For some weeks now I had noticed that in some of the Russian, and ex- Russian states, max/min temperatures, snow depth, rainfall and sunshine seemed to be missing. On close investigation I noticed that for many the climatic (333) reporting times had changed, so I wasn't picking them up. I dare say there are some errors, but I have now tried to capture these and at the same time review the reporting lists, which now have many more locations. There are also a few new ones in the European section.
One other thing I have tried to do, which wasn't as straight forward as originally thought, was to draw a line of longitude at 60°, basically along the Ural Mountains. So in the European lists I have Russian locations to the west of 60° long and in the Asian lists 60° east. In doing so you will find that some of the old russian states have been swapped from either Asia or Europe to more or less fit in with this idea.
I have just implemented these changes for both the European Reports and Asian Reports for the 26th December, the 25th is still as before, but you will be able to see the differences. Must admit, with the Russian reports, the lists do seem endless.
I haven't changed my original idea of having a whole days reports in one file to give at a glance a quick overall picture of what weathers be going on around the World.
Keith (Southend)
"Weather Home & Abroad"