The Death-knell of the 'Global-warming' scandal is now here - by Piers Corbyn
Thanks to systematically honest work by Climate Realists - who are nothing to do with the Co2-Warmist gravy train (or luke-warmist muddle-think) - the desperate industrial scale climate data fraud perpetrated by the self-serving CO2-warmist empire is now laid bare and excellently summarized in a superb piece:-
It is not surpising our #ClimateTruth campaign trips to the BBC HQ were so unwelcome by the BBC-MetO bishops of Climate fraud religion; see NEWS pieces:-
2 Dec 2014 WeatherAction News No 44 BBC HQ RealityCheck Protest Leaflet
07 Jan 2015 WeatherAction News No 03 #ClimateTruth #NHSWinter event at BBCHQ
A vital next step in our campaign to bring science back into science must be to get to the bottom of data fraud in the 'holiest' and most obfuscated of data sets, the CET (Central England Temperatures), which appears to depend on various dodgy adjustments including urban effect under-allowances.
The politically most shamful aspect of the whole Climate Fraud scandal is that all the major political parties (UKIP excepted) sing from the same mendacious hym sheet. The communists and socialists who gave their all in the inter-war years to bring objective science to the service of the greater good are turning in their graves. They see 'Left-Greens' serving the interests of the top 1% of super-rich who are creaming cash in on the back of carbon trading, energy price hikes, bio-fuels, wind-farm subsidies, nuke-power subsidies, cretinous 'save-the-planet' projects, Eu handouts and so on. They must be bought to account.