mother Sphere’s specific Dimensional Plane, in
process of time there was also linked in a downward direction, one
particular and very large Satellite Relay Station which has been
referred to as both an Archangel Host and a Lord God Host, these were
also accompanied with a specific count of flying crafts; many of these
crafts have also been referred to as angels; all Archangel’s Celestial
Hosts, sit below their Parenting Sphere in that Second Level of their
specific Dimensional Plane; Then linked below each such Archangel
Satellite Host, was a large Kingdom Domain which floated in a size
compared to New Hampshire; one such large Kingdom has been referred to
as both New Jerusalem, and a Mother Ship because of it‘s slow
mobility; this Host set in the Third Level of a same specific
Dimensional Plane; It was this such Domain which held docking bays for
144,000 flying Crafts; Now linked to each such Large Kingdom Domain,
was one Large Lunar Facility in similar size of Earth’s Moon; this
Celestial Colony also had their specific count of flying Crafts, all
of which set in the Fourth Level of a same Dimensional Plane; Now to
make one final link which would allow entry into an outside area there
in the Seventh Universal Plane, from each Parenting Sphere and First
Mother Sphere Dimensional Level, a Mantle Core Facility was created;
yet it was to remain hidden from outside view in the Seventh Plan, by
being tucked in a fold of space; Now when functions of the Mantle Core
was activated, just as a magnet would draw metallic grains from
behind a thin panel, so did the super heated Mantle Core draw cosmic
particles to accumulate in one place form behind it’s fold in space;
in this manner the Mantle Core Facility caused to developed their own
specific type of sun mass; Now to give order and control to the
accumulating cosmic elements, and to produce a hidden portal passage
up to the Cherub which set above the Mantle Core, where a second coded
frequency was needed to activate the Cherub there in the Fourth Level
where the Cherub of a Lunar Colony resided, a Cherub was also placed
in the vicinity of accumulating cosmic particles that soon developed
into another sort of sun mass; it was these particular sun masses
which were referred to as a Beast of the Earth; This title was given
mainly because the Core Facility on a timely basis, would eject a
forceful spew of black ash; this was a potent by product, known as
Dehydrated Plasma; such a product was referred to as earth; and such a
potent earth byproduct, was subdued and captured by works of Celestial
Colonies; such a potent by-product was used to produce power
facilities for many different designs of manufactured celestial Hosts;
some designs depending on their functions were referred to in their
simplicity as man, woman, witches and so one; Yet also because of
inner functions of the Core Facility, there would be forceful
ejection by periodical eruptions of lava which solidified into barren
heated land; for this reason the Core was also referred to as a rock;
then this rock once it fell from place was referred to as simply
planet of Earth; Now with this brief history of Celestial matters, we
can understand better, what is referred to as the Fall of Man; Many
Celestial Hosts and their attending Colonies, were cut off in order to
keep from contaminating their Parenting God Head Source. This was done
because they themselves had become contaminated through the action of
ONE. This was held in record by the story of Adam and Eve; Here was
the falling from place of one group which included an Archangel
Satellite Relay Station and Colony, a Domain Kingdom and Nation, a
Lunar Facility and Colony, a Giant Pyramid Host whose base could cover
the territory of Texas, and the Mantle Core of Earth; But when this
ONE particular disobedient Colony associated with a specific Pocket of
Space there in the Sixth Dimensional Plane, being the One which had
enticed such ill deeds causing such devastating contamination, all
that was of this Celestial Colony’s Pocket of Heaven were cast from
high position; their King Pyramid and Colony, their mobile Domed City,
and their upper area‘s Satellite Cherub, all fell through space and
time down through to the first Level of the Eighth Dimensional Plane
which holds Levels referred to as Hell, Hades, and the fiery furnace;
their mobile crafts and flying craft set up residence within the
Seventh Dimensional Plane; their associated Mirrored Satellite Cherub
fell from it’s Mirrored Domain inside the sun and was dismantled; it‘s
central power source of a Dielectric Sphere was set in orbit as to
diffuse it‘s state of accelerated plasma which had been unethically
manufactured producing an uncommonly high frequency; in fact it’s
unorthodox compound of accelerated plasma, had produced a sun mass
which carried a much higher frequency than any Beast or sun mass of
the Field; Being that releasing such an accelerated compound of Plasma
Energy compressed inside a Dielectric Sphere, which was contained
under great pressure and cold fusion. The releasing of this product
would cause the Dielectric Sphere and it’s remaining detached
framework, to venture in a vast circling orbit until it‘s plasmatomic
core life had ended, such a atomic facility powered the resources of
the Dielectric Sphere and was part of it‘s framework; This was kept in
records known as the serpent called the devil cast from heaven; yet
this celestial object has also been referred to as a comet. Now the
very diffusing of these accelerated ions falling though space from
such a high level, caused in itself a greater degree of contamination
by falling ions being absorbed through the interchanging of particle
