Sorry, but I ask you. There are articles and posts flying around the internet at the moment and our own Del Boy Dawlish has already linked one in his post
'Interesting concept. Did 'early' CO2 increases save humanity from an ice age?'
No doubt the story from MIT will be used to say how wicked greedy humans preventing the globe from getting the ice age it deserves.. Imagine the struggle to survive for many marine and land based animals in a full scale period of glaciation. A period like that would see many humans perish as will as severely incapacitation any life on earth, yet if the human release of C02 is so effective at warming our atmosphere as the AGW proponent keep saying then we have just seen a momentous miracle if the glaciation period has been delayed and we should all be celebrating as we would be if a massive asteroid had just missed our planet.
But we won't see that , we will see people saying that humans have affected the atmosphere and denied all life freezing to death over a huge swathe of land mass across the globe.
The whole thing is absolutely bizarre with thes people.