streams which linked one Pyramid Power Source with their Parenting
Sources throughout different alignments of celestial colonies. Here
was the falling from place of many Celestial Colonies associated with
Pocket’s of Heaven; Here were the falling out of place of Flat Land
Developments and their Tribal Colonies, of Pyramid King Power Sources,
Domed Cities, Lunar Facilities, and Cherub Satellite Hosts, and all
their Mobil and flying Crafts; Keeping things in perspective; Fallen
Celestial and Tribal Colonies are different from colonies of the
Neanderthal man. These were spawned due to the blending of the complex
cosmic compounds. One being a green fluid released during
decontamination of a specific inner Core Facility; one being the
jettison black ash spew of dehydrated Plasma also released from a
specific inner Core Facility and falling back to the outer surface of
the Rock; and a third was a sparkling quantity of Electrical Charged
Plasma falling down from overhead onto the now planet of Earth; such
falling of charged particles had took place during the decontamination
process of an Archangel Satellite Relay Station’s Dielectric Sphere;
This had occurred during the time planets were much closer together,
and during the era associated with that famed fall of MAN. Individual
groups of the Neanderthal man were nurtured in separate tribal areas,
they were overseen by individually established Advanced Celestial
Colonies. In time through process of reincarnation, descendants of the
Neanderthal and celestials would walk in a same similar appearance. Up
until now, developments of upper celestial colonies and all works of
their advanced technology, were kept secret from surface matters of
this planet. Again stepping back a little. over time, advanced
Colonies which had re-established their homesteading in both nearby
scattered areas and in alignments above Earth, were aware their Power
Facilities were continuing in their loss of energy. Such energy
sustained the very mobility and cloaking barrier which kept hidden
each their Mobile Crafts from outside view. As powers sources
deplenished of their plasma compound, frequencies fell; as frequencies
fell, structures once hidden in their Pockets of Space, now fell from
inside to continue their fall through time and space; Also during the
era, Celestial Colonies fell from inside their Pocket of Space,
associated Tribal Colonies yet atop their Flat Land Developments, also
fell from place, yet they and the very land of soil they once stood on
in higher place, was the very land of soil which settled atop the
early evolving Planet of Earth; During this era of the Fall, Pyramids
of their Exotic materials failing in frequency acceleration, lowered
themselves and their attached Lands from upper positions, to settle
their richly flourishing soil atop the surface of this newly evolving
Planet. Gradually all structures of what Celestial Worlds contained
became temporarily visible to residence outside the realm of now
settled flourishing Lands of Soil; beyond the scope of celestial
Lands, eyes could only see barren Earthly surroundings. Now as time
past, it was during the purging of each such Pyramid’s inner
plasmatomic reactor core, and Dielectric Field containing a quantity
of accelerated Plasma Energy which was now referred to as the
Pyramid’s Eye; During the purging process, a back-up of associated
minerals filled every open area of the Pyramid’s inner structural
design; After such a purging, and the solidifying of minerals, the
actual Structure of each Exotic Pyramid, continuing in it’s frequency
de-acceleration, did vanish from view to set in what is referred to as
the first level of the Eighth Dimensional Plane; some refer to this
zone as the first level of Hell or purgatory. As Exotic Structure of
each Pyramid vanished from the surface of this planet, each left
behind a molded cast of their inner structures, one such casting is
now referred to as the Sphinx. This marked the era when Gods became
Kings, and the era when their were giants (structural Hosts of UFOs)
in the Land. Now that the very foundation of many Celestial Colonies
and their Lands had fallen from higher celestial place, their Flying
Crafts and mystical Cities had to be put on a sort of sleep mode to
reserve energy. Only a few Celestial Colony members at a time were
chosen to remain active crewmembers. Minds or Souls of the remainder
of a Celestial Colony were put in a collective of ‘accelerated stasis’
inside a specific power source of a Central Dielectric Sphere which
was also designed for this purpose. It was also in this manner a
specific count of the Tribal Colonies could live out tribal lives in
their surrounding regions, while others rested in accelerated stasis
of their specific Dielectric Spheres. It was one of these such
Mystical Spheres which have been referred to as the Bosom of Father
Abraham; It would be at the point of disembodiedment, that a mind or
Soul would be drawn back into, their specific Dielectric Sphere for
such periods during accelerated stasis. This would allow a Mind or
Soul which was already in stasis to be reincarnated as a tribal
member; Such matters of reincarnation were kept in similar order even
before the falling from place. Such a Dielectric Sphere ranges from
twelve inches in diameter or smaller, to fifty feet in diameter and
larger, depending on the size of the Craft or Power Facility. Some
Crafts were as large as known Cities, and some Power Facilities stood
as tall as one fourth the width of Earth‘s moon. Many smaller
Dielectric spheres being fifty feet in diameter, were those associated
with the Eye of smaller sized Pyramid Power Sources like the sphinx.
Other Larger Dielectric Spheres will sit as large as Earth’s moon.
Now, as all fallen Facilities began to deplenish of power, some
smaller facilities hid themselves in mountains, some in the ocean.
Frameworks of Larger Crafts were dissembled and laid in different
places; once dismantled, a few of the mammoth size Spheres rested as
moons and small planets; during these days solar systems became known
was waste areas. Colonies were to wait for the automatic replenishing
of a specific Pure Plasma Compound, unmixed with the electron element
referred to as the (sin product). Such a Plasma Compound contaminated
with the electron, would not be able to accelerated to a specific Marc
necessary to quantum leap outside this the Seventh Universal Plane.
But now as time had past, unknowingly to those celestial colonies of
advanced technology who had established themselves in, around and
about this planet, this same colony who had cause long ago enticed the
devastating Falling from place, came from a far; This wicked Colony
portrayed to have come from outside this Seventh Universal Plane,
offering advances of their technology for the benefit of all celestial
colonies associated with this Planet as well as for the good benefit
of surface humanity. When they actually had a very devious plan in
play. Offering great advantages, this wicked colony secretly
engineered a power facility using an unorthodox technology for the
purpose of using a much heavier accelerated hydrogen gas. One part of
their power facilities was adapted to facilities already on the moon
unknowingly to many humankind; the other was attached to facilities
already positioned below ocean waters as to abstract hydrogen ions
from the Earth’s Core. With all things in place a powerful traction
beam was activated from this colony‘s associated giant “cathode
satellite”, that same once dismantled Cherub which had be put on a
vast voyage during the diffusing of their plasmatomic core, and the
decompressing of it’s Dielectric Sphere’s plasma energy under cold
fusion; Most all celestial colonies associated with planet of Earth
had believed these visitors to be representatives from outside this
the seventh Universal Plane, and associated with their original
Parenting Source of Power; and One who was to return them back to
their original Higher positions from which they had long since fallen
from. But on that day, the beam was activated, the invisible ray was
used to widen a rip in a matrix of time, in order to pull out this
colony’s associated ancient pyramid power source from the back side of
the Universal Foundation from which it had been banished long long
before. But the celestial people believed that this pyramid host was
their new power source in which they were to draw from; and to
further fool the celestial people associated with planet of Earth, a
switch of it’s powerful dielectric sphere functioning as this
pyramid’s eye, had already took place. Such a secretive switch of such
a powerful head part, caused the celestial people to believe this
pyramid host was the same pyramid host which had previously been
deactivated of it’s plasmatomic core and previously drained of it’s
Dielectric Sphere’s Plasma compound, was now rejuvenated and
resurrected. For this deceitful reason as the ancient pyramid host was
being tractioned out from the back side, most all celestial people
attuned their power facilities to the reception of this particular
pyramid by way of the cathode satellite, and once the pyramid
initiated it’s velocity spin unto marc of quantum leap, it did sit
highest up in the top of this Seventh Universal Plane far out in
space; in this manner the ancient pyramid power facility became king
and god to the celestial people. Now Up until a short time ago, this
cathode satellite which set far out in space appearing as a twinkling
star, had continued to draw it‘s power from Earth’s Core by means of
their adapted facility positioned on Earth’s moon. Having altered the
original power facilities on the moon and the one at Earth’s Core,
they reversed all polarities of the energy beam which linked the moon
with Earth’s Core (through the Bermuda triangle). This in itself not
only changed the Frequency of Earth’s ozone layer, it also severed the
original alignment of celestial colonies which had already been
established. These for a very long time were lost in space and time.
This is how planet of Earth had become linked with the aligned
colonies held under bondage by these of the wicked colony, and so was
then the government of the United States. Yes there have been war in
heaven, but the wicked colony prevailed, until now; Earth Core is
changing, it’s mantled plates have self started in a new arrangement,
which is cutting off the unorthodox usage of it‘s accelerated hydrogen
ions. For this reason all associated with the celestial alignment of
this wicked colony will fall from their position. This in itself is
both good and bad for the people associated with the Earth’s Core.
Because of this, Earth as we know it, will soon be no more, BUT both
the celestial people associated with planet of Earth, and the surface
dwellers of Earth, will soon be in a new and perfect place.
evelyn garrett
15806 Winding Moss-B
Houston Texas 77060

Joe Egginton
175m asl

